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Why your Target Operating Model needs to be flo...

Why your Target Operating Model needs to be flow-centric - insights from Team Topologies - Project to Product Summit 2024

The book Team Topologies points the way to profound changes for the operating model for organizations building and running software-enriched services. At the heart of Team Topologies is the principle of fast flow: multiple ongoing streams of changes to software-enriched services done safely and sustainably. By focusing on fast flow using Team Topologies patterns - especially decoupling and service-centricity - organizations can expect to see significant benefits, including:

- Increased financial efficiency - typically $ millions per year
- Increased end-to-end financial transparency
- Shorter time-to-value
- Better scaling ability without the slowdowns normally found with larger organizations
- Marked improvements in detecting and meeting user needs (or customer needs)
- Increased staff wellbeing and engagement (autonomy, mastery, purpose)
- Greater overall organizational agility

In this talk, Matthew Skelton - CEO at Conflux and Team Topologies and co-author of the book Team Topologies - explores some of the reasons why a focus on fast flow helps with much wider organizational and business goals, together with some of the key principles and practices that need to be part of everyday life in an organization that is set up for fast flow.

A crucial complementary approach to Team Topologies is Adapt Together™️ from Conflux, which uses active knowledge diffusion to create alignment, trust, and engagement across your organization whilst delivering at pace with fast flow. With the Adapt Together approach, we spread good practices and ideas across organizational boundaries without fighting against Conway’s Law and whilst keeping strong, ongoing stewardship of services and products.

Ultimately, using "fast flow" as a key organizing principle also results in more generalized business agility, mostly because we are encouraged to think about decoupling between separate "things" and the real value of what the organization provides. So although it is not the end goal, fast flow certainly helps significantly to help the organization to respond in a nimble manner.


From a talk at the Project to Product Summit 2024: https://projecttoproductsummit.com/

Matthew Skelton

October 01, 2024

More Decks by Matthew Skelton

Other Decks in Business


  1. Why your Target Operating Model needs to be flow-centric -

    insights from Team Topologies Matthew Skelton Co-author of ‘Team Topologies’ Originator of Adapt Together™ by Conflux matthewskelton.com
  2. Matthew Skelton holistic innovation Originator of Adapt Together™ by Conflux

    Co-author of Team Topologies matthewskelton.com 3
  3. Team Topologies Organizing business and technology teams for fast flow

    Matthew Skelton & Manuel Pais IT Revolution Press, September 2019 Order via stores worldwide: teamtopologies.com/book 4
  4. 5

  5. 13 “...using "flow" as a key organizing principle also results

    in more generalized business agility, mostly because we are encouraged to think about decoupling between separate "things" and the real value of what the organization provides.” Matthew Skelton https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7130519809980559360/
  6. 20

  7. 29 Stream-aligned team ➔ Long-lived ➔ End-to-end care and evolution

    of the service ➔ No hand-offs to other teams ➔ Mix of skills (“cross-functional”) ➔ Small: around 8 people
  8. 30 Stream-aligned team ➔ Long-lived ➔ End-to-end care and evolution

    of the service ➔ No hand-offs to other teams ➔ Mix of skills (“cross-functional”) ➔ Small: around 8 people Flow of change
  9. 32

  10. Platform grouping 41 Flow of value Stream-aligned team Stream-aligned team

    Complicated Subsystem team XaaS XaaS Collaboration UX
  11. Platform grouping 42 Flow of value Stream-aligned team Stream-aligned team

    Complicated Subsystem team XaaS XaaS Stream-aligned team xN
  12. Platform grouping 43 Flow of change Stream-aligned team Stream-aligned team

    Complicated Subsystem team XaaS XaaS Collaboration Stream-aligned team xN ⚠ Team Topologies diagrams are always just “snapshots in time”, never fixed designs
  13. 44

  14. 46 If each person in the organization is blocked for

    1 hour per working day, how much does this cost?
  15. 47 • Fully-loaded cost: €160k per year • 260 paid

    days per year • Total of 400 people
  16. 48 Person fully weighted cost per year Person cost per

    day Hours blocked per 8-hour day Days blocked per 260-day year Cost of blockers per person per year Number of people Total cost of blockers per year €160,000.00 €615.38 1 32.5 €20,000.00 400 €8,000,000.00 €8 million per year 💥
  17. “How JP Morgan Applied Team Topologies to Improve Flow in

    a Market Leading Enterprise Platform” 50 https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=y3OL7dv2l48 Fast Flow Conf 💖 https://www.fastflowconf.com/
  18. 51

  19. 53 Engineer fully weighted cost per year Engineer cost per

    day Hours blocked per 8-hour day Days blocked per 260-day year Cost of blockers per engineer per year Number of engineers Total cost of blockers per year €160,000.00 €615.38 1 32.5 €20,000.00 400 €8,000,000.00 €8 million per year 💥 Remember this? [Note: these are not figures from JP Morgan]
  20. 56

  21. Accelerate Building and Scaling High Performing Technology Organizations Nicole Forsgren,

    Jez Humble, Gene Kim IT Revolution Press, 2018 Order via stores worldwide: https://itrevolution.com/book/accelerate/ 68
  22. 4 key metrics: ‘Accelerate’ lead time deployment frequency Mean Time

    To Restore change fail percentage Encourage fast flow
  23. 4 key metrics: ‘Accelerate’ lead time deployment frequency Mean Time

    To Restore change fail percentage Encourage operability
  24. What % of lead time is actual work? Example: 120

    hours / (120+630) x 100 = 16% Flow Efficiency 72
  25. 4 key metrics & ‘blocker count’ lead time deployment frequency

