There are many ways to start a new Neos-based project and there is a multitude of tools involved. These slides introduce a "perfect" way to set up a Neos project. A recording of the presentation is available at
misleading. There is never the best solution, only a solution that is the best fit in a given situation. Keep your brain moving, question what you have and try something new every now and then. Take everything you are going to hear as something to think about, never as a rule. There is no silver bullet.
does not magically finish your project. Not giving a fixed price (or even an estimate) to your client might be hard. But spending days or even weeks to come up with a plan that will inevitably change anyway would be waste.
from IDE • Ignore Packages in VCS • Composer will “install” via symbolic links • Dependencies are resolved as expected • One repository to rule them all
You must not change server settings yourself, but the admin is in a meeting. No access to log files, but the support sends the logs except the interesting line at the end. SSH is possible, but permissions don’t match. You need PHP 7, but are stuck at version 5.3, because of other customers on the same server. Every developer at some point in history