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Serverless Rust: Your Low-Risk Entry Point to R...

Serverless Rust: Your Low-Risk Entry Point to Rust in Production (and the benefits are huge)

Ready to ignite your enterprise with Rust, but struggling to justify the investment? Performance isn't enough. Instead of massive rewrites, what if you could start small with a low-risk path to production? This talk shows you how. Discover the power of Rust & serverless as a fast, safe, and sustainable entry point, delivering significant short & long-term benefits. Walk away armed with compelling arguments to persuade your leadership and hands-on code samples to begin your Serverless Rust journey today.

Luciano Mammino

February 21, 2025

More Decks by Luciano Mammino

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  1. jameseastham.co.uk loige.co Serverless Rust: Your Low-Risk Entry Point to Rust

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  6. And you should! 😉 Cargo Lambda is fantastic for: -

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  7. A case study! A Lambda Authorizer in Rust! Authenticated Request

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  8. A case study! A Lambda Authorizer in Rust! - The

    original version was written in Python - Since it was one of the most invoked functions we rewrote it in Rust - The change lead to: - 30% less cold starts - 90% decrease Init time - 60% decrease Execution time - 70% less memory - 50% cost reduction
  9. A case study! A Lambda Authorizer in Rust! - This

    project is now open-source: github.com/lmammino/oidc-authorizer - And the benchmarks are available too!
  10. Summary - Rust and Serverless is a perfect combo! -

    It gives you - Great performance - Safety - Cost reduction - Environmentally friendly applications - Serverless applications are small: Minimum risk / investment - If you are on AWS: use Cargo Lambda - Now go build your next Serverless app, with Rust!