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Extending Active Merchant

Extending Active Merchant

RubyHiroba 2014 生活発表会

補足のコードリーティングメモは https://gist.github.com/kenchan/d90dafa88e8a6938c129 です。

Kenichi Takahashi

September 21, 2014

More Decks by Kenichi Takahashi

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  1. छྨ͕ଟ͍  ܾࡁ ୅ߦ αʔϏε  (.0ϖΠϝϯτήʔτ΢ΣΠ  1BZQBM 

    FUD  ࢧ෷͍ํ๏  ΫϨδοτΧʔυ  ίϯϏχܾࡁ  FUD
  2. ओཁͳΫϥε kenchan ~/src/github.com/shopify/active_merchant (master) $ tree lib lib !"" active_merchant

    # !"" billing # # !"" credit_card.rb # # !"" gateway.rb # # !"" gateways # # # !"" #{your_payment_gateway}.rb # # $"" response.rb # !"" *.rb !"" active_merchant.rb !"" activemerchant.rb $"" support !"" *.rb 12 directories, 181 files
  3. ओཁͳςετ kenchan ~/src/github.com/shopify/active_merchant (master) $ tree test test !"" fixtures.yml

    !"" remote # $"" gateways # $"" your_payment_gateway_test.rb !"" schema # $"" your_payment_gateway # $"" schema.xsd !"" support # $"" mercury_helper.rb !"" test_helper.rb $"" unit !"" credit_card_test.rb !"" gateways # $"" your_payment_gateway_test.rb !"" multi_response_test.rb !"" rails_compatibility_test.rb $"" response_test.rb 10 directories, 303 files