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Hierarchy of Developer Needs

Hierarchy of Developer Needs


May 22, 2014

More Decks by juliaferraioli

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  1. Hierarchy of Developer Needs Julia Ferraioli Senior Developer Maslow Advocate

    @juliaferraioli google.com/+JuliaFerraioli Thursday, May 22, 14
  2. How did I get here? • Research • Software engineering

    • Research (reprise) • Developer relations Thursday, May 22, 14
  3. Financial gain Shiny objects Respect and recognition Utilitarianism Socialization Self

    improvement What drives my community? Thursday, May 22, 14
  4. You have to ask your developers • Hit the pavement

    • Structured engagement • Informal engagement • Research (costly) Thursday, May 22, 14
  5. No one hierarchy to rule them all Image used with

    permission of of Mirach Ravaia Thursday, May 22, 14
  6. Time to shuffle Online courses Tutorials Libraries, SDKs, gems Code

    samples Reference docs Thursday, May 22, 14