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Vue.js 状態管理の選択肢 - そのVuex本当に必要ですか - / Vue.js Sta...

March 17, 2021

Vue.js 状態管理の選択肢 - そのVuex本当に必要ですか - / Vue.js State Management Options

iCARE Dev Meetup #19 2021/03/17


March 17, 2021

More Decks by ryo

Other Decks in Technology


  1. Store import { InjectionKey } from "vue"; import { createStore,

    Store } from "vuex"; export interface State { count: number; } export const key: InjectionKey<Store<State>> = Symbol(); export const store = createStore<State>({ state: { count: 0 }, mutations: { increment(state) { state.count++; }, decrement(state) { state.count--; } }, actions: { increment({ commit }) { commit("increment"); }, decrement({ commit }) { commit("decrement"); } } });
  2. Store import { InjectionKey } from "vue"; import { createStore,

    Store } from "vuex"; export interface State { count: number; } export const key: InjectionKey<Store<State>> = Symbol(); export const store = createStore<State>({ state: { count: 0 }, mutations: { increment(state) { state.count++; }, decrement(state) { state.count--; } }, actions: { increment({ commit }) { commit("increment"); }, decrement({ commit }) { commit("decrement"); } } }); createStoreͰstoreΛఆٛ mutations, actionsͰstateΛૢ࡞
  3. Store import { InjectionKey } from "vue"; import { createStore,

    Store } from "vuex"; export interface State { count: number; } export const key: InjectionKey<Store<State>> = Symbol(); export const store = createStore<State>({ state: { count: 0 }, mutations: { increment(state) { state.count++; }, decrement(state) { state.count--; } }, actions: { increment({ commit }) { commit("increment"); }, decrement({ commit }) { commit("decrement"); } } }); provide/inject༻ͷΩʔ ʢTSͷܕఆٛऔಘͷͨΊʣ
  4. Install import { createApp } from "vue"; import App from

    "./App.vue"; import { store, key } from "./stores/vuex/store"; const app = createApp(App); // vuex app.use(store, key); app.mount("#app");
  5. Install import { createApp } from "vue"; import App from

    "./App.vue"; import { store, key } from "./stores/vuex/store"; const app = createApp(App); // vuex app.use(store, key); app.mount("#app"); storeͱkeyΛొ࿥
  6. Components (read) <script lang="ts"> import { defineComponent, computed } from

    "vue"; import { useStore } from "vuex"; import { key } from "@/stores/vuex/store"; export default defineComponent({ name: "Counter", setup() { const store = useStore(key); const count = computed(() => store.state.count); return { count }; } }); </script>
  7. Components (read) <script lang="ts"> import { defineComponent, computed } from

    "vue"; import { useStore } from "vuex"; import { key } from "@/stores/vuex/store"; export default defineComponent({ name: "Counter", setup() { const store = useStore(key); const count = computed(() => store.state.count); return { count }; } }); </script> keyΛ౉ͯ͠storeΛऔಘ count͸numberܕͱͯ͠ਪ࿦
  8. <script lang="ts"> import { defineComponent } from "vue"; import {

    useStore } from "vuex"; import { key } from "@/stores/vuex/store"; export default defineComponent({ name: "IncrementButton", setup() { const store = useStore(key); const increment = () => store.dispatch("increment"); return { increment }; } }); </script> Components (write)
  9. <script lang="ts"> import { defineComponent } from "vue"; import {

    useStore } from "vuex"; import { key } from "@/stores/vuex/store"; export default defineComponent({ name: "IncrementButton", setup() { const store = useStore(key); const increment = () => store.dispatch("increment"); return { increment }; } }); </script> Components (write) dispatchͰactionsΛ࣮ޮ ܕิ׬͸ޮ͔ͳ͍
  10. Store import { defineStore } from "pinia"; export const useCounterStore

    = defineStore({ id: "counter", state: () => ({ count: 0 }), actions: { increment() { this.count++; }, decrement() { this.count--; } } });
  11. Store import { defineStore } from "pinia"; export const useCounterStore

    = defineStore({ id: "counter", state: () => ({ count: 0 }), actions: { increment() { this.count++; }, decrement() { this.count--; } } }); mutations͸ͳ͘actionsͰ stateΛૢ࡞ storeݻ༗ͷ idΛ࣋ͭ
  12. Install import { createApp } from "vue"; import App from

