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Heart Of A Disciple (3)

January 31, 2021

Heart Of A Disciple (3)


January 31, 2021


  1. 16 “Now the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the

    mountain which Jesus had designated.” MATTHEW 28:16 AMP
  2. 17 “And when they saw Him, they worshiped Him; but

    some doubted [that it was really He].” MATTHEW 28:17 AMP
  3. 18 “Jesus came up and said to them, All authority

    (all power of absolute rule) in heaven and on earth has been given to Me.” MATTHEW 28:18 AMP
  4. 19 “When the Lord Jesus had finished talking with them,

    He was taken up into heaven..” MARK 16:19 NLT
  5. 19 “And sat down in the place of honor at

    God’s right hand.” MARK 16:19 NLT
  6. 20 “And the disciples went everywhere and preached, and the

    Lord worked through them," MARK 16:20 NLT
  7. On the basis of that authority, Jesus told His disciples

    to make more disciples as they preached, baptized, and taught.
  8. With the same authority, Jesus still commands us to tell

    others the Good News and make them disciples for the Kingdom.

    fuel we use for carrying out this Great Commission.
  10. With the task and the tools to bring light into

    darkness, to heal the sick, save the lost, and help the hurting.
  11. This commission wasn’t just for them or a select few

    in the church today, but for every born again believer.
  12. 1

  13. 18 “Jesus came up and said to them, All authority

    (all power of absolute rule)..” MATTHEW 28:18 AMP
  14. 8 “But you will receive power and ability when the

    Holy Spirit comes upon you” ACTS 1:8 AMP
  15. 8 “…Both in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and Samaria,

    and even to the ends of the earth.” ACTS 1:8 AMP
  16. Rather, He promised them “power” – the only resource they

    really needed in order to succeed at the job He had given them.
  17. Only at the point at which they could properly manage

    the resource did Jesus empower them.
  18. It is a matter of God EMPOWERING us to be

    the people we were meant to be.
  19. We cannot be the people we were created to be

    without being empowered by the Holy Spirit.
  20. 16 “…You did not choose me, but I chose you

    and appointed you to go and bear fruit – fruit that will last” JOHN 15:16
  21. As we invest God’s Word in people, loving and serving

    them with eternal values at heart with the enabling power of the Holy Spirit, we are storing up treasure in heaven!
  22. As we invest God’s Word in people, loving and serving

    them with eternal values at heart with the enabling power of the Holy Spirit, we are storing up treasure in heaven!
  23. So as we gather together, whether that be on Sundays,

    Wednesdays, a Life Group, people serve and use their gifts God to help disciple others.
  24. So as we gather together, whether that be on Sundays,

    Wednesdays, a Life Group, people serve and use their gifts God to help disciple others.
  25. God put you on the team as a player not

    a specator in the stands.
  26. God put you on the team as a player not

    a specator in the stands.
  27. But if you are not playing then the team cannot

    function well and so the message and the mission are compromised.
  28. But if you are not playing then the team cannot

    function well and so the message and the mission are compromised.
  29. 19 “To tread on serpents and scorpions, and [the ability

    to exercise authority]” LUKE 10:19 AMP
  30. 19 “Over all the power of the enemy (Satan); and

    nothing will [in any way] harm you.” LUKE 10:19 AMP
  31. 2

  32. 19 “Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations,

    baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” MATTHEW 28:19 NLT
  33. 20 “Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands

    I have given you. And be sure of this” MATTHEW 28:20 NLT
  34. 20 “I am with you always, even to the end

    of the age.” MATTHEW 28:20 NLT
  35. Two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ has shared this power

    with his disciples and gave them order, it was a mandate for followers of Christ.
  36. But God calls us to chase the best and run

    the race set before us and make great feat for Him.
  37. But God calls us to chase the best and run

    the race set before us and make great feat for Him.
  38. 19 “For the Son of Man came to seek and

    to save what was lost.” LUKE 10:19
  39. The notion that evangelism belongs only in the hands of

    the “professionals”, and that the regular members are therefore excused from any responsibility, will severely limit successful expansion of the borders of the kingdom of our Lord.
  40. The notion that evangelism belongs only in the hands of

    the “professionals”, and that the regular members are therefore excused from any responsibility, will severely limit successful expansion of the borders of the kingdom of our Lord.
  41. If we are making disciples of Jesus Christ, then we

    will have no problem immersing them, or teaching them to obey, or even getting them to go and spread the gospel message.
  42. Dying churches do not have authority; they do not have

    a sense of the presence of God, because they are not doing God’s will.
  43. Dying churches do not have authority; they do not have

    a sense of the presence of God, because they are not doing God’s will.
  44. He died for our salvation and has given us the

    privilege and responsibility to make the gospel known to all people.
  45. 15 “And then he told them, “Go into all the

    world and preach the Good News to everyone.” MARK 16:15 NLT
  46. 16 “Anyone who believes and is baptized will be saved.

