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Testing on iOS

February 20, 2012

Testing on iOS

A quick presentation on the testing frameworks in iOS


February 20, 2012

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  1. Test Suite 'All tests' started at 2012-02-20 17:05:44 +0000 Test

    Suite '/Users/.../ThrowawayTests.octest(Tests)' started at 2012-02-20 17:05:44 +0000 Test Suite 'ThrowawayTests' started at 2012-02-20 17:05:44 +0000 Test Case '-[ThrowawayTests testExample]' started. Test Case '-[ThrowawayTests testExample]' passed (0.000 seconds). Test Suite 'ThrowawayTests' finished at 2012-02-20 17:05:44 +0000. Executed 1 test, with 0 failures (0 unexpected) in 0.000 (0.000) seconds Test Suite '/Users/.../ThrowawayTests.octest(Tests)' finished at 2012-02-20 17:05:44 +0000. Executed 1 test, with 0 failures (0 unexpected) in 0.000 (0.000) seconds Test Suite 'All tests' finished at 2012-02-20 17:05:44 +0000. Executed 1 test, with 0 failures (0 unexpected) in 0.000 (0.010) seconds STAssertEqualObjects(@”a”, @”a”, @”my description”);
  2. Test Suite 'All tests' started at 2012-02-20 17:02:01 +0000 Test

    Suite '/Users/.../ThrowawayTests.octest(Tests)' started at 2012-02-20 17:02:01 +0000 Test Suite 'ThrowawayTests' started at 2012-02-20 17:02:01 +0000 Test Case '-[ThrowawayTests testExample]' started. /.../ThrowawayTests.m:29: error: -[ThrowawayTests testExample] : 'a' should be equal to 'b' my description Test Case '-[ThrowawayTests testExample]' failed (0.000 seconds). Test Suite 'ThrowawayTests' finished at 2012-02-20 17:02:01 +0000. Executed 1 test, with 1 failure (0 unexpected) in 0.000 (0.000) seconds Test Suite '/Users/.../ThrowawayTests.octest(Tests)' finished at 2012-02-20 17:02:01 +0000. Executed 1 test, with 1 failure (0 unexpected) in 0.000 (0.000) seconds Test Suite 'All tests' finished at 2012-02-20 17:02:01 +0000. Executed 1 test, with 1 failure (0 unexpected) in 0.000 (0.002) seconds STAssertEqualObjects(@”a”, @”b”, @”my description”);
  3. Kiwi • Like RSpec • describe, context, it, xit, etc.

    • remember the __block modifier! • infinitely nestable
  4. Kiwi test file - top-level describe(@"NSDictionary+BWTravisCI", ^{ __block NSDictionary *subject

    = nil; beforeEach(^{ subject = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@"1", @"a", @"2", @"b", @"3", @"c", nil]; }); describe(@"subdictionaryUsingKeys", ^{ ... }); });
  5. Kiwi test file - contexts & tests context(@"matching nothing", ^{

    it(@"returns an empty dictionary", ^{ NSDictionary *result = [subject subdictionaryUsingKeys:@"foo", nil]; [[theValue(result.count) should] equal:theValue(0)]; }); }); context(@"matching something", ^{ it(@"returns a subset dictionary", ^{ NSDictionary *result = [subject subdictionaryUsingKeys:@"a", nil]; [[result should] equal:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:@"1" forKey:@"a"]]; }); }); context(@"matching ALL THE THINGS", ^{ it(@"returns a copy of the dictionary", ^{ NSDictionary *result = [subject subdictionaryUsingKeys:@"a", @"b", @"c", nil]; [[result should] equal:[subject copy]]; }); });
  6. Frank • Ruby- and Cucumber-based • Gherkin language • “Selenium

    for native iOS apps” • Encourages accessibility
  7. Frank - Feature File Feature: Login to the app Scenario:

    Successful login Given I launch the app When I log in with a valid userid and password Then I am on the start view
  8. Frank - Simple Step Then /^I should see (.*) apples$/

    do |count| apples = frankly_map( "label marked:'red apples'", 'tag' ) apples.count.should == count.to_i end
  9. Frank - Textfield Step When /^I use the keyboard to

    fill in the textfield marked "([^\\"]*)" with "([^\\"]*)"$/ do |text_field_mark, text_to_type| text_field_selector = "view marked:'#{text_field_mark}'" check_element_exists( text_field_selector ) touch( text_field_selector ) frankly_map( text_field_selector, 'setText:', text_to_type ) frankly_map( text_field_selector, 'endEditing:', true ) end
  10. Frank - Screencapture Step Then /^I save a screenshot with

    prefix (\w+)$/ do |prefix| filename = prefix + Time.now.to_i.to_s %x[screencapture #{filename}.png] end
  11. Frank - Videocapture Around( '@record' ) do | scenario, block

    | start_recording block.call stop_recording end
  12. UIAutomation • Official Apple developer tool • Uses Instruments •

    Uses Javascript • Purely integration • Can run external scripts
  13. UIAutomation function assertElementPresent(el, el_name) { el_name = el_name ? el_name

    : ''; if (el.isValid()) { return UIALogger.logPass("Element " + el_name + " is present"); } else { return UIALogger.logFail("Element " + el_name + " is not present"); } } var window = UIATarget.localTarget().frontMostApp().mainWindow(); var repository_list = window.tableViews().firstWithName("Repositories"); var latest_repo = repository_list.cells()[0]; window.navigationBar().leftButton().tap(); latest_repo.tap(); var build_list = window.tableViews().firstWithName("Builds"); assertElementPresent(build_list.cells());
  14. KIF @interface EXTestController : KIFTestController @end @implementation EXTestController - (void)initializeScenarios;

    { [self addScenario:[KIFTestScenario scenarioToLogIn]]; // Add additional scenarios you want to test here } @end
  15. KIF #import "KIFTestScenario+EXAdditions.h" #import "KIFTestStep.h" #import "KIFTestStep+EXAdditions.h" @implementation KIFTestScenario (EXAdditions)

    + (id)scenarioToLogIn; { KIFTestScenario *scenario = [KIFTestScenario scenarioWithDescription:@"User can successfully login."]; [scenario addStep:[KIFTestStep stepToReset]]; [scenario addStepsFromArray:[KIFTestStep stepsToGoToLoginPage]]; [scenario addStep:[KIFTestStep stepToEnterText:@"[email protected]" intoViewWithAccessibilityLabel:@"Username"]]; [scenario addStep:[KIFTestStep stepToEnterText:@"thisismypassword" intoViewWithAccessibilityLabel:@"Password"]]; [scenario addStep:[KIFTestStep stepToTapViewWithAccessibilityLabel:@"Log In"]]; // Verify that the login succeeded [scenario addStep:[KIFTestStep stepToWaitForTappableViewWithAccessibilityLabel:@"Welcome"]]; return scenario; } @end
  16. KIF #import "KIFTestStep+EXAdditions.h" @implementation KIFTestStep (EXAdditions) + (NSArray *)stepsToGoToLoginPage; {

    NSMutableArray *steps = [NSMutableArray array]; // Dismiss the welcome message [steps addObject:[KIFTestStep stepToTapViewWithAccessibilityLabel:@"That's awesome!"]]; // Tap the "I already have an account" button [steps addObject:[KIFTestStep stepToTapViewWithAccessibilityLabel:@"I already have an account."]]; return steps; } @end
  17. KIF - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions { // ... #if

    RUN_KIF_TESTS [[EXTestController sharedInstance] startTestingWithCompletionBlock:^{ // Exit after the tests complete so that CI knows we're done exit([[EXTestController sharedInstance] failureCount]); }]; #endif return YES; }