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Upper Valley JS - Go Offline First to Save the ...

Upper Valley JS - Go Offline First to Save the World

List of Nifty Tools:
A community-driven list of PWA stats: https://www.pwastats.com/
Progressive Web App Examples: https://pwa.rocks/
Test a website's performance: https://www.webpagetest.org/
A