    Mean Time To Restore change fail percentage ‘blocker count’ as a proxy for flow efficiency 75
  26. Use 4 key metrics 📊 + “blocker count” to assess

    and find better service & team boundaries for flow 76
  27. “If we adjusted the service & team boundary here, would

    it improve the 4 key metrics?” 💓 77
  28. 81 “The Independent Service Heuristics (ISH) are rules-of-thumb (clues) for

    identifying candidate value streams and domain boundaries by seeing if they could be run as a separate SaaS/cloud product.” https://teamtopologies.com/ish
  29. 83 “User Needs Mapping attempts to capture the first 4

    steps of the Wardley Mapping process … for identifying potential team [and service] boundary” https://teamtopologies.com/unm
  30. 85 “[Team Interaction Modeling helps] to describe how to re-organize

    … teams and their interactions to achieve better flow and deliver value faster.” https://teamtopologies.com/tim
  31. 92

  32. • Financial advice • Founded 2009 • Consumers & companies

    • 'Explainable AI' • Increasingly successful 93
  33. “Team Topologies ... has given us the tools we were

    looking for and have helped us to build a plan and have confidence that we know where we’re going and how to get there.” Richard Marshall, CTO, Wealth Wizards 99
  34. Concepts • Stream-aligned: build & run • Boundaries that help

    flow • Supporting team types: reduce cognitive load on Stream teams 100
  35. Results • Clear patterns and language • Framework for design

    decisions • Confidence in scaling approach 101 https://medium.com/ww-engineering/to-monolith-or-to-microservice-f8c3f967e63c
  36. Thanks to: Richard Marshall CTO, Wealth Wizards (to 2021) 102

    Further details: https://teamtopologies.com/wealthwizards
  37. “How the Home Office’s Immigration Technology department reduced its cloud

    costs by 40%” 104 https://www.gov.uk/government/case-studies/how-the-home-offices- immigration-technology-department-reduced-its-cloud-costs-by-40
  38. Making service owners accountable for the $ spend for their

    service helps to clarify service boundaries 💡 106
  39. 119 Architecture for fast flow resembles an ecosystem of loosely-coupled

    independently-viable services with clear boundaries and ownership aligned to the flow of business value.
  40. 120 Architecture for fast flow resembles an ecosystem of loosely-coupled

    independently-viable services with clear boundaries and ownership aligned to the flow of business value.
  41. 121 Architecture for fast flow resembles an ecosystem of loosely-coupled

    independently-viable services with clear boundaries and ownership aligned to the flow of business value.
  42. 122 Architecture for fast flow resembles an ecosystem of loosely-coupled

    independently-viable services with clear boundaries and ownership aligned to the flow of business value.
  43. 127 Adaptive Systems with Domain-Driven Design, Wardley Mapping, and Team

    Topologies: Architecture for Flow – 08 February 2025 Susanne Kaiser See https://www.infoq.com/presentations/ddd-wardley- mapping-team-topology/
  44. 128 Architecture for fast flow resembles an ecosystem of loosely-coupled

    independently-viable services with clear boundaries and ownership aligned to the flow of business value.
  45. 129 “The work is delivered in many small changes that

    are uncoordinated to enable flow. … Management’s job is to provide context, prioritization and to coordinate across teams. Lending resources if needed across teams to unblock things. … It works well within a high trust culture.” Adrian Cockcroft https://mastodon.social/@adrianco/111174832280576410 Technology strategy advisor, Partner at OrionX.net (ex Amazon Sustainability, AWS, Battery Ventures, Netflix, eBay, Sun Microsystems, CCL)
  46. 130 “The work is delivered in many small changes that

    are uncoordinated to enable flow. … Management’s job is to provide context, prioritization and to coordinate across teams. Lending resources if needed across teams to unblock things. … It works well within a high trust culture.” Adrian Cockcroft https://mastodon.social/@adrianco/111174832280576410 Technology strategy advisor, Partner at OrionX.net (ex Amazon Sustainability, AWS, Battery Ventures, Netflix, eBay, Sun Microsystems, CCL) It’s co pli ate !
  47. 132 organize for fast flow of value We help product,

    technology and engineering leaders design high-impact team-of-teams organizations. teamtopologies.com
  48. If we have clear boundaries for flow, with limited interactions,

    how do we create alignment? How do we learn from each other at pace? 135
  49. 138 Alignment and engagement “High performers favor strategies that create

    community structures at both low and high levels in the organization...”
  50. 141 “This initiative around internal conferences has been the single

    most effective thing to align business and technology that I have seen in this organization” – Murray Hennessey, CEO, (UK retail co)
  51. 143 “The way that the Conflux crew used their active

    knowledge diffusion approach to seek out and champion good practices was a real revelation to us at TELUS and helped to shift thinking around how we innovate and share successes.” – Steven Tannock, Director, Architecture (Platform Technology & Tools) at TELUS Digital
  52. 144 Thriving organizations, delivering at speed™ Create alignment, trust, and

    engagement across your organization whilst delivering at pace with fast flow. adapttogether.info
  53. 170 “...using "flow" as a key organizing principle also results

    in more generalized business agility, mostly because we are encouraged to think about decoupling between separate "things" and the real value of what the organization provides.” Matthew Skelton https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7130519809980559360/
  54. … but operating safely and humanely at speed needs flow-centric

    architectures via Team Topologies and flow-centric alignment via Adapt Together™ from Conflux 176
  55. 179 The Adapt Together™ approach from Conflux creates alignment, trust,

    and engagement across your organization whilst delivering at pace with fast flow. adapttogether.info Team Topologies is the leading approach to organizing business and technology teams for fast flow, providing a practical, step-by‑step, adaptive model for organizational design and team interaction. teamtopologies.com