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Hadley Ecosystem: Reshape, Plyr, GGplot

November 15, 2012

Hadley Ecosystem: Reshape, Plyr, GGplot

Presented at: http://www.meetup.com/Montreal-R-User-Group/events/88570532/

We will give you a fly over of a few of the packages Hadley Wickham and his collaborators have created. Many of us now use these packages in every project we tackle and they have become an essential tool of the R enthusiast tool box. A brief tutorial providing the key features and how to implement them will be presented for each package, each followed by a hands on application exercise. Tips and trick for super users will also be provided.

-reshape: make your data play nice (Too many columns, no problem)

-plyr: split/apply/combine (extract the slope of a linear model for each of your thousand replicates)

-ggplot2: the grammar of graphics (start with a basic plot and intuitively add layers of complexity)


November 15, 2012

More Decks by Etienne

Other Decks in Programming


  1. The Hadley Ecosystem: reshape plyr ggplot Etienne Low-Decarie Journal of

    Statistical Software 7 2 1 1 2 1,2 Figure 1: T he three ways to split up a 2d m atrix, labelled above by the dim ensions that they slice. O riginal m atrix show n at top left, w ith dim ensions labelled. A single piece under each splitting schem e is colored blue. 3 2 1 1 2 3 1,2 1,3 2,3 1,2,3 Figure 2: T he seven ways to split up a 3d array, labelled above by the dim ensions that they slice up. O riginal array show n at top left, w ith dim ensions labelled. Blue indicates a single piece of the output. m*ply() takes a m atrix, list-array, or data fram e, splits it up by row s and calls the processing function supplying each piece as its param eters. Figure 3 show s how you m ight use this to draw random num bers from norm al distributions w ith varying param eters. Input: D ata fram e (d*ply) W hen operating on a data fram e, you usually want to split it up into groups based on com - binations of variables in the data set. For d*ply you specify w hich variables (or functions of variables) to use. T hese variables are specified in a special way to highlight that they are
  2. goud engelhardt windmill george maxine corey arthur rollert tanya ziegler

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  3. 0 50 100 Aberdeen Austin, TX Calgary, AB Campinas C..te

    Saint−Luc, QC Edinburgh Lasalle, QC Laval, QC Mississauga, ON Montreal, QC Montr..al, QC Montr..al−Ouest, QC New York, NY Ottawa, ON Outremont, QC Palo Alto, CA Sainte−Julie, QC Stowe, VT Toronto, ON Verdun, QC Washington, DC Location count attendee FALSE TRUE You
  4. 0 20 40 60 0 2 4 6 RSVPed.Yes count

    attendee FALSE TRUE You
  5. You ›  R level? ›  Have plotted with base R?

    ›  Have you: ›  used reshape ? ›  used plyr ? ›  used ggplot? You
  6. Outline ›  reshape ›  Make your data play nice › 

    10 minutes hands on ›  plyr ›  Split-Apply-Combine on steroids ›  to summarize or transform your data ›  15 minutes hands on ›  ggplot ›  beautiful plots one layer at a time ›  15 minutes hands on ›  Power user goodies on demand
  7. on demand during hands on: superuser stuff › ggplot themes › plyr

    ›  multicore ›  progress bar › reshape, plyr and ggplot all together ›  great exploratory plots › upcoming dplyr › more of the Hadely ecosystem Journal of Statistical Software 7 2 1 1 2 1,2 Figure 1: T he three ways to split up a 2d m atrix, labelled above by the dim ensions that they slice. O riginal m atrix show n at top left, w ith dim ensions labelled. A single piece under each splitting schem e is colored blue. 3 2 1 1 2 3 1,2 1,3 2,3 1,2,3 Figure 2: T he seven ways to split up a 3d array, labelled above by the dim ensions that they slice up. O riginal array show n at top left, w ith dim ensions labelled. Blue indicates a single piece of the output. m*ply() takes a m atrix, list-array, or data fram e, splits it up by row s and calls the processing function supplying each piece as its param eters. Figure 3 show s how you m ight use this to draw random num bers from norm al distributions w ith varying param eters. Input: D ata fram e (d*ply) W hen operating on a data fram e, you usually want to split it up into groups based on com - binations of variables in the data set. For d*ply you specify w hich variables (or functions of variables) to use. T hese variables are specified in a special way to highlight that they are
  8. Required packages ›  the obvious: ›  plyr ›  reshape(2) › 

    ggplot2 ›  for a little more data to play with: ›  vegan ›  vegetarian ›  for pretty graphic tables ›  gridExtra ›  help(package=“package name”)
  9. reshape ›  Wide ›  Each level of a factor gets

    a column ›  Multiple measurements per row ›  Excel, SPSS… ›  Pros ›  Plays nice with humans ›  No data repetition ›  “Eyeballable” ›  Cons ›  Does not play nice with R ID variable Level 1 Level 2 ID 1 Measured value Measured value ID 2 Measured value Measured value
  10. ›  Long ›  Levels are expressed in a column › 

