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Introduction to Deep Learning with KotlinDL

February 17, 2021

Introduction to Deep Learning with KotlinDL


February 17, 2021

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  1. About me Developer Advocate at JetBrains Python person converted to

    Kotlin PyData Montreal Organizer mariakhalusova.com @MariaKhalusova on Twitter
  2. What makes Deep Learning so popular? No need to hand-craft

    rules for complex use cases More accurate than humans Specialized hardware More labeled data http://karpathy.github.io/2011/04/27/manually-classifying-cifar10/
  3. Deep Learning isn’t magic Multilayer Perceptron ReLu Activation Function Kernel

    Initializer Gradient Descent Sigmoid Backpropagation Loss function Conv2D LSTM Tensor Epoch Learning rate Computation graph TensorFlow Keras PyTorch Dense layers MaxPooling2D Transfer Learning Transformers Softmax Dropout Embeddings Batch Normalization
  4. Kernel and Bias Initializers What should the initial weights be

    before training? All zeros? A constant? Random values? Random values from a uniform distribution? …
  5. “Delving Deep into Recti fi ers: 
 Surpassing Human-Level Performance

    on ImageNet Classi fi cation ” by Kaiming He et al. 201 5 “… we derive a robust initialization method that particularly considers the recti fi er nonlinearities.”
  6. Binary Cross-Entropy Takes into account uncertainty of predictions Larger penalty

    for confident wrong predictions True label Predicted prob. of class 1 loss 1 0.9 0.105360515657 1 0.55 0.597837000755 1 0.10 2.302585092994 0 0.95 2.995732273553
  7. Training Split the data: - Why? - How much data

    should go into test set? - How to split? Epochs & Batches
  8. MNIST Fashion Label Class 0 T-shirt/top 1 Trouser 2 Pullover

    3 Dress 4 Coat 5 Sandal 6 Shirt 7 Sneaker 8 Bag 9 Ankle boot https://github.com/zalandoresearch/fashion-mnist
  9. MNIST Fashion 70 000 images 28 x 28 pixels Grayscale

    val (train, test) = Dataset.createTrainAndTestDatasets ( trainFeaturesPath = "datasets/fashionmnist/train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz" , trainLabelsPath = "datasets/fashionmnist/train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz" , testFeaturesPath = "datasets/fashionmnistmnist/t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz" , testLabelsPath = "datasets/fashionmnistmnist/t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz" , numClasses = 10 , ::extractImages , ::extractLabel s ) val (trainingSet, testSet) = train.split(splitRatio = 0.95 )
  10. private val model = Sequential.of ( Input(28, 28, 1) ,

    Flatten() , Dense(300) , Dense(100) , Dense(10 ) ) fun main() { model.use { it.compile ( optimizer = Adam() , loss = Losses.SOFT_MAX_CROSS_ENTROPY_WITH_LOGITS , metric = Metrics.ACCURAC Y ) it.summary( ) it.fit ( dataset = trainingSet , epochs = 10 , batchSize = 10 0 ) val accuracy = it.evaluate ( dataset = testSet , batchSize = 10 0 ).metrics[Metrics.ACCURACY ] it.save(File("src/model/my_model") ) println("Accuracy: $accuracy" ) } }
  11. val PATH_TO_MODEL = "src/model/my_model " val stringLabels = mapOf(0 to

    "T-shirt/top" , 1 to "Trouser" , 2 to "Pullover" , 3 to "Dress" , 4 to "Coat" , 5 to "Sandal" , 6 to "Shirt" , 7 to "Sneaker" , 8 to "Bag" , 9 to "Ankle boot " ) fun reshapeInput(inputData: FloatArray): Array<Array<FloatArray>> { val reshaped = Array ( 1 ) { Array(28) { FloatArray(28) } } for (i in inputData.indices) reshaped[0][i / 28][i % 28] = inputData[i ] return reshape d } fun main() { InferenceModel.load(File(PATH_TO_MODEL)).use { it.reshape(::reshapeInput ) val prediction = it.predict(test.getX(0) ) val actualLabel = test.getLabel(0 ) println("Predicted label is: $prediction. This corresponds to class ${stringLabels[prediction]}." ) println("Actual label is: $actualLabel." ) } }
  12. What else you can do with KotlinDL Build CNNs Train

    on GPU Import a model trained with Keras 2.x Transfer Learning
  13. Links KotlinDL: https://github.com/jetbrains/kotlindl KInference: https://github.com/JetBrains- Research/kinference Multik: https://github.com/Kotlin/multik Kotlin kernel

    for Jupyter: https://github.com/ Kotlin/kotlin-jupyter Lets-Plot: https://github.com/JetBrains/lets-plot- kotlin