At the Google I/O 2022 event held from May 11-12 this year, many new technologies and information were shared with developers around the world.
This slide shares news related to Data among them.
Data in Google I/O 1. Model training with Vertex AI. 2. Build an event-driven orchestration with Eventarc and Workflows. 3. Asynchronous operations in your UI using workflows and Firestore. 4. An introduction to MLOps with TFX. 5. Introducing AlloyDB, a PostgreSQL compatible cloud database service. 6. Fraudfinder: A comprehensive solution for real data science problems. 7. Auto alerts for Firebase users with Functions, Logging, and BigQuery. 8. Easier data preprocessing with Keras. 9. Build for everyone: The importance of representative data.
into a unified environment for all types of data ” Google Cloud Future Data Whitepaper
bit more... Change Data Capture (CDC) Log Ingestion Labeling Crawling Feature Selection DataLake Data warehouse Schema Registry Data Mart Feature Store Batch Processing Stream Processing Feature Engineering Data Workflow Data Analysis Privacy Security Catalog IAM Data Lineage