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Google Certifications - Be Distinct!

Karan Trehan
October 28, 2017

Google Certifications - Be Distinct!

Presented at the GDGMumbai DevFest 2017.

Google certification provides various solutions, benefits and perks. Here, I cover some of them and also share the story of some of my fellow Google Certified Associate Android Developers.

For more information checkout - http://g.co/devcertification

Karan Trehan

October 28, 2017

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  1. Who is't art thee? Senior Android Developer @ m.Paani Android

    Developer Nanodegree Mentor @ Udacity Google Certified Associate Android Developer @ Universe https://youtu.be/r_GrgdiJqh0
  2. certification: the action or process of providing someone or something

    with an official document attesting to a status or level of achievement. Source: Google
  3. Problemos? The Gap for employers How do I define domain

    eligibility? Credibility for job seekers How do I be distinct among my peers? Standards for the community What is the best way to do X?
  4. Solutionsanos? The Gap for employers Looking for developer with X

    certification Credibility for job seekers I’m an X certified developer! Standards for the community Acc to X certification, the best way to do this is ….
  5. सू च (List) Credibility Certified from a pioneering tech leader

    Cross Domain Android, Mobile Web, Data Engineer, Cloud Architect Get Hired Gain exclusive access to top organizations looking for talent Always Improving New improved certifications & processes regularly Perks Give talks at the DevFests. Be a YouTube star.
  6. Domaines (Domains) Android Developing, Debugging and Testing Android Applications Mobile

    Web Create responsive and flexible mobile web applications regardless of the platform Cloud Architect Designing, building, and managing solutions on the Google Cloud Platform Designing and building data-processing systems, and machine-learning models Data Engineer
  7. Next Steps... • Select your domain • Learn, Prepare •

    Give the exam • Be Google Certified • Be Distinct! http://g.co/devcertification @karntrehan