    But anyone who refuses to believe will be condemned.” MARK 16:16 NLT
  47. 3

  48. 19 “he was taken up into heaven and sat down

    in the place of honor at God’s right hand.” MARK 16:19 NLT
  49. 20 “And the disciples went everywhere and preached, and the

    Lord worked through them.” MARK 16:20 NLT
  50. In the coming years, the church would experience radical growth

    through the efforts of these men, the apostle Paul, and countless others committed to the Gospel.
  51. “The world does not need sermons; it needs a message.

    You can go to seminary and learn how to preach sermons, but you will have to go to God to get messages.” Oswald Smith
  52. We’ve been given the message! Before men, women and children

    are two options good and evil, life and death and that we are confronted with slavery to sin and living as captures to the enemy.
  53. We’ve been given the message! Before men, women and children

    are two options good and evil, life and death and that we are confronted with slavery to sin and living as captures to the enemy.
  54. If it were not true, there would be no cause

    spread this message or reason for its existence.
  55. But, rejoice! Because of the Christ they can put off

    the chains that would see them enslaved and sin will no longer rule them, no longer ruin them because Christ has redeemed them!
  56. 16 “For you see, even though I proclaim the good

    news, I can’t take the credit for my labors, 1 CORINTHIANS 9:16 TPT
  57. 16 “For I am compelled to fulfill my duty by

    completing this work.” 1 CORINTHIANS 9:16 TPT
  58. 16 “It would be agony to me if I did

    not constantly preach the gospel!” 1 CORINTHIANS 9:16 TPT
  59. Preaching the Good News was Paul’s gift and calling, and

    he said he couldn’t stop preaching even if he wanted to.
  60. Preaching the Good News was Paul’s gift and calling, and

    he said he couldn’t stop preaching even if he wanted to.
  61. Preaching the Good News was Paul’s gift and calling, and

    he said he couldn’t stop preaching even if he wanted to.
  62. Paul was driven by the desire to do what God

    wanted, using his gifts for God’s glory.
  63. Paul, makes mention of his desire to be faithful to

    his work, although bonds and afflictions abide him in Jerusalem.
  64. 25 “He said to the elders at Miletus: “But none

    of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself..” ACTS 20:25
  65. 25 “So that I might finish my course with joy,

    and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus,” ACTS 20:25
  66. But the man who carries the Word with him behind

    the Sacred Desk has an overwhelming accountability. God called Paul to preach, the stewardship and trust of preaching was his.
  67. The call to preach is an awesome responsibility, God placed

    His Gospel into his hands and how he treated it was extremely serious, Paul said when I preach—I do it willingly.
  68. The call to preach is an awesome responsibility, God placed

    His Gospel into his hands and how he treated it was extremely serious, Paul said when I preach—I do it willingly.
  69. But since preaching is God’s idea, then our preaching of

    the Gospel is accountable to Him. Look how serious Paul took his accountability of preaching the Gospel he says, “…woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel!” One of the major reasons Paul was driven to preach the gospel was the terrible judgment he would face if he failed to.
  70. “WOE” means that the day he stood before God he

    would definitely have to face regret, distress, disaster, denunciation, and grief.
  71. Just because a person is called to preach does not

    mean that they are exempt from any judgment.
  72. 14 “For the love of Christ controls and compels us,

    because we have concluded this, that One died for all, therefore all died;” 2 CORINTHIANS 5:14 AMP
  73. 15 “And He died for all, so that all those

    who live would no longer live for themselves,” 2 CORINTHIANS 5:15 AMP
  74. 15 “But for Him who died and was raised for

    their sake.” 2 CORINTHIANS 5:15 AMP
  75. Doesn’t make it right, doesn’t mean you have to be

    perfect, it does mean that you have to understand who you serve.
  76. We should help others to find their identity in Christ,

    baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
  77. We should help others to find their identity in Christ,

    baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
  78. The disciples were to baptize people because baptism unites believers

    with Jesus Christ in their death to sin and their resurrection to new life.
  79. “Teaching them to observe everything that I have commanded you;

    and lo, I am with you always” MATTHEW 28:20 AMP
  80. “[remaining with you perpetually— regardless of circumstance, and on every

    occasion], to the end of the age.” MATTHEW 28:20 AMP