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Increasing the Dependability of Internet-of-Thi...

April 01, 2022

Increasing the Dependability of Internet-of-Things Systems in the context of End-User Development Environments

The ubiquitousness of computing, known as Internet-of-Things (IoT), has reshaped the way people interact with the physical world. However, the scale, distribution — both logical and geographical –, density, heterogeneity, interdependence, and {quality-of-service} requirements of these systems make them complex, posing several challenges from both operational and development viewpoints.

While there is a consensus that the widely used software engineering practices are inadequate for IoT development, they remain the go-to solutions for most practitioners. This aspect has severely compromised their dependability, centralizing most of the computation of these (soft) real-time systems in cloud infrastructure. Likewise, as these systems scale in terms of devices and applications, it outreaches existing technical resources to manage and operate them, becoming of paramount importance, making them as most self-managed as possible while empowering the ability of system operators (including end-users) to configure and understand them — mainly using solutions that do not require high technical expertise, viz. low-code development solutions — including the configuration of fail-safe measures.

This dissertation’s primary focus is to research how to improve the current status quo on the dependability of IoT. However, this is a manifold endeavor: (1) what are the best practices for developing IoT dependably, and what is their scientific soundness, (2) do the current solutions give the fundamental building blocks that allow to design and construct dependable systems, and, if not, what contributions are needed to overcome the existing limitations, and, lastly, (3) giving that these systems are operated by humans with limited technical expertise, it is required that their users can use and configure them without compromising their correct operation. As we set ourselves to tackle these challenges, we claim that:

It is possible to enrich IoT-focused end-user development environments in such a way that the resulting systems have a higher dependability degree, with the lowest impact on the know-how of the (end-)users.

As preliminary research, to understand what end-users want to automate and how they wish to perform such automations, a study was carried to collect automation scenarios. These scenarios showcased the complexity of the automations that some end-users want to perform and the interdependencies between different information sources, devices, and persons. It also supported the view that some of the appliances that end-users want to automate can have nefarious effects if a malfunction happens or a misconfiguration is performed.

We followed extensive literature research and experimental process to mine a set of patterns that can be used to improve IoT systems by making them more dependable, documenting them as patlets, which summarily describe solutions that address some particular problem within a specific context. We further studied a subset of these patterns as a self-healing pattern language that contemplates the use of more than one pattern in tandem to address systems’ operational concerns autonomically.

Adopting these patterns depends on supporting foundations, which include architectural and functional aspects of the target systems. A key aspect is that most of the current solutions do not provide any features to readjust their intrinsic behaviors during runtime — with the software that runs on edge devices being mostly set on stone, delegating all the computational needs to cloud-based services. The research on fog and edge computing attempt to mitigate this by leveraging computational resources across architectural tiers, making the resulting systems more dependable and improving their scalability. Taking on these foundations, we explored and asserted the feasibility of using serverless functions in the IoT context, optimizing the choice of execution contexts according to a priori preferences, constraints, and latencies.

To understand how these paradigms can be leveraged in widely used solutions, we select the open-source Node-RED solution as the experimental base, given its popularity. It provides a visual programming interface that increases its target user base across different expertise levels. Like other available solutions, Node-RED does not provide any feature that allows it to orchestrate tasks across devices or deal with system parts’ failures, limiting the dependability of systems built with it. Nonetheless, given its open-source and extensible nature, we proceed to address some of its limitations. We proceed to evaluate empirically, both in virtual and physical setups, the feasibility of using Node-RED as an orchestrator, where computational tasks are allocated to the available resources, and failures are mitigated by re-orchestrating as devices fail and recover. We also implemented a set of extensions for Node-RED that allows one to enrich the existing programs (i.e., flows) with self-healing capabilities — allowing the detection errors of different parts during runtime, and readjust its behavior to keep delivering correct service by recovering to normal operation, or, at least, maintain its operation within acceptable Quality-of-Service levels.

