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Dialogflow Intent Candidate List

Dialogflow Intent Candidate List


December 09, 2017


  1. What is the candidate list? • At any given point

    in the conversation, Dialogflow can only choose a subset of the intents you have defined • This subset is based on what contexts are currently active
  2. Suppose context c1 and c2 are active • If two

    contexts c1 and c2 are active, then any of the following 4 types of intents are candidates • no input context • input context c1 • input context c2 • input context c1 and c2 • what if there is an intent with input context c1 and c3? • it is not a candidate for selection, since c3 is not active
  3. Power set • The candidate list is based on the

    power set of the set of active contexts • Suppose c1, c2 and c3 are active: • the powerset is {(), (c1), (c2), (c3), (c1,c2), (c1,c3), (c2,c3), (c1,c2,c3)} • 8 = 2 ^ 3 combinations • Generally, 2 ^ N combinations