Minimal container images are getting more popular, but they can't go mainstream unless developers and DevOps engineers can debug them. You need to be able to debug them locally and in production across different container runtimes, but there was no tool to meet those needs until now.
This is a story of adding multi-runtime container debugging capability in MinToolkit (aka DockerSlim ). You will learn how this sidecar-based debugging capability is designed and implemented in addition to learning how to use it, so you'll be able to build your own tools to do the same.
You'll also learn about the technologies in different container runtimes leveraged to build this multi-platform debugging capability and how it fits in the existing tooling ecosystem as well as the gaps it addresses in existing tools like "kubectl debug". The talk will have a demo showing how to debug containerized apps on different runtimes using a set of predefined debug images contrasting the user experience compared to "kubectl debug".