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GXP - Government Experience Platform

February 15, 2024

GXP - Government Experience Platform


February 15, 2024

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  1. coding. powerful. systems. CPS GmbH, Berlin How to scale Germany‘s

    IT decision for TYPO3 in Government Sector and in EU? 13.02.2024
  2. Germany will changetechnologyforfederaladministrationwebsites 2 Background Open Source in „Koalitionsvertrag zwischen

    SPD, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen und FDP“: https://www.bundesregierung.de/breg-de/aktuelles/koalitionsvertrag-2021-1990800 90 authorities will change 500+ websites in 2024-2027 • From Closed source to Open source • From CMS CoreMedia to TYPO3 • From Java to PHP • From many hoster to internal hosting at ITZbund • A community version serves „Public money, public code!“ • Paradigm change! Chances to invest in new opportunities !
  3. Let‘s build an european GXP, composed with FOSS for Governmental

    communication. Sovereign. Trustful. Secure. Surrounded by a prospering ecosystem.
  4. Components (GXP) TER Extensions Own TYPO3 Extensions OpStack CDN, OpenStack,

    Unix, Hosting Solr Search ??? Newsletter Matomo Tracking TYPO3 CMS ??? DAM … GXP 6
  5. GXP Components Component Software/Partner Candidates/Fallbacks Country CMS TYPO3 Germany, EU

    DAM pixx.io AdmiralCloud Tracking Matomo CDN MyraCloud Newsletter signalen.org (NL), listmonk.app … Component Software/Partner Fallback Country Governmental Services 7
  6. Country Local partner Contact person Germany coding. powerful. systems. CPS

    GmbH, Berlin Sebastian Kreideweiß, [email protected] Poland Macopedia (Posnan) DrBlitz (Krakau) Timek, [email protected] France GAYA, Paris www.gaya.fr Netherlands Open Gemeenten Maxserv Ben van Kruistum [email protected] https://www.maxserv.com/ Austria Limesoda CYBERHOUSE, Linz https://www.limesoda.com/ www.cyberhouse.at Danmark TYPOCONSULT, Kopenhagen typoconsult.com Ukraine Raccoon Depot, Lviv https://clutch.co/profile/raccoon-depot#reviews Sweden Pixelant / Resultify, Malmö https://www.pixelant.net/ Switzerland Snowflake, Zürich https://www.snowflake.ch/, [email protected] Estonia https://t3brightside.com/typo3-company https://microtemplate.t3brightside.com/ Serbia Intention Digital https://intention.rs/de/ --> More on https://typo3.com/partners/professional-service-listing/ EU-Countries Meetdecisionmakerwithlocals 12
  7. EU-Countries Builddelegationgroupswithpartner Partner Contact Person Remarks TYPO3 Daniel Homorodean TYPO3

    Expansion Team (Ruanda, PNG) AHK Contacts of Local chamber German chamber of commerce abroad GIZ www.giz.de ITZbund OSOR Jaakko Karhu, Communications and Policy Advisor OpenForum Europe, http://www.openforumeurope.org [email protected] <EU- [email protected]> GovTechCampus Berlin David Steinacker Engage, Build and Scale Government Solutions Partnerships with other players, i.e. Aleph Alpha … 14
  8. Opportunitities to invest in eGovernment 1 Opportunity Range Remarks 1

    GXP - Government Experience Plattform Germany Based on TYPO3, fostering the digitization of administrative processes, fulfillment of EU-SDG Law and german OZG-law, extend with other software 1a TYPO3 Counties Package 294 Counties https://cmscensus.eu/germany/regions- cities/landkreise More apps and connectors to BUND-eID, Services, etc 1b TYPO3 Cities package 2.000 Cities https://cmscensus.eu/regions-cities/cities See 1) 1c TYPO3 Municipality Package 8.500 Mun. https://cmscensus.eu/germany/regions- cities/municipalities See 1) 1d Open Data Germany, EU Deliver open data to AI-Apps, https://data.europa.eu/ and https://www.govdata.de/ from all Cities, etc. 1e TYPO3 and AI Research with German AI Aleph Alpha (Jonas Andrulis), Open-GPT https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/collection/open-source-observatory- osor/news/schleswig-holsteins-upcoming-oss-ai-meant-text- processing 16
  9. Opportunitities to invest in eGovernment 2 Opportunity Range Remarks 2

    TYPO3 School Package Public Schools in Germany (ca. 25K) https://cmscensus.eu/germany/education- culture-sport/schools Build a SaaS package with connectors, personalization, etc … 17
  10. 19 What does the digital platform do 1 „The customised

    digital platform for government needs GXP will be the central communication product.“ • This provides information about previously hidden correlations by linking data from individual applications. • We are using it to further expand the sustainable multichannelling of data. • Internally, the DXP is interlinked with the intranet and supports the digitalisation of processes within the organisation.
  11. 20 What does the digital platform do 2 • "The

    GXP summarises the unit's objectives and displays the current status on a DASHBOARD for the situation briefing.“ • AI applications prepare proposals for next steps, e.g. import file XY from the intranet into the DAM and create a press release in DE and PL. Then send out a newsletter. • The preparation in open data is also available to third- party applications (apps, newspapers, AI applications, ...).
  12. Thank you. Copyright-Hinweis: Die hier vorliegenden Ideen und Ausarbeitungen sind

    alleiniges Eigentum von coding. powerful. systems. CPS GmbH. Die Bearbeitung, Verwertung, Vervielfältigung und gewerbsmäßige Verbreitung des Werkes oder Teilen hiervon ist nur mit schriftlicher Einwilligung der GmbH möglich. coding. powerful. systems. CPS GmbH Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25 Gebäude 13/5 13355 Berlin Sebastian Kreideweiß T +49 30 2009549-17 E [email protected] W cps-it.de