    One measured value per row ›  eg. really long: XML, JSON (tag:content pairs) ›  Pros ›  Plays nice with computers (API, databases, plyr, ggplot2…) ›  Cons ›  Does not play nice with humans ›  Lots of copy pasting and forget eyeballing it! ID variable Factor Measured value ID 1 Level 1 Measured value ID 1 Level 2 Measured value ID 2 Level 1 Measured value ID 2 Level 2 Measured value reshape
  11. Look at data ›  What format is…? ›  data(simesants) › 

    head(simesants) or str(simesants) ›  data(iris) ›  data(sipoo) ›  your data??? ›  Look at more data ›  data() reshape why is your data long/wide?
  12. ID variable Factor Measured value ID 1 Level 1 Measured

    value ID 1 Level 2 Measured value ID 2 Level 1 Measured value ID 2 Level 2 Measured value ID variable Level 1 Level 2 ID 1 Measured value Measured value ID 2 Measured value Measured value Wide Long reshape
  13. Make your data play nice ›  Switching from long to

    wide ›  library(reshape) ›  melt() ›  cast() reshape
  14. Melt: go long molten.data<-melt(data,   id.vars=ls("id.var.1", "id.var.2"),   measure.vars=ls("measure.vars", "measure.vars"),

      variable_name = "variable")! ! head(iris)         reshape Super user hint: produce beautiful tables with require(gridExtra) and grid.table()
  15. Melt: go long   iris$id<-row.names(iris)     molten.iris<-melt(iris,   id.vars=c("Species",

    "id"),   #measure.vars=c("measure.vars", "measure.vars"),   variable_name = "measure")     head(molten.iris)         reshape
  16. Cast: go wide cast.data<-cast(molten.data,   formula = id_var_1 + id_var_2

    ~   measure_var_1 + measure_var_2)! ! … means all other variables           Super user hint: skip plyr and summarize your data with incomplete formula and cast(fun.aggregate=…) reshape
  17. Cast: go wide     cast.iris<-cast(molten.iris,   formula = Species

    + id ~ ...)     head(cast.iris)       Super user hint: skip plyr and summarize your data with incomplete formula and cast(fun.aggregate=…) reshape
  18. Your turn ›  Try melt and cast ›  with baseball

    produce -> ›  with iris: produce: reshape Discuss how you format/store your data with your neighbor
  19. Split-Apply-Combine ›  Equivalent ›  SQL GROUP BY ›  Pivot Tables

    (Excel, SPSS, …) ›  Split ›  Define a subset of your data ›  Apply ›  Do anything to this subset ›  calculation, modeling, simulations, plotting ›  Combine ›  Repeat this for all subsets ›  collect the results Journal of Statistical Software 7 2 1 1 2 1,2 Figure 1: The three ways to split up a 2d matrix, labelled above by the dimensions that they slice. Original matrix shown at top left, with dimensions labelled. A single piece under each splitting scheme is colored blue. 3 2 1 1 2 3 1,2 1,3 2,3 1,2,3 Figure 2: The seven ways to split up a 3d array, labelled above by the dimensions that they slice up. Original array shown at top left, with dimensions labelled. Blue indicates a single piece of the output. m*ply() takes a matrix, list-array, or data frame, splits it up by rows and calls the processing function supplying each piece as its parameters. Figure 3 shows how you might use this to draw random numbers from normal distributions with varying parameters. Input: Data frame (d*ply) When operating on a data frame, you usually want to split it up into groups based on com- binations of variables in the data set. For d*ply you specify which variables (or functions of variables) to use. These variables are specified in a special way to highlight that they are Split plyr
  20. Functions ›  functions ›  _ _ ply ›  d =

    data.frame ›  a = array ›  l = list ›  special ›  _ = discard ›  r = replicate ddply input format output format plyr Super user hint: check out help(package=plyr) for things like each, join, colwise..
  21. my.function<-function(subset.data){! ! ! ! results<-do.something(subset.data)! return(data.frame(results)}! ! my.function can produce

