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Offer More Diagnostic Data with Quantile Strand...

Offer More Diagnostic Data with Quantile Strand-Level Reporting!

With the declining national math scores (reported by NAEP), pinpointing students’ strengths and weaknesses and providing interventions is more important than ever. That’s why we are now offering a service to provide finer-grained assessment information across six critical strands, from algebra to data analysis.

Join our webinar to learn more about strand-level reporting including:

• The research behind developing the six strands, including the educational standards we examined.
• How you can integrate and customize the service for your product,
• How you can pair it with our Quantile Sequencing Service to map students to math skills and concepts they need to master to progress.
• How one of our important partners is using this new strand-level data in their product.
• A sneak peek on what’s coming for Lexile strand-level reporting.


March 15, 2024

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  1. Lisa Bickel VP, Partner Success [email protected] Amanda B. Jewell Senior

    Director, Test Development [email protected] Offer More Diagnostic Data with Quantile Strand-Level Reporting!
  2. ➔ Why report by domain? ➔ What is a Quantile®

    measure anyway? ➔ What research was completed? ➔ How can Quantile strand information be reported? ➔ What about Lexile® measures? ➔ Pi Day Pie Raffle Today’s Discussion Have questions? Please use Zoom’s Q&A feature.
  3. …we could predict student success in Algebra 1 based on

    their domain scores in Grade 7? What if…
  4. Example: Missouri Assessment Program From “MAP Grade-Level Assessment Spring 2023

    Guide To Interpreting Results” Strand reporting based on MAP scale score Quantile measure based on link to scale score
  5. Domain Information is Powerful! • The study examined associations between

    scores in the five math domains of the 2016/17 Missouri Assessment Program in grade 7 and scale scores on the Algebra I End-of-Course Assessment in grade 8. • Domains: ▪ ratios and proportional relationships ▪ the number system ▪ expressions and equations ▪ geometry ▪ statistics and probability • Scores in all five math domains in grade 7 were associated with Algebra I achievement in grade 8; the expressions and equations domain had the strongest association.
  6. —––––– O V E R V I E W —–––––

    What is a Quantile measure anyway?
  7. Quantile measures match math readiness and complexity on the same

    scale. a. Amy has a fish tank shaped like a rectangular prism that is 20 cm by 20 cm. What is the volume of the tank? b. If Amy only fills the take ¾ of the way, what will be the volume of the water in the tank? 16 cm 20 cm 20 cm 840Q 840Q Student Ability Lesson Difficulty A student’s Quantile measure is their readiness for math instruction. A Quantile measure of materials is its math complexity.
  8. Why Use Quantile Measures? The Quantile® Framework for Mathematics places

    students, curriculum, lessons and other resources on the same scale, providing a way to: TRACK STUDENT GROWTH in math across K-12 regardless of grade level or course. COMPARE STUDENT ABILITY to the difficulty of K-12 mathematics lessons and materials. ASSESS STUDENT GROWTH PROJECTIONS in terms of the mathematical demands of college and career readiness.
  9. Quantile Measures in States Alabama Arkansas California Georgia Idaho Illinois

    Indiana Kansas Minnesota Missouri Nevada New Hampshire New Mexico North Carolina North Dakota South Carolina Tennessee (Lexile measures only) Texas Vermont West Virginia Wyoming
  10. Quantile Measures from Partner Products Find the complete list of

    partner products: K-12 Assessment Products Reporting Quantile Student Measures
  11. Activity: What domains of mathematics are used? What is the

    measure of angle A? Step Domain or Strand
  12. Math Strands of the Quantile Framework A strand is a

    major subdivision of mathematical content, just like a domain. The Quantile Framework is made up of six mathematical strands. The skills and concepts of the Quantile Framework are organized into one of these six mathematical strands. 2 Grade 2 Example Find the value of an unknown in a number sentence. Algebra & Algebraic Thinking 3 Grade 2 Example Identify combinations of fractions that make one whole. Numerical Operations 4 Grade 2 Example Tell time at the five-minute intervals. Measurement 5 Grade 2 Example Identify, draw, and name shapes such as quadrilaterals, trapezoids, parallelograms, rhombi, and pentagons. Geometry 6 Grade 2 Example Organize, display, and interpret information in Venn diagrams (three or fewer sets). Data Analysis, Statistics & Probability 1 Grade 2 Example Use place value with hundreds. Number Sense
  13. Activity: What domains of mathematics are used? What is the

    measure of angle A? Step Domain or Strand Recognize it’s a triangle and also a right triangle. 1 Geometry Know that the sum of the interior angles sum to 180˚. Geometry 2 Know that a right angle is 90˚. Measurement 3 Set up “equation” and solve. Algebra & Algebraic Thinking 4 Do the calculations. Numerical Operations 5
  14. New Research! Reporting Quantile Strand Score Information to Support Instruction