As IoT users have different expertise levels, we also attempt to improve the interaction with these systems in a way that the users can understand what the configured automations are (viz. inspection), how it is behaving (viz. observability and feedback), and increase their capability to know what was the possible cause behind certain events (viz. causality). In the first study, we extended the visual notations and functionalities of Node-RED to improve the development process using it. We proceed to empirically evaluate the performance of our solution against a non-modified version of Node-RED, observing statistically significant improvements in the users’ ability to evolve existing IoT deploys. Lastly, we explored the use of voice assistants as an alternative way of configuring, understanding, and interacting with IoT-enriched environments, with a particular focus on the ability of a user to understand the cause behind some events. We assert the feasibility of our solution by covering all the different automation possibilities that Node-RED supports, with a considerable extension of the interaction possibilities due to multi-message dialogs support. We proceeded to empirically validate the feasibility of users using the voice assistant to complete different tasks, and all the users were able to finish the tasks. While some valid sentences were incorrectly recognized, forcing the user to repeat their intent, participants expressed a preference for voice interfaces over visual ones in terms of subjective perception.

These contributions materialize into a core set of building blocks that, in assemble, can be used to improve the dependability of IoT systems while leveraging abstractions that do not hinder the (end-)user capability to configure, use, and evolve them. The experimental counterparts of the contributions provide empirical supporting evidence for the plausibility of the hypothesis.


April 01, 2022

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  1. Increasing the Dependability of Internet-of-Things Systems in the context of

    End-User Development Environments João Pedro Dias jpmdias@fe.up.pt Supervision by: Hugo Sereno Ferreira, PhD João Pascoal Faria, PhD In partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Informatics Engineering by the Doctoral Program in Informatics Engineering (ProDEI) April 1, 2022 — Porto, Portugal
  2. Table of Contents 1 Introduction context motivation research statement 2

    Fundamentals background & state-of-the-art automation survey 3 Patterns pattern language support error detection recovery and maintenance 4 Dependable and Autonomic serverless dynamic allocation visual dynamic orchestration self-healing 5 End-User Development visual real-time feedback conversational assistants 6 Conclusion research goals revisited outcomes and contributions future work João Pedro Dias 2/43
  3. Context introduction • Internet-of-Things (IoT), i.e., the interconnection of everyday

    things over the Internet, enabled the automation of everyday tasks at large by fusing the physical and virtual realms, supported by networked devices with sensing and actuating capabilities. • IoT usage across application domains (e.g., homes, cities, electrical grids, transportation, cities) makes it infeasible to depend on individuals with specific expertise to configure and operate all of these systems, as there is already a shortage of individuals with such technical expertise. • As the reliance on these systems increases their dependability becomes a core issue, as their misbehaviour can lead to undesirable side-effects. João Pedro Dias 4/43
  4. Context introduction Sensor Device Humidity and Temperature Actuator Device Garage

    door controller Third-party Service Weather Forecast API Actuator Device Irrigation controller Actuator Device Robot lawn mower Actuator Devices Smart TV Sound system contoller Actuator Device Heated towel rail switch Actuator Device Washing machine and Dryer controller Actuator Device Oven controller Actuator Devices Coffee maker controller Dishwasher controller Stove controller Extractor fan controller Sensor Device Water temperature Actuator Devices Pool cover controller Water cleaning system Water heating system Actuator Device Robot vacuum cleaner Sensor Devices Humidity, Temperature, Smoke, Air Quality, Motion Actuator Devices Lights controller Windows and blinds controller A/C controller Actuator Device Door bell Actuator Device Surveillance system (alarm) Sensor Device Garage interior door status Sensor Device Entrance door status Sensor Device Actuator Device Wake-up alarm Bedside lamp Smart TV Actuator Device Water heating controller Sensor Device Surveillance system (cameras) Sensor Device Figure 1: Smart home motivational scenario. João Pedro Dias 5/43
  5. Motivation introduction • IoT results from the combination of knowledge

    from different fields of hardware and software research, making IoT systems complex in a mostly-unique fashion and at a large-scale. • The market-driven rapid development of IoT solutions by several vendors without a consensus on standards, guidelines, or best practices has lead to an ever-growing technological fragmentation and a generalized dependency on vendor-locked centralized cloud infrastructure. • This fast growth is happening with a generalized disregard by practitioners for the correct operation of these systems when errors occur, i.e., their dependability. This fact also hinders the ability of the users to make their systems more dependable. João Pedro Dias 6/43
  6. Research Questions introduction RQ1 What are the unique characteristics of