    "./App.vue"; import { createPinia } from "pinia"; const app = createApp(App); // pinia app.use(createPinia()); app.mount("#app");
  13. Install import { createApp } from "vue"; import App from

    "./App.vue"; import { createPinia } from "pinia"; const app = createApp(App); // pinia app.use(createPinia()); app.mount("#app"); piniaͷrootετΞΛొ࿥
  14. Components (read) <script lang="ts"> import { defineComponent, computed } from

    "vue"; import { useCounterStore } from "@/stores/pinia/store"; export default defineComponent({ name: "Counter", setup() { const store = useCounterStore(); const count = computed(() => store.count); return { count }; } }); </script>
  15. Components (read) <script lang="ts"> import { defineComponent, computed } from

    "vue"; import { useCounterStore } from "@/stores/pinia/store"; export default defineComponent({ name: "Counter", setup() { const store = useCounterStore(); const count = computed(() => store.count); return { count }; } }); </script> numberܕͱͯ͠ਪ࿦ exportͨ͠StoreΛར༻
  16. <script lang="ts"> import { defineComponent } from "vue"; import {

    useCounterStore } from "@/stores/pinia/store"; export default defineComponent({ name: "IncrementButton", setup() { const store = useCounterStore(); const increment = () => store.increment(); return { increment }; } }); </script> Components (write)
  17. <script lang="ts"> import { defineComponent } from "vue"; import {

    useCounterStore } from "@/stores/pinia/store"; export default defineComponent({ name: "IncrementButton", setup() { const store = useCounterStore(); const increment = () => store.increment(); return { increment }; } }); </script> Components (write) actionsͷ ܕิ׬͕ޮ͘
  18. Store import { reactive, provide, InjectionKey, toRefs } from "vue";

    import { DeepReadonly } from "utility-types"; export const createStore = () => { const state = reactive({ count: 0 }); const actions = { increment: () => { state.count++; }, decrement: () => { state.count--; } }; return { state: toRefs(state), actions }; }; type Store = ReturnType<DeepReadonly<typeof createStore>>; export const STORE_KEY: InjectionKey<Store> = Symbol("Store"); export const useStore = () => { return inject(STORE_KEY) as Store; };
  19. Store import { reactive, provide, InjectionKey, toRefs } from "vue";

    import { DeepReadonly } from "utility-types"; export const createStore = () => { const state = reactive({ count: 0 }); const actions = { increment: () => { state.count++; }, decrement: () => { state.count--; } }; return { state: toRefs(state), actions }; }; type Store = ReturnType<DeepReadonly<typeof createStore>>; export const STORE_KEY: InjectionKey<Store> = Symbol("Store"); export const useStore = () => { return inject(STORE_KEY) as Store; }; reactiveͰstateΛఆٛ ؔ਺ͰstateΛૢ࡞
  20. Store import { reactive, provide, InjectionKey, toRefs } from "vue";

    import { DeepReadonly } from "utility-types"; export const createStore = () => { const state = reactive({ count: 0 }); const actions = { increment: () => { state.count++; }, decrement: () => { state.count--; } }; return { state: toRefs(state), actions }; }; type Store = DeepReadonly<ReturnType<typeof createStore>>; export const STORE_KEY: InjectionKey<Store> = Symbol("Store"); export const useStore = () => { return inject(STORE_KEY) as Store; }; provide/inject༻ͷ ؔ਺ɾΩʔ DeepReadolyͰ stateͷ௚઀ॻ͖׵͑Λېࢭ্ͨ͠Ͱ InjectionKeyͷܕʹઃఆ
  21. Install import { createApp, provide } from "vue"; import App

    from "./App.vue"; import { STORE_KEY, createStore } from "@/stores/originalStore/store"; const app = createApp(App); // Original Store app.provide(STORE_KEY, createStore()); app.mount("#app");
  22. import { createApp, provide } from "vue"; import App from

    "./App.vue"; import { STORE_KEY, createStore } from "@/stores/originalStore/store"; const app = createApp(App); // Original Store app.provide(STORE_KEY, createStore()); app.mount("#app"); Install Storeͷ࡞੒ͱprovideͰͷొ࿥
  23. Components (read) <script lang="ts"> import { defineComponent, computed } from

