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SeleniumConf: Selenium State of Union

SeleniumConf: Selenium State of Union

Slides for 2024 Selenium State of Union keynote by Diego Molina, Maaret Pyhäjärvi and Puja Jagani.

Maaret Pyhäjärvi

June 24, 2024

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  1. State of the Union SeleniumConf 2024 Puja Jagani - Selenium

    Project linkedin.com/in/pujajagani/ Maaret Pyhäjärvi - Selenium Project linkedin.com/in/maaret/ Diego Molina - Selenium Project linkedin.com/in/diemol/
  2. The road to maturity Selenium 1(RC) Driver & IDE Selenium

    3 WebDriver Selenium 4 2004 2006 2016 2007 2021 2018 Grid 2008 2011 ChromeDriver W3C WebDriver & IDE 2023 First bits of WebDriver BiDi 2024 Puppeteer supports WebDriver BiDi
  3. Maturity and stability Linux (1991) Python (1991) PHP (1995) Firefox

    (2002) Chromium (2008) WebKit (1998) Jenkins (2004) MySQL (1995) JavaScript (1995) WordPress (2003)
  4. Collaboration has been the key Jason Huggins Selenium Simon Stewart

    WebDriver GTAC 2007: Huggins & Stewart Selenium vs. WebDriver https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vlz-WmcrBL8
  5. https://unsplash.com/photos/shallow-focus-photograp hy-of-yellow-happy-birthday-printed-balloon-4eP_YcRF “Happy birthday, Selenium! You are the thing that

    made my professional career and brought me where I am now.” - Alex “My favourite story was back in the days after Selenium 2 release. Someone joined the Selenium IRC in a panic going "Help! I have an interview about Selenium in a few hours and I don't know how to program!" Simon, Jim, me, and nearly everyone in the IRC channel helped him learn everything he needed for his interview. I don't remember if they ever came back to update us. I also remember someone asking how do they test their database with Selenium” - David “The people and community around the project have been one of the most uplifting things I’ve been part of, and I’d like to thank everyone who’s been part of it over all these years.” - Simon
  6. Project Leadership Committee Project’s present and future is overseen by

    this team Maaret Pyhäjärvi @maaretp@mas.to David Burns @AutomatedTester Diego Molina @diegofmolina Manoj Kumar @manoj9788 Marcus Merrell @mmerrell Software Freedom Conservancy @conservancy Corina Pip @imalittletester Bill McGee @wcmcgeejr Thank you!
  7. Technical Leadership Committee Roadmap and technical decisions are overseen by

    this team Jim Evans @jimevansmusic Titus Fortner @titusfortner Puja Jagani @pujagani Sri Harsha @sri_harsha509 David Burns @AutomatedTester Diego Molina @diegofmolina Alex Rodionov @p0deje
  8. Active Contributors Moving the project forward thanks to their help!

    Boni García @bonigarcia Luis Correia @luisfcorreia Kat Rollo @kathyrollo Maxim Manuylov @maxmanuylov Ian Zhang @alaahong Krishnan Mahadevan @krmahadevan Sripriya P Kulkarni @sripriyapkulkarni Sang Nguyen @sangcnguyen Mohammad Monfared @mmonfared Afranio Alves @Afranioalves Augustin Gottlieb @aguspe Sandeep Suryaprasad @sandeepsuryaprasad Jörg Sautter @joerg1985 Simon K @symonk Pallavi Sharma @pallavigitwork Viet Nguyen Duc @VietND96 Scott Babcock @sbabcoc Alex @iampopovich Oscar Devora @RevealOscar Manuel Blanco @manuelsblanco Valery Yatsynovich @valfirst Adam Dangoor @adamtheturtle Michael Mintz @mdmintz Todd Tarsi @toddtarsi Nikolay Borisenko @nvborisenko Lauro Moura @lauromoura Andrei Solntsev @asolntsev Amar Deep Singh @amardeep2006 Henrik Skupin @whimboo Mat Wilk @matewilk
  9. Join us! How? 3 1 2 4 5 Answer Website

    Maintain and translate Report Bugs and propose features Share Blogs, talks, events Code Hack and contribute code Questions from users
  10. Enjoy the conference! Thank you! Puja Jagani - Selenium Project

    linkedin.com/in/pujajagani/ Maaret Pyhäjärvi - Selenium Project linkedin.com/in/maaret/ Diego Molina - Selenium Project linkedin.com/in/diemol/