Presentation by Matteo Flora at Speck&Tech Trento.
We live in a world where the Artificial Intelligence is constantly undergoing an impressive amount of evolutions at an incredible high speed. These changes are so remarkable that we are starting to understand we need to ask ourselves if it’s time to introduce some ethics into computer science.
We are experiencing, for instance, new war machines that are programmed to selectively detect and kill people. How does the algorithm decide who has to live and who has to die? Are the programmers able to predict and include every possible variable in ethical terms? In the foreseeable future the AI could take more and more independent decisions and, maybe, develop its own conscience. Are we going to give up our responsibilities to rely on Mathwashing? Will we give technology the ability to wash away our free-will? We have to decide now if we want to program machines that are similar to us or better than us, taking into consideration every possible consequence of our choices.