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Leading In The Digerati Age #Squares2015

Leading In The Digerati Age #Squares2015

How as a leader inside an organization with a grand and inspirational mission do you accomplish the results and drive towards the mission?

Equip yourself and others in your organization with guiding principles that can be called upon at a second’s notice to inform a critical decision.

Digerati Axioms:
*Mission First
*Why Before The What
*It's All About The People
*Latest Doesn't Mean Greatest
*Data Has A Seat At The Table
*Move Fast, Follow Momentum
*Innovation Happens Where Passion Meets Constraints
*Simple Is Better

Kyle Kutter

March 26, 2015


  1. People don't buy what we do they buy why we

    do it. Simon Sinek, Start With Why
  2. Give people access to all the music they want all

    the time - in a completely legal & accessible way
  3. Bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete* in the world

    *If you have a body, you are an athlete
  4. A problem that can happen as a leader* inside an

    organization… *believe that everyone is a leader
  5. A Leader’s responsibility, first and foremost, is to cause a

    vision and mission to have tangible results in a real world. Dr. Henry Cloud
  6. What is a Axiom? • a statement or proposition that

    is regarded as being established, accepted, or self-evidently true. • a guiding principle that can be called upon at a second’s notice to inform a critical decision.
  7. 3 Take Aways 1. Identify the mission of your organization,

    or write it 2. Build guiding principles, axioms, to equip leaders 3. Lead to the mission through your axioms
  8. Employees in every organization, and at every level, need to

    know that at the heart of what they do lies something grand and inspirational. Patrick Lencioni, The Advantage
  9. MISSION FIRST • Balance your Yes’ and No’s • Keep

    you focused on what has the most impact
  10. WHY BEFORE THE WHAT • Ask the Right Questions •

    Define the Wins • Equip Everyone Involved
  11. 2 Groups of People • CUSTOMERS - People that your

    organization serves • TEAM - People who serve in your organization
  12. IT’S ALL ABOUT THE PEOPLE • Recognize that our team

    members are more than… • Remind us that our customers are the reason we exist
  13. LATEST DOESN’T MEAN GREATEST • Count the Costs: Risk over

    the Reward. • Live in the Tension: Drive vs. Discipline
  14. DATA HAS A SEAT AT THE TABLE • Start Tracking

    • Make Data Easily Accessible • Evaluate Impact
  15. “Simple can be harder than complex. You have to work

    hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it’s worth it in the end because once you get there you can move mountains.” Steve Jobs, Business Week, 1998
  16. 3 Take Aways 1. Identify the mission of your organization,

    or write it 2. Build guiding principles, axioms, to equip leaders 3. Lead to the mission through your axioms