    IoT systems that make them complex, and how does such complexity impact the end-user ability to configure their dependable systems? RQ2 Are there recurrent problems concerning the lifecycle of IoT systems, and what are the prevalent solutions that address them? RQ3 What can be improved concerning the IoT systems’ dependability? RQ4 How can the mechanisms identified in RQ2 be leveraged by the end-users of IoT systems? RQ5 How can the end-user’s ability to manage the IoT systems’ lifecycle be improved without requiring specific expertise nor hindering the systems’ dependability? João Pedro Dias 7/43
  7. Hypothesis introduction H: It is possible to enrich IoT-focused end-user

    development environments in such a way that the resulting systems have a higher dependability degree, with the lowest impact on the know-how of the (end-)users. Using Node-RED as a reference development environment, the goal is to: (a) provide the building-blocks that allow user’s to address dependability concerns; (b) enable the resulting systems to self-address some errors of their parts with minimal disruption; (c) not increase the complexity of achieving systems that perform as the (end-)user requires. João Pedro Dias 8/43
  8. Internet-of-Things fundamentals Cloud Tier Fog Tier Edge Tier Low Latency

    High Latency (Data Centers) (Embedded Systems and Sensors) (Gateways) Figure 2: Three-tier IoT view. Application Layer Cloud/Servers/Applications Network Layer Routers and Gateways Perception Layer Sensors and Actuators (Things) Figure 3: Three-layer IoT view. ▷J. P. Dias, F. Couto, A. C. R. Paiva, and H. S. Ferreira. A brief overview of existing tools for testing the internet-of-things. In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops (ICSTW), pages 104–109, Apr. 2018 ▷ J. P. Dias, J. P. Faria, and H. S. Ferreira. A reactive and model-based approach for developing internet-of-things systems. In 2018 11th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology (QUATIC), pages 276–281, Sept. 2018 ▷ J. P. Dias, A. Restivo, and H. S. Ferreira. Designing and constructing internet-of-things systems: An overview of the ecosystem. (Submitted to) Internet of Things: Engineering Cyber Physical Human Systems Journal, 2022 João Pedro Dias 10/43
  9. Internet-of-Things fundamentals Heterogeneity Protocols, computing capabilities, and standards. Interoperability Vendor-lock

    and lack of consensus on standards. Large-scale Devices, services, and applications. Highly-distributed Geographical and logical. Real-time & QoS Trigger-action rules and user commands. End-user focus Low-code development and multi-modal interaction. Virtual & Physical realms Increased risks from failure side-effects. Application Domains Industry, environment, and society. Privacy and Security Data ownership, weak encryption, and misconfigurations. João Pedro Dias 11/43
  10. End-user Development fundamentals Figure 4: Node-RED example flow. • Traditional

    programming approaches have limitations when coping with the IoT system’s complexity and demand considerable levels of technical expertise from their users. • Approaches that leverage abstractions, e.g., drag-n-drop visual notations or voice interactions, became the go-to development solutions, and commonly use models and/or mashup techniques. • These low-code solutions commonly limit the complexity of the logic flows being created or heavily depend on the user expertise to create flows that behave as they intend to. • Most of these solutions also have little to no debug capabilities, and lack of verification and validation mechanisms. João Pedro Dias 12/43
  11. Node-RED fundamentals Node-RED is an open-source (≈14300 stars on GitHub)

