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Cha(lle)nge the policy! OER Policy and some ...

Cha(lle)nge the policy! OER Policy and some lessons learned

#oerpolicy forum 2016.04.14 Krakow #oeglobal

Kamil Śliwowski

April 15, 2016

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  1. Kamil Śliwowski, @kasliwowski Polish Coaltion for Open Education / Creative

    Commons Polska / otwartezasoby.pl Cha(lle)nge the policy! OER Policy and some lessons learned
  2. Polish Coalition for Open Education 35 NGO's and public institutions

    Stron OER and accessibility policies Open education GLAM and heritage Open science
  3. Photo. MrPersonOnline , lic. CC BY 3.0 #1 Fair use

    is not enough Modern education is not possible without Internet and new technologies
  4. Rozwiązania techniczne, których potrzebujemy muszą być uniwersalne i dostępne The

    boundaries between "content" and its way of delivery are being blurred. Consumer technologies are changing faster than before, and educational content is most efficiently delivered by this. The manner in which they are created as well as used in the classroom and beyond is also changing. Access to educational materials should be independent of the types of devices, universal, and accessible.
  5. What is allowed at school? In Poland (and many other

    countries) within the frames of permitted fair use, only research and educational institutions can already use the disseminated works for teaching as well as for conducting one’s own research. The increasing use of the Internet for educational activities does not fit within these frames.
  6. Photo. Dyaa Eldin Moustafa, lic. CC BY-SA #2 „The silos

    scenario” Mixing open and closed resources will never be safe and easy in this copyright regime
  7. Fot. Mitch Altman , lic. CC BY 2.0 #3 Not

    only resources. How to shape tools and practice?
  8. CC Zero #7 “Not your typical OER”. Cultural and heritage

    institutions have great content yet to be opened.
  9. Cultural and heritage institutions: Provide ready and high quality content

    Are also looking for best way to animate re-use Vital for media and information literacy
  10. Are OER policies: ready for re-use in new areas (GLAM,

    NGO etc.) useful for business? consulted with end users like teachers?
  11. Thank you! @kasliwowski Graphics from The Noun Project: Computer, Hand

    by Louis Prado, Box by Mourad Mokrane. Graphics uwolnij.podrecznik.org by Piotr Chuchla. Creative Commons Attribution License.