as a grid graph G = (V, E) Vertices V = {v1, . . . , vm} correspond to pixels Edges eij = (vi, vj) connect vertices with 8-adjacency Images are represented as graph signals where real-valued vectors are associated to vertices: f : G → T ⊂ Rn We consider the union of spectral and spatial graphs: -adjacency graphs and -nn graphs G20 ∪ G21 ∗ The set T = {v1, · · · , vm} represents all the vectors associated to all vertices To each vertex vi ∈ G is associated a vector f(vi) = vi = T [i] O. L´ ezoray Stochastic permutation ordering watershed /
complete lattice (T , ≤) MM is problematic for vector images since there is not natural ordering for vectors The framework of h-orderings can be considered for that : construct a mapping h from T to L where L is a complete lattice equipped with the conditional total ordering h : T → L and v → h(v), ∀(vi, vj) ∈ T × T vi ≤h vj ⇔ h(vi) ≤ h(vj) . O. L´ ezoray Stochastic permutation ordering watershed /
with an image-adaptive h-ordering based on an Hamiltonian path Equivalent as defining a sorted permutation of the vectors of T is defined as P = PT with P a permutation matrix of size m × m Any permutation is not of interest, we search for the smoothest permutation expressed by the Total Variation of its elements: T TV = m−1 i=1 vi − vi+1 ( ) The optimal permutation operator P can be obtained by minimizing the total variation of PT : P∗ = arg min P PT TV ( ) The algorithm to do this starts from an arbitrary vertex and continues by finding the two nearest unexplored neighbor vertices and choosing one of them at random. O. L´ ezoray Stochastic permutation ordering watershed /
we can obtain several complete lattices We built M stochastic permutation orderings (Ii, Pi) with i ∈ [1, M] We construct M watersheds from the minima of each ordering WSi(f) = WS(Ii, ∇f) We construct a pdf from the segmentation: pdf(f) = 1 M M i=0 G(WSi(f)) ( ) and combine it with the classical gradient ∇f = pdf(f) + ∇f 2 ( ) This pdf can be used for watershed segmentation from markers O. L´ ezoray Stochastic permutation ordering watershed 6 /
gp Seeds Watershed with gc Watershed with gradient gp Figure: Segmentation examples with our stochastic permutation watershed. O. L´ ezoray Stochastic permutation ordering watershed 8 /
for vectorial data Based on combined stochastic Hamiltonian Paths Results in the paper on interactive object extraction from point-click user interaction O. L´ ezoray Stochastic permutation ordering watershed /