    low-code visual programming solution that has a primary focus on event-driven IoT development, and follows a centralized architecture. Node-RED has, however, several issues and limitations: 1. all the computation is performed in one instance (limiting computational distribution); 2. computational heavy tasks will impact the performance of the whole system, and faults in a single flow can lead to service disruption; 3. there is no isolation of execution contexts which can raise both security and privacy issues. 4. the web-based development interface is highly-coupled with the runtime; 5. no mechanisms to verify the structural correctness of the developed flows (e.g., types). FogFlow, DDFlow, and uFlow are some of the solutions that have been purposed to attain the distribution of computation in Node-RED by decomposition of flows and allocation of tasks across available computational resources. ▷ M. Silva, J. P. Dias, A. Restivo, and H. S. Ferreira. A review on visual programming for distributed computation in iot. In Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS). Springer, 2021 João Pedro Dias 13/43
  12. Dependability fundamentals “(...) dependability of a system is the ability

    to avoid service failures that are more frequent and more severe than is acceptable.” (Avizienis et al. , 2004) Dependability encompasses the following attributes: Availability readiness for correct service; Reliability continuity of correct service; Safety absence of catastrophic consequences on the user(s) and the environment; Integrity absence of improper system alterations; Maintainability ability to undergo modifications and repairs. Attributes attained by using fault prevention, fault tolerance, fault removal, and fault forecasting. João Pedro Dias 14/43
  13. Autonomic Computing fundamentals IBM Research proposed autonomic computing as a

    way of coping with the continuous growth in the complexity of operating, managing, and integrating computing systems. An autonomic computing systems needs to know and understand itself, thus must be: Automatic capable of controlling its own operations without any manual external intervention; Adaptive able to adapt its operation to cope with runtime changes in its operational environment; Aware able to monitor operating conditions to assert if its operation meets the service goals. Self-Configuration Ability to readjust on-the-fly to cope with dynamically changing environments. Self-Heal Ability to automatically discover, diagnose, and react to, or recover from, failures. Self-Optimization Optimize resource utilization to improve the quality of the service over time. Self-Protection Anticipating, detecting, identifying, and protecting itself from attacks. João Pedro Dias 15/43
  14. Self-healing fundamentals Normal State Degradation State Defective State Maintenance of

    Health Detection of Error System Recovery & Maintenance of Health Detection of Failure Failure System Recovery & Maintenance of Health Figure 5: State transactions of a self-healing system. • Most IoT systems are open-loop — there is no direct feedback-loop from the sensing part to the acting part, thus hindering the adoption of resilience improvement mechanisms. • Most fault-tolerance mechanisms follow a reactive behaviour, using strategies such as system watchdogs and supervisors. • There are only a few works that propose the use of autonomic computing in IoT systems, and even fewer that purpose the use of self-healing. • Some authors propose the use of runtime verification to enable a system to self-heal, however they typically depend on a formal specification of the system to properly work. João Pedro Dias 16/43
  15. Automation in Smart Spaces fundamentals Survey • An online survey

    was distributed among 20 participants which only requirement was to fill in a text box with as many automation ideas as they could think of; • Participants were provided a 3D model of a common house and a list of IoT devices as inspiration and common baseline; • The survey resulted in a total of 177 automation scenarios; • The results were categorized (11 categories) in accordance with the (1) sensors involved, (2) type of actuator, and (3) periodicity. Observations • ≈94.3% fitted into one of the 11 defined categories; • The scenarios differ in terms of the granularity of application, complexity (e.g., number of devices), and writing style (with most being close to conditional logic). • Most scenarios are expressed in the format of “when condition, then action”, or “action, when condition”, also known as Trigger-action programming (TAP). • ≈29% mentioned Boolean operators; • ≈7% contained chained operations; • ≈27% are too generic, depending on contextual awareness and user preferences. João Pedro Dias 17/43
  16. Pattern Language patterns Cloud Tier Error Detection Patterns Recovery &