    "vue"; import { useStore } from "@/stores/originalStore/store"; export default defineComponent({ name: "Counter", setup() { const { state } = useStore(); const count = computed(() => state.count.value); return { count }; } }); </script>
  24. Components (read) <script lang="ts"> import { defineComponent, computed } from

    "vue"; import { useStore } from "@/stores/originalStore/store"; export default defineComponent({ name: "Counter", setup() { const { state } = useStore(); const count = computed(() => state.count.value); return { count }; } }); </script> injectͰͷstoreͷऔಘ numberܕͱͯ͠ਪ࿦
  25. <script lang="ts"> import { defineComponent } from "vue"; import {

    useStore } from "@/stores/originalStore/store"; export default defineComponent({ name: "IncrementButton", setup() { const { actions } = useStore(); const increment = () => actions.increment(); return { increment }; } }); </script> Components (write)
  26. <script lang="ts"> import { defineComponent } from "vue"; import {

    useStore } from "@/stores/originalStore/store"; export default defineComponent({ name: "IncrementButton", setup() { const { actions } = useStore(); const increment = () => actions.increment(); return { increment }; } }); </script> Components (write) ୯७ͳؔ਺ݺͼग़͠ ͳͷͰܕิ׬͕ޮ͘
  27. GraphQLͷεΩʔϚఆٛ import gql from "graphql-tag"; export const typeDefs = gql`

    extend type Store { count: Int! } extend type Mutation { increment: Int decrement: Int } extend type Query { CountQuery: Store } `;
  28. Queryͷఆٛ import gql from "graphql-tag"; export const COUNT_QUERY = gql`

    query CountQuery { store @client { count } } `;
  29. Queryͷఆٛ import gql from "graphql-tag"; export const COUNT_QUERY = gql`

    query CountQuery { store @client { count } } `; @clientͱσΟϨΫςΟϒΛ͚ͭΔ͜ͱͰɺ αʔόʔʹ໰͍߹ΘͤͣɺΩϟογϡͰॲཧ͢Δ
  30. import gql from "graphql-tag"; export const INCREMENT_MUTATION = gql` mutation

    incrementMutation { increment @client } `; export const DECREMENT_MUTATION = gql` mutation decrementMutation { decrement @client } `; Mutationͷఆٛ
  31. Resolvers import { InMemoryCache } from "apollo-cache-inmemory"; import { COUNT_QUERY

    } from "@/stores/apolloClient/queries"; export const resolvers = { Mutation: { increment: ( _: unknown, _arg: unknown, { cache }: { cache: InMemoryCache }) => { const data = cache.readQuery<any>({ query: COUNT_QUERY }); data.store.count++; cache.writeQuery({ query: COUNT_QUERY, data }); return data.store.count; }, decrement: ( _: unknown, _arg: unknown, { cache }: { cache: InMemoryCache }) => { const data = cache.readQuery<any>({ query: COUNT_QUERY }); data.store.count--; cache.writeQuery({ query: COUNT_QUERY, data }); return data.store.count; } } };
  32. Resolvers import { InMemoryCache } from "apollo-cache-inmemory"; import { COUNT_QUERY

    } from "@/stores/apolloClient/queries"; export const resolvers = { Mutation: { increment: ( _: unknown, _arg: unknown, { cache }: { cache: InMemoryCache }) => { const data = cache.readQuery<any>({ query: COUNT_QUERY }); data.store.count++; cache.writeQuery({ query: COUNT_QUERY, data }); return data.store.count; }, decrement: ( _: unknown, _arg: unknown, { cache }: { cache: InMemoryCache }) => { const data = cache.readQuery<any>({ query: COUNT_QUERY }); data.store.count--; cache.writeQuery({ query: COUNT_QUERY, data }); return data.store.count; } } }; queryͷcacheΛॻ͖׵͍͑ͯΔ
  33. Apollo Clientͷ࡞੒ import ApolloClient from "apollo-boost"; import { typeDefs }