    Assessment items measure knowledge across multiple content strands. Domain information is important! A single Quantile measure is reported based on a student’s performance for an entire Quantile exam.
  15. Market Research Questions Would it be helpful to have more

    than just a single Quantile measure? • What type of information would you like? • How would you use this information? (e.g., Would you report on all strands? Are there certain strands or content areas that are more important than others?) • How would this information be used to inform instruction? How would you likely report strand information? • Provided examples of graphs and tables showing student performance across strands, readiness for instruction • Asked about importance of providing a numerical value for strands Are you willing to update or revise your assessment program to support strand reporting requirements? • Do you align your program instructional content with a specific grade level? Is a goal of your program to get students to at least grade level? • Would you be willing to adjust your assessment to support subscore reporting? • Assuming one minute per item, how many items would you be willing to administer?
  16. Research Questions • Can valid and reliable strand scores be

    reported from existing Quantile assessments? ◦ Review of existing linking and custom assessments • If not, how long would an assessment need to be to report valid and reliable Quantile strand scores? ◦ Analysis of a variety of scores ◦ Calculation of the Value-Added Ratio
  17. MetaMetrics Requirements for Strand Reporting • Quantile assessments that meet

    the required test specifications can implement strand reporting. ◦ Exams must contain 30+ items for grades K–1 and 45+ items for grades 2–12. ◦ Strands must contain a minimum of 5-6 items. ◦ Default strands are defined as the six Quantile Framework strands. ◦ Items must be assigned to a single strand. • A Quantile measure will be reported based on a student’s performance for the entire Quantile exam. • Strands will be scored on the Quantile scale, but only reported graphically or categorically.
  18. Results of the Research Study Read the research brief at:

    https://www2.metametricsinc.com/ hubfs/Quantile-Framework- Strand-Reporting-Research- Brief.pdf MetaMetrics Research & Publications Database: https://metametricsinc.com/ research-publications/
  19. Research Questions & Details • Can valid and reliable strand

    scores be reported from existing Lexile assessments? ◦ MetaMetrics is evaluating a subset of our item banks to determine which strands the Lexile® Framework for Reading currently supports. ◦ MetaMetrics is evaluating test specifications from current clients. • How long does an assessment need to be to report valid and reliable Lexile strand scores? ◦ Define the strands ◦ Determine reporting and exam/blueprint requirements (e.g., minimum number of items per strand)
  20. Lexile Strand Research 2024 Timeline 27 Q1 + Q2 Research

    Activities Development & Productization Q3 Product Launch Q4
  21. —––––– O V E R V I E W —–––––

    How can Quantile strand information be reported?
  22. Example of Reporting Strand Information Strand Performance Compared to Quantile

    Test Specifications STUDENT PROFILE Pretest Administration MM/DD/YYYY Student Lastname, First Grade 5 Quantile Measure 630Q TARGETED LEARNING Recommended Quantile Skills and Concepts [Name] should work on: Data Analysis, Statistics & Probability 670Q Determine the number of possible outcomes of a given situation and list the possibilities. Measurement 560Q Use grids to develop the relationship between the total numbers of square units in a rectangle and the length and width of the rectangle (LxW); find area using the formula in number and word problems. QUANTILE STRAND REPORT Needs review on pre- requisite QSCs* Ready for grade-level instruction Ready for enrichment activities *QSCs: Quantile Skills and Concepts Number Sense Geometry Data Analysis, Statistics & Probability Measurement Algebra & Algebraic Thinking Numerical Operations
  23. McGraw Hill is Reporting Quantile Domain Information Connect fragmented data

    from across tiered programs, visualize student progress, personalize instruction, and access custom reports. www.mheducation.com/prek- 12/explore/mcgrawhill-plus.html
  24. Pi Day Pie Raffle Congratulations to our winner! We will

    reach out to you to with your Goldbelly gift certificate to get a pie of your choice. Happy Pi Day!
  25. Connect With Us FOLLOW US FIND US ONLINE MetaMetricsInc.com Hub.Lexile.com

    Lexile.Global VISIT US MetaMetrics 800 Taylor Street, Suite 102 Durham, NC 27701 This presentation constitutes the confidential information of MetaMetrics, Inc. Copyright © 2024 MetaMetrics, Inc. All rights reserved. twitter.com/metametrics_inc twitter.com/Lexile_Quantile facebook.com/LexileQuantileFrameworks instagram.com/lexile_quantile youtube.com/metametrics linkedin.com/company/metametrics-inc-/ pinterest.com/lexile_quantile