    Maintenance of Health Patterns Edge Tier Triggers Search Root Cause Oversees Oversees Oversees Can Inform Acts Over Helps Fog Tier Acts Over Acts Over Supporting Patterns Applies to Figure 6: Pattern language map. Contributions • A compendium of 34 patterns patlets describing problem-solution pairs in the IoT systems context. • Focused on fault-tolerance while leveraging autonomic computing strategies. • Each pattern has, at least, three independent examples of use as reported by the literature/industry. • Most patterns can be used at different tiers of the IoT system, depending on the concrete implementation being used. João Pedro Dias 19/43
  17. Support patterns Device Registry Device Error Data Supervisor Device Raw

    Data Collector Predictive Device Monitor Simulation-based Testing Middleman Update Testbed Figure 7: Supporting patterns. ▷ A. Ramadas, G. Domingues, J. P. Dias, A. Aguiar, and H. S. Ferreira. Patterns for Things that Fail. In Proceedings of the 24th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, PLoP ’17. ACM, 2017 ▷ J. P. Dias, H. S. Ferreira, and T. B. Sousa. Testing and deployment patterns for the internet-of-things. In Proceedings of the 24th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, EuroPLop ’19. ACM, 2019 João Pedro Dias 20/43
  18. Error Detection patterns Action Audit Suitable Conditions Reasonable Values Unimpaired

    Connectivity Within Reach Component Compliance Coherent Readings Internal Coherence Stable Timing Unsurprising Activity Timeout Conformant Values Resource Monitor Figure 8: Error detection (probes) patterns. ▷ J. P. Dias, T. B. Sousa, A. Restivo, and H. S. Ferreira. A pattern-language for self-healing internet-of-things systems. In Proceedings of the 25th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, EuroPLop ’20. ACM, 2020 João Pedro Dias 21/43
  19. Recovery & Maintenance of Health patterns Diversity Redundancy Debounce Compensate

    Checkpoint and Rollback Timebox Flash Reset Balancing Consensus Among Values Isolate Calibrate Rebuild Internal State Runtime Adaptation Figure 9: Recovery and maintenance of health patterns. ▷ J. P. Dias, T. B. Sousa, A. Restivo, and H. S. Ferreira. A pattern-language for self-healing internet-of-things systems. In Proceedings of the 25th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, EuroPLop ’20. ACM, 2020 João Pedro Dias 22/43
  20. Dynamic Allocation of Serverless Functions dependable and autonomic computing local

    network (2) Example Function Request ... OpenFaaS (A) Execute Funtion in the Cloud (B) Execute Function Locally London Server Frankfurt Server Canada Server ... (1) Example Third-party Function Request Third-party Application Datastore Proxy Figure 10: High-level overview of the solution operation. Outcomes • One of the first works in the literature that leverages the concept of serverless in IoT domain. • Ability to dynamically allocate functions, i.e, computational tasks, taking into account runtime constraints, pre-conditions, and device’s features. • Exploration versus exploitation to continuously improve system performance, i.e., response time. ▷ D. Pinto, J. P. Dias, and H. Sereno Ferreira. Dynamic allocation of serverless functions in iot environments. In 2018 IEEE 16th International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC), pages 1–8, Oct. 2018 João Pedro Dias 24/43
  21. Visual Dynamic Orchestration (1/2) dependable and autonomic computing Node-RED Orchestrator

    Node Registry Node specification Flow (nodes) device up IP and capabilities announce assign ping / echo Device HTTP Server Announcer Script Figure 11: Proof-of-concept overview. Details • Node-RED was used to define programs (as flows) and modified to allow send tasks to other devices in the network; • Two nodes were added to Node-RED: Registry, which maintains a list of available devices and their capabilities, and the Orchestrator, which partitions flows and assigns tasks to the devices; • Each device runs a customized MicroPython firmware to ease the task allocation process; • Each allocatable node has two implementations, one Node-RED compatible and another compatible with the device’s firmware. ▷ M. Silva, J. P. Dias, A. Restivo, and H. S. Ferreira. Visually-defined real-time orchestration of iot systems. In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems, MOBIQUITOUS 2020. ACM, 2020 João Pedro Dias 25/43
  22. Visual Dynamic Orchestration (2/2) dependable and autonomic computing 0 5

