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Age of monorepos (Armada JS 2022)

Age of monorepos (Armada JS 2022)

Miroslav Jonaš

October 06, 2022

More Decks by Miroslav Jonaš

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Homepage App (framework X) Every application* UI Components / Design

    system Backend Service 1 Service 1 Service 1 Service 1 Service 1 Service 1 Service 1
  2. Homepage App (framework X) Backend Every application* UI Components /

    Design system Service 1 Service 1 Service 1 Service 1 Service 1 Service 1 Service 1 Admin Portal App Mobile App Utility v1 v3 v2_beta v1.0.1 ~2.15.0 > 3.0.0
  3. Homepage App (framework X) Backend Collocate UI Components / Design

    system Service 1 Service 1 Service 1 Service 1 Service 1 Service 1 Service 1 Admin Portal App Mobile App Utility
  4. admin store api Deploy every second week Deploy on Tuesdays

    Deploy on every change Affected graph + deploy
  5. Caching Never { build, test, lint… } same code twice

    { build, test, lint,... } Nx Local cache { build, test, lint,... } Nx Local cache CI provider
  6. @meeroslav Monorepos bring speed - local & remote caching -

    task orchestration - detecting affected nodes - distributed task execution
  7. @meeroslav Monorepos make it easy - code sharing - code

    collocation - powerful generators - consistent tooling - code constraints
  8. @meeroslav - developer mobility - collaboration as default - can

    change the organization - greater confidence - velocity increase Not just a fancy tool
  9. WHY BE A 10X 

    NX DEVELOPER? @meeroslav /