    from "@/stores/apolloClient/typeDefs"; import { InMemoryCache } from "apollo-cache-inmemory"; import { resolvers } from "@/stores/apolloClient/resolvers"; const cache = new InMemoryCache(); export const apolloClient = new ApolloClient({ cache, typeDefs, resolvers }); // storeͷॳظԽ cache.writeData({ data: { store: { __typename: "Store", count: 0 } } });
  34. Apollo Clientͷ࡞੒ import ApolloClient from "apollo-boost"; import { typeDefs }

    from "@/stores/apolloClient/typeDefs"; import { InMemoryCache } from "apollo-cache-inmemory"; import { resolvers } from "@/stores/apolloClient/resolvers"; const cache = new InMemoryCache(); export const apolloClient = new ApolloClient({ cache, typeDefs, resolvers }); // storeͷॳظԽ cache.writeData({ data: { store: { __typename: "Store", count: 0 } } }); cacheͷॳظԽॲཧ
  35. Install import { createApp } from "vue"; import App from

    "./App.vue"; import { DefaultApolloClient } from "@vue/apollo-composable"; import { apolloClient } from "@/stores/apolloClient/apolloClient"; const app = createApp(App); // vue-apollo app.provide(DefaultApolloClient, apolloClient); app.mount("#app");
  36. Install import { createApp } from "vue"; import App from

    "./App.vue"; import { DefaultApolloClient } from "@vue/apollo-composable"; import { apolloClient } from "@/stores/apolloClient/apolloClient"; const app = createApp(App); // vue-apollo app.provide(DefaultApolloClient, apolloClient); app.mount("#app"); Apollo ClientΛprovide
  37. Components (read) <script lang="ts"> import { defineComponent } from "vue";

    import { useQuery, useResult } from "@vue/apollo-composable"; import { COUNT_QUERY } from "@/stores/apolloClient/queries"; export default defineComponent({ name: "Counter", setup() { const { result } = useQuery(COUNT_QUERY); const count = useResult(result, 0, data => data.store.count); return { count }; } }); </script>
  38. Components (read) <script lang="ts"> import { defineComponent } from "vue";

    import { useQuery, useResult } from "@vue/apollo-composable"; import { COUNT_QUERY } from "@/stores/apolloClient/queries"; export default defineComponent({ name: "Counter", setup() { const { result } = useQuery(COUNT_QUERY); const count = useResult(result, 0, data => data.store.count); return { count }; } }); </script> GraphQL QueryͰऔಘ
  39. Components (write) <script lang="ts"> import { defineComponent } from "vue";

    import { useMutation } from "@vue/apollo-composable"; import { INCREMENT_MUTATION } from "@/stores/apolloClient/mutations"; export default defineComponent({ name: "IncrementButton", setup() { const { mutate: increment } = useMutation(INCREMENT_MUTATION); return { increment }; } }); </script>
  40. <script lang="ts"> import { defineComponent } from "vue"; import {

    useMutation } from "@vue/apollo-composable"; import { INCREMENT_MUTATION } from "@/stores/apolloClient/mutations"; export default defineComponent({ name: "IncrementButton", setup() { const { mutate: increment } = useMutation(INCREMENT_MUTATION); return { increment }; } }); </script> Components (write) MutationͰॻ͖׵͑
  41. 7VFY 1JOJB $PNQPTJUJPO"1* 4UPSF 7VF"QPMMP 4UPSFͷ਺ ୯Ұ ෳ਺ ෳ਺ ʢΩϟγϡʣ

    %FW5PPMTରԠ ˓ ˚ º ˚ʢ"QPMMPʣ 5ZQF4DSJQUରԠ ˚ ˓ ˓ ˚ ଟػೳੑ ʢ443FUDʣ ˓ ˚ º º ίʔυͷهड़ྔ ˚ ˓ ˓ º
  42. ࢀߟ • you might not need Vuex: https://speakerdeck.com/ntepluhina/you-might-not-need-vuex • Do

    you really need Vuex: https://blog.logrocket.com/do-you-really-need-vuex • ΈΜͳͷVue.js: https://gihyo.jp/book/2021/978-4-297-11902-7 • Pinia vs Vuex: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ht_1NR7OFWc • intro to vuex: https://www.vuemastery.com/courses/mastering-vuex/intro-to-vuex/ • Pinia doc: https://pinia.esm.dev/ • Vuex4 doc: https://next.vuex.vuejs.org/