    10 15 20 25 Dev. 1 Dev. 2 Dev. 3 Dev. 4 0 50 100 150 200 Dev. 1 Dev. 2 Dev. 3 Dev. 4 Time (s) Dev. 1 Dev. 2 Dev. 3 Dev. 4 Payload Size (Kbytes) Uptime (s) Number of nodes allocated per device 5 15 25 36 46 56 67 77 87 97 108 118 128 133 144 154 164 175 185 190 15 25 35 10 21 31 31 31 31 2 12 22 33 43 53 64 74 74 5 15 25 36 46 56 66 77 87 97 103 115 125 135 146 156 166 177 187 187 5 15 25 38 3 13 23 34 39 49 59 2 13 23 33 44 54 64 74 74 13 13 13 13 13 13 15 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 12 12 12 12 12 12 14 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Dev. 2 fails ▷ ◁Dev. 2 recovers Figure 12: Out-of-Memory experiment. Experiments & Results Two experimental setups were drafted and a total of 13 experimental scenarios were run per setup, using a mix of simulated devices and real devices. We observed improvements in terms of: • Resilience as the system handles device failures and memory constraints dynamically; • Elasticity, with an IoT system with up to 50 devices running in a decentralized fashion with devices being added and removed in runtime; • Efficiency given that most of the overheads come from the extra latency introduced by the communication channel. Known limitations: ability to find a suitable configuration to orchestrate all the tasks given constraints in computing power and poor use of historical data usage for deciding task allocation. João Pedro Dias 26/43
  23. Self-healing (1/2) dependable and autonomic computing Figure 13: Node-RED self-healing

    nodes. Details • Node-RED nodes that correspond to one or more self-healing patterns, allowing to detect and mitigate/recovery from IoT system errors and failures within Node-RED flows. • Some nodes leverage meta-facilities that allow changing a system’s behavior during runtime (e.g., activate/deactivate flows). • The feasibility of using the nodes to mitigate some types of failures was tested under 6 experimental scenarios on a physically deployed testbed (SmartLab). • Some patterns that do not have a direct representation as Node-RED nodes since they depend on specific capabilities of devices. The nodes are publicly available and can be installed (>1500 downloads): https://flows.nodered.org/node/node-red-contrib-self-healing. ▷ J. P. Dias, B. Lima, J. P. Faria, A. Restivo, and H. S. Ferreira. Visual self-healing modelling for reliable internet-of-things systems. In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS), pages 27–36. Springer, 2020 ▷ J. P. Dias, A. Restivo, and H. S. Ferreira. Empowering visual internet-of-things mashups with self-healing capabilities. In 2021 IEEE/ACM 3rd International Workshop on Software Engineering Research Practices for the Internet of Things (SERP4IoT), 2021 João Pedro Dias 27/43
  24. Self-healing (2/2) dependable and autonomic computing 0 FI FIxSH 100

    200 300 400 500 600 NOx (ppb) Alarm Level 0 1 2 0 100 200 300 400 500 time (s) Figure 14: FI experiment to create spikes in the Sensor 3 readings (in green). FI experiment has an overlap of 76.3% to baseline, while FIxSH has an overlap of 97.4%. Fault-injection Experiments Two experimental scenarios (6 experiments) were carried to assess the functioning self-healing mechanisms when faults are injected. The main observations were that: • The self-healing nodes do not make the system deviate substantially in behavior from the baseline system; • The faults injected are consequential since there is a deviation on the baseline system in comparison to when no fault is being injected; • When the faults injected are consequential, the self-healing system was able to recover from them, conforming with the normal service. ▷ M. Duarte, J. P. Dias, H. S. Ferreira, and A. Restivo. Evaluation of iot self-healing mechanisms using fault-injection in message brokers. In 2022 IEEE/ACM 4th International Workshop on Software Engineering Research Practices for the Internet of Things (SERP4IoT), 2022 João Pedro Dias 28/43
  25. Real-time Feedback in Node-RED end-user development Figure 15: Annotated enhanced

