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Node.js - Web APIs

Node.js - Web APIs

Slides for the Hackerstolz Hackschool Karlsruhe Workshop. Contains basic information about Web APIs done with Node.js & restify.

GitHub: https://github.com/hackerstolz/hackschool-nodejs-webapi
Hackschool Karlsruhe: www.meetup.com/Hackschool-KA

Manuel Rauber

April 30, 2016

More Decks by Manuel Rauber

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  1. Introduction Martina Kraus Passionate JavaScript Developer @Onwerk Lecturer HS Mannheim

    [email protected] @wing121 http://codekittey.github.io Manuel Rauber Cross-Platform Developer @ Thinktecture AG [email protected] @manuelrauber https://manuel-rauber.com Microsoft MVP 2
  2. Agenda • Web APIs • Do it together: Your first

    Web API • Demo • Do it yourself: Fix the demo 4
  3. Web APIs - Good old days • Server-side rendered, static

    web pages • Transmit the whole page with every click • Much data, long loading times • No offline possibility 6 Page Size EDGE max. 384 kBit/s UMTS max. 2 MBit/s LTE max. 100 MBit/s Google.de 500 kB 10 seconds 2 seconds ~0 seconds Twitter 2,5 MB 54 seconds 10 seconds ~0 seconds
  4. 8

  5. Web APIs - Intro 9 • Transfer data only (mostly

    JSON) • Merge data into HTML on client • Less response time • Web server can handle more incoming requests
  6. Web APIs - The Modern Way - REST API, HTTP

    API, whatever API - Model functional services with dedicated interface - Can use several other services for data aggregation - Secured by tokens - Consumable by every client which speaks HTTP(S) 11
  7. Web APIs - Advantages • Client can be deployed offline

    ◦ Like Apps we use every single day ◦ Single-Page-Applications (Angular 2, React) • Only data is needed after initial loading • Flexible hosting environments ◦ Azure ◦ Heroku ◦ Digital Ocean 12
  8. Web APIs - Basics • HTTP verbs ◦ GET: pull

    data from the web server ◦ PUT: update data on the web server ◦ POST: create data on the web server ◦ DELETE: delete data on the web server • HTTP web server • Uniform Resource Locator (URL) That’s all we need. 13
  9. Web APIs - Interface Example: https://localhost/api/blog/11 Our identifier for the

    data. GET gets the blog article with id 11 PUT updates the blog article with id 11 DELETE deletes the blog article with id 11 POST creates a blog article (in this case the web server creates the id) 14
  10. More examples: • GET /api/blog - gets all blog articles

    • DELETE /api/user - deletes all users Possibility to define filters, orders, paging with query parameters: • GET /api/blog?search=cat - get all blog articles with its content “cat” • GET /api/blog?orderBy=date&direction=desc - get all blog articles ordered by date descending • GET /api/blog?page=3 - gets the third page Web APIs - Interface 15
  11. Web APIs - Node.js • Server-side JavaScript powered by Chrome’s

    V8 JavaScript Engine • Asynchronous, event-driven I/O API • Node package manager for reusability • Cross-platform: Mac OS X, Linux, Windows • Enterprise proven: Paypal, Netflix, Groupon, Walmart, ... 16
  12. Web APIs - Node.js - Features • ECMAScript 6 •

    Experimental ECMAScript 7 • Classes • Fat Arrow/Lambda Expressions • Templated Strings 17
  13. Web APIs - Restify • Small Framework (similar to express)

    for building Web APIs ◦ http://restify.com • npm module: const restify = require('restify'); 18
  14. Web APIs - Restify Server const server = restify.createServer( name:

    ‘myServer’ ); // For parsing the body automatically to a nice JSON object server.use(restify.bodyParser()); server.listen(1337, () => { console.log(`${server.name} is listening at ${server.url}`); }); 19
  15. Web APIs - Restify Routing server.get('api/moo', (req, res) => {

    res.json(200, { message: 'success' }); }); server.post('api/moos', (req, res) => { if(req.body) { return res.json(200, { message: 'success' }); } res.json(404, { message: 'Empty body is not allowed.' }); }); 20
  16. Resources 26 • GitHub repo: https://github.com/hackerstolz/hackschool-nodejs-webapi/ • Node.js: https://nodejs.org •

    Restify: http://restify.com • Web API basics: https://manuel-rauber.com/2016/03/07/node-js-asp-net-core-1-0-a-usage- comparison/ • CORS: https://manuel-rauber.com/2016/03/29/node-js-asp-net-core-1-0-a-usage-comparison-part-4- cross-origin-resource-sharing/ • Sample Web API - Star Wars: https://swapi.co/