Focus on operability to get the best out of Serverless and IoT
Working with Serverless and IoT platforms means that much of the infrastructure “heavy lifting” has been done by the cloud vendor, leaving engineering teams free to focus on operability as a key differentiator for products and services.
In this talk we’ll cover:
● The coming technology landscape for business systems
● Why operability is key for future software
● Practical operability techniques for Serverless and IoT
Background: DevOps practices have been hugely valuable over the past 10 years in making software systems more resilient, reliable and valuable for users. However, many of the challenges that DevOps set out to solve are being addressed by cloud vendors at a rapid pace: application platforms, automated deployments, dynamic infrastructure provisioning, and more. Organisations starting their digital transformations in 2018 and beyond should look to new approaches such as Serverless and the cloud vendor IoT offerings and avoid
older approaches such as IaaS and even containers.
A talk given at University College, London in 2018