    node visual notation. Outcomes • Modifications to Node-RED development environment to improve feedback during development and the debugging capabilities; • An experiment was carried with 20 participants where they had to complete 2 control tasks and 3 experimental tasks, i.e., debugging, improvement, and implementation in the original Node-RED or in the modified version; • The added enhancements improve the overall development process, with a significant reduction of the number of failed attempts to deploy the systems without fulfilling its requirements; • The overall system development time was lower than with the original Node-RED. ▷ D. Torres, J. P. Dias, A. Restivo, and H. S. Ferreira. Real-time feedback in node-red for iot development: An empirical study. In 2020 IEEE/ACM 24th International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications (DS-RT), pages 1–8, 2020 João Pedro Dias 30/43
  26. Conversational Assistant for Automation end-user development Jarvis Google Assistant Node-RED

    One-time action • • • One-time action w/unclear device • · · Delayed action • · • Period action • · • Daily repeating action • · • Daily repeating period action • · • Cancel last command • · · Event rule • · · Rules defined for device • · · Causality query • · · Table 1: Scenario support by different solutions. Outcomes • Jarvis is an alternative approach for managing IoT spaces in a conversational way; • Casuality queries enable users to understand why something happened; • A feasibility experiment was run with 17 participants, which had to complete a total of 5 tasks; • The completion rate of all task has always higher than 85%, providing evidence that the system might be intuitive enough to be used without previous instruction or formation. • In terms of subjective perception, participants pointed conversational assistants as a preferred approach when compared to visual notations. ▷ J. P. Dias, A. Lago, and H. S. Ferreira. Conversational interface for managing non-trivial internet-of-things systems. In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS), pages 27–36. Springer, 2020 ▷ Lago, J. Dias, and H. Ferreira. Managing non-trivial internet-of-things systems with conversational assistants: A prototype and a feasibility experiment. Journal of Computational Science, 51:101324, 2021 João Pedro Dias 31/43
  27. Research Questions conclusion RQ1 What are the unique characteristics of

    IoT systems that make them complex, and how does such complexity impact the end-user ability to configure their dependable systems? Essential complexity in IoT comes from the nature of these systems, i.e., their large-scale, heterogeneity, highly-dynamic networks, end-user-centrism, and real-world blending. Accidental complexity comes mostly from time-to-market forces that makes vendors disregard best practices or standards, e.g., cloud-only architectures. Most end-user development environments are hindered by this complexity, where users are limited in what they can program, and are arduous to use/understand as the complexity of the system increases. Making IoT systems dependable appears as an even more significant barrier, given that most development environments do not provide the means to detect errors/failures and configure fallback or recovery strategies. João Pedro Dias 33/43
  28. Research Questions conclusion RQ2 Are there recurrent problems concerning the

    lifecycle of IoT systems, and what are the prevalent solutions that address them? There are recurrent problems in IoT systems which solutions can be defined and implemented in software, but faults can originate either in software or hardware components. We have identified a total of 34 problem-solution pairs, i.e., patterns: seven are considered supporting patterns, 13 focus on error detection, and 14 detail solutions to common situations on IoT system operation that either require the system to recover or, at least, to act to maintain its health. The combination of error detection and recovery patterns allows the system to behave autonomically, i.e., self-heal. João Pedro Dias 34/43
  29. Research Questions conclusion RQ3 What can be improved concerning the

    IoT systems’ dependability? While several fault-tolerance strategies have already been adopted in the IoT domain by researchers and practitioners, the adoption of mechanisms to distribute system load and avoid single-point-of-failure in IoT scope is only exploratory and with several pending issues. Adopting mechanisms that dynamically allocate computational tasks while adapting to runtime constraints in IoT allows the system to adapt and operate nominally even when facing disruptions. The introduction of the notion of orchestrator on Node-RED enables users to program their visual flows while allowing the decentralization of computing, as the computation of nodes of a given flow can happen in any available computational resources. João Pedro Dias 35/43
  30. Research Questions conclusion RQ4 How can the mechanisms identified in

