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Thinking Spatially: Using spatial transcriptomi...

Thinking Spatially: Using spatial transcriptomic tools from LIBD

Slides from Computational Biology Club at UCL Child Health May 24th 2023

Goals of the workshop:
Access Data from the spatialLIBD
Understand the SpatialExperiment data structure
Visualize continuous and discrete variables in spatial Data
Use spatialLIBD registration tools for marker finding
Complete spatial registration on an example data set

Louise Huuki-Myers

May 24, 2023

More Decks by Louise Huuki-Myers

Other Decks in Science


  1. Thinking Spatially Using spatial transcriptomic tools from the Lieber Institute

    for Brain Development Louise Huuki-Myers Staff Scientist @lahuuki lahuuki.github.io Download these slides: speakerdeck.com/lahuuki
  2. About LIBD Lieber Institute for Brain Development • Non-profit Research

    Institute in Baltimore, MD • Study the genetics of neuropsychiatric disorders 🧬 • 139 multidisciplinary scientists • Affiliated with the Johns Hopkins Medical School 2 Baltimore Maryland 🔸
  3. Our R/Bioconductor Powered Data Science Team • Led by Leonardo

    Collado-Torres • Computational lab specializing in: ◦ RNA seq analysis ▪ Bulk, single cell, spatial ◦ Open Source software development ◦ Knowledge sharing ▪ Data Science Guidance Sessions ▪ Rstat Club: Videos available www.youtube.com/@lcolladotor • Team website ◦ lcolladotor.github.io/ 3
  4. Goals for this workshop 1. Access Data from the spatialLIBD

    2. Understand the SpatialExperiment data structure 3. Visualize continuous and discrete variables in spatial Data 4. Use spatialLIBD registration tools for marker finding 5. Complete spatial registration on an example data set
  5. name class size nrow ncol length sce SingleCellExperiment 2.08 33538

    47681 NA sce_layer SingleCellExperiment 0.03 22331 76 NA sce_example SingleCellExperiment 0.10 33538 47681 NA spatialDLPFC_snRNAseq SingleCellExperiment - - - - spe SpatialExperiment 2.04 33538 47681 NA spatialDLPFC_Visium SpatialExperiment 6.97 28916 113927 NA spatialDLPFC_Visium_pseudobulk SpatialExperiment 0.06 12225 268 NA spatialDLPFC_Visium_SPG SpatialExperiment 0.82 27722 15113 NA Visium_SPG_AD_Visium_wholegenome_spe SpatialExperiment 2.29 27853 38115 NA Visium_SPG_AD_Visium_targeted_spe SpatialExperiment 1.57 23485 38115 NA Visium_SPG_AD_Visium_wholegenome_pseudobulk_spe SpatialExperiment 0.01 8443 41 NA modeling_results list 0.02 NA NA 3 spatialDLPFC_Visium_modeling_results list 0.02 NA NA 3 Visium_SPG_AD_Visium_wholegenome_modeling_results list 0.01 NA NA 3 Access these Datasets with spatialLIBD::fetch_data()