    as many rows as subset.data (transform) or fewer rows than subset.data (summarize) ! returned.results<-ddply(.data=data,! .variable=c("variable1", "variable2”),! ! ! my.function(subset.data))! ! ! How it works Super user hint: •  look under the hood as plyr is written in R •  think you can do better: plyr is on GitHub Warning: idiosyncrasies present plyr
  22. Example 1 ›  Calculate the mean of each measure for

    each species using the molten data set Super user hint: note __ply’s helper function rbind.fill() very useful for merging many data.frames molten.means<-ddply(.data=molten.iris,! !.variables=c("Species", "measure"),! function(subset.data) data.frame(mean=mean(subset.data$value)))   plyr
  23. Example 3 ›  Slope of width on length Super user

    hint: on big jobs, plyr can tell you where its at (.progress=“text”) we can talk about that plyr length.on.width.slope<-function(subset.data){ with(subset.data,{ slope.sepal<-lm(Sepal.Width~Sepal.Length)$coefficients[2] slope.petal<-lm(Petal.Width~Petal.Length)$coefficients[2] return(data.frame(slope.sepal=slope.sepal, slope.petal=slope.petal)) }) } iris.slopes<-ddply(.data=iris, .variables="Species", function(x)length.on.width.slope(x))
  24. Your turn ›  try mean calculation on original iris › 

    create different outputs ›  dlply ›  daply ›  d_ply ›  when would you use this? ›  take in different inputs ›  ldply ›  rdply ›  change functions ›  sd, length ›  range=max()-min() ›  write your own function ›  to calculate many statistics ›  to do more complex stuff ›  calculate slope and intercept of Sepal.Width~Sepal.Length ›  to plot ›  apply to other data ›  melt and cast data ›  simesants, rats, iris, sipoo, weeds, your own data plyr Show your neighbor how you would/ have used plyr
  25. 6 H. WICKHAM Figure 1. Graphics objects produced by (from

    left to right): geometric objects, scales and coordinate system, plot annotations. ggplot 1. a graphic is made of (independent) elements layers (as opposed to a single encapsulating name) ›  data ›  aesthetics ›  transformation ›  geoms (geometric objects) ›  axis (coordinate system) ›  scales Grammar of graphics (gg)
  26. ggplot 2. editing an element produces a new graph › 

    just change the coordinate system! Grammar of graphics (gg) A LAYERED GRAMMAR OF GRAPHICS 23 Figure 16. Bar chart (left) and equivalent Coxcomb plot (right) of clarity distribution. The Coxcomb plot is a bar chart in polar coordinates. Note that the categories abut in the Coxcomb, but are separated in the bar chart: this is an example of a graphical convention that differs in different coordinate systems.
  27. ggplot 1.  create a simple plot object ›  plot.object<-qplot()! 2. 

    add graphical layers/complexity ›  plot.object<-plot.object+layer()! ›  options available on:! ›  http://docs.ggplot2.org! ›  repeat step 2 until satisfied! 3.  print your object to screen (or to graphical device) ›  print(plot.object)! How it works Super user request: send me your best ggplot (pdf) [email protected] and you can show it off and discuss it
  28. ggplot Example 1 ›  Edited most basic plot basic.plot<-qplot(data=iris,! x=Sepal.Length,!

    xlab="Sepal Width (mm)",! y=Sepal.Width,! ylab="Sepal Length (mm)",! main="Sepal dimensions")! ! ! ! ! ! !print(basic.plot)
  29. ggplot Example 1 ›  Add aesthetics basic.plot<-qplot(data=iris,! x=Sepal.Length,! xlab="Sepal Width

    (mm)",! y=Sepal.Width,! ylab="Sepal Length (mm)",! main="Sepal dimensions",! colour=Species,! shape=Species,! alpha=I(0.5))! ! print(basic.p! ! ! !print(basic.plot)!
  30. ggplot Example 1 ›  Add a geom (eg. linear smooth)

    plot.with.linear.smooth<-basic.plot+geom_smooth(method="lm", se=F)! print(plot.with.linear.smooth)!
  31. ggplot Example 2 ›  Line with specified statistic CO2.plot.mean<-CO2.plot+! !

    !geom_line(stat="summary", fun.y="mean",! ! ! ! ! size=I(3), alpha=I(0.3))! print(CO2.plot)!
  32. Your turn docs.ggplot.org ggplot Time to show off! Show your

    neighbor the prettiest plot you ever made! http://chrisladroue.com/2011/10/an-exercise-in-plyr-and-ggplot2-using-triathlon-results/ ›  base ›  use data(simeants) -> ›  advanced ›  use http://chrisladroue.com/files/stratford.csv ›  to produce :
  33. You ›  What was most interesting/ useful? ›  What do

    you still need to ›  use reshape, plyr, ggplot? ›  to have fun using R?
  34. Acknowledgements ›  Reshape, plyr and ggplot2 are all brought to

    you on GitHub by: ›  Hadley Wickham ›  had.co.nz Wickham, H. (2011). "The split-apply- combine strategy for data analysis." Journal of Statis. Wickham, H. (2010). "A layered grammar of graphics." Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 19(1): 3-28.
  35. Superuser stuff ›  ggplot themes ›  plyr ›  multicore › 

    progress bar ›  reshape, plyr and ggplot all together ›  great exploratory plots ›  upcoming dplyr ›  more of the Hadely ecosystem Super user approved plyr Journal of Statistical Software 7 2 1 1 2 1,2 Figure 1: T he three ways to split up a 2d m atrix, labelled above by the dim ensions that they slice. O riginal m atrix show n at top left, w ith dim ensions labelled. A single piece under each splitting schem e is colored blue. 3 2 1 1 2 3 1,2 1,3 2,3 1,2,3 Figure 2: T he seven ways to split up a 3d array, labelled above by the dim ensions that they slice up. O riginal array show n at top left, w ith dim ensions labelled. Blue indicates a single piece of the output. m*ply() takes a m atrix, list-array, or data fram e, splits it up by row s and calls the processing function supplying each piece as its param eters. Figure 3 show s how you m ight use this to draw random num bers from norm al distributions w ith varying param eters. Input: D ata fram e (d*ply) W hen operating on a data fram e, you usually want to split it up into groups based on com - binations of variables in the data set. For d*ply you specify w hich variables (or functions of variables) to use. T hese variables are specified in a special way to highlight that they are
  36. ggplot ggplot themes ›  theme_set(theme()) ›  or plot+theme() ›  themes

    ›  theme_bw() ›  theme_grey() ›  edit themes ›  mytheme <- theme_grey() + theme(plot.title = element_text(colour = "red")) ›  p + mytheme
  37. multicore plyr #install.packages(parallel)! #install.packages(doMC)! library(parallel)! library(doMC)! ! registerDoMC(2) # 2

    cores! ! iris.slopes<-ddply(.data=iris,! ! !.variables="Species",! ! !length.on.width.slope,! ! !.parallel=T)! Super user approved plyr
  38. progress plyr ›  “text” progress bar ›  |=================================================| 100% › 

    “tk” on unix, linux and mac ›  “win” on windows ! iris.slopes<-ddply(.data=iris,! ! !.variables="Species",! ! !length.on.width.slope,! ! !.progress= "text")   Super user approved plyr
  39. reshape plyr plot Super user approved Warning: d_ply is not

    parallel compatible 1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 5 50 6 7 8 9 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 810 0 2 4 6 810 virginica Width Length part Sepal Petal 100 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 810 0 2 4 6 810 virginica Width Length part Sepal Petal 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 810 0 2 4 6 810 virginica Width Length part Sepal Petal plyr
  40. reshape plyr plot Super user approved Warning: strsplit is not

    vectorized Prepare data using reshape! ! molten.iris$row.names<-row.names(molten.iris)   molten.iris<-ddply(.data=molten.iris,   .variables="row.names",   part=unlist(strsplit(x=as.character(measure), split="\\."))[1],   dimension=unlist(strsplit(x=as.character(measure), split="\\."))[2],   transform)         cast.iris<-cast(data=molten.iris,   formula=Species + id + part ~ dimension)   plyr
  41. plot plyr Super user approved Warning: ggplot is slow pdf("iris

    sepal explore plot.pdf")     d_ply(.data=cast.iris,   .variables="Species",   function(data){   print(qplot(data=data,   ymin=I(0),   ymax=Length,   xmin=I(0),   xmax=Width,   geom="rect",   xlim=c(-1, 10),   ylim=c(-1, 10),   facets=~id,   main=unique(data$Species),   alpha=I(0.3),   fill=part))})     graphics.off()   plyr