    RQ2 be leveraged by the end-users of IoT systems? Allowing an end-user to use the discussed patterns implies that the solution they are using has the built-in mechanisms to support one or more strategies presented and leverages the same category of abstraction that the development solution already uses. We have implemented 17 Node-RED nodes, corresponding to one or more strategies detailed as possible solutions on 19 different patterns, that allow the definition of self-healing behaviours. Node-RED was enhanced with runtime adaptation capabilities by reducing the always-on dependency by allowing to allocate computing tasks among available resources during runtime in a visual and transparent fashion. We evaluated these contributions both in simulated and physical testbeds using scenario-based experiments and fault-injection, showcasing their feasibility and improvements when compared to the baseline. João Pedro Dias 36/43
  31. Research Questions conclusion RQ5 How can the end-user’s ability to

    manage the IoT systems’ lifecycle be improved without requiring specific expertise nor hindering the systems’ dependability? To overcome the limitations in terms of runtime feedback to the end-user and ease of understanding the configured system at any given point in time, we enriched the Node-RED visual abstractions used to improve the inspection of the system, with significant improvements in the user’s capability of understanding the system and reduction in development time. Additionally, to improve the user’s ability to understand the configured automation’s at a given time we adopted voice assistants, showcasing the feasibility of using such assistants to query the system and, in some cases, understand the causality between events. João Pedro Dias 37/43
  32. Hypothesis Revisited conclusion It is possible to enrich IoT-focused end-user

    development environments... As IoT systems are mostly used by non-technical users, we selected the Node-RED visual development solution as a reference solution in our research. ...in such a way that the resulting systems have a higher dependability degree... By identifying recurrent problems of IoT systems we identified a set of patterns that can be used to improve the dependability of IoT systems, patterns that can be used in tandem to make the system self-heal. We also asserted the feasibility of using Node-RED as a visual orchestrator of the system, allowing end-users to leverage the computational resources available, responding autonomically to runtime changes, while reducing the dependency on Node-RED itself. ...with the lowest impact on the know-how of the (end-)users. We successfully implemented a subset of the patterns as extensions to Node-RED that allow users to configure self-healing behaviors, thus enabling them to enhance their systems’ dependability without necessarily increasing the complexity of the development environment. The contributions on descentralizing Node-RED computation are also transparent to the end-user. The use of voice assistants as a supporting tool to visual approaches can be used to improve the user understanding about in-place automations and the causality of certain events. João Pedro Dias 38/43
  33. Research Contributions conclusion Internet-of-Things System Self-Healing Extensions Pattern-Language for Dependable

    IoT Systems Visual Real-Time Feedback Conversational Interface Use Use Use Communication Communication Devices (Actuators and Sensors) Extends Devices Custom Firmware Distributed Computing and Orchestration Extensions Node-RED Figure 16: High-level overview of the main contributions of this work. João Pedro Dias 39/43
  34. Future Work conclusion • Study the adoption and relevance of

    the identified patterns in the community by distributing a survey among IoT practitioners and developers; • Improve and mitigate the known limitations regarding the dynamic distribution and orchestration of computing tasks in IoT systems; • Focus on developing the firmware that runs on the edge devices, exploring solutions such as the use of WASM and RTOS; • Expand the Node-RED self-healing extension by implementing more nodes corresponding to the remaining identified patterns; • Address other aspects of autonomic computing beyond self-healing; • Further research on improving the IoT development environments, specially the ones that focus end-users with little to no experience or technical knowledge, e.g., by combining visual programming and voice assistants. João Pedro Dias 40/43
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  37. Increasing the Dependability of Internet-of-Things Systems in the context of

    End-User Development Environments João Pedro Dias jpmdias@fe.up.pt Supervision by: Hugo Sereno Ferreira, PhD João Pascoal Faria, PhD In partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Informatics Engineering by the Doctoral Program in Informatics Engineering (ProDEI) April 1, 2022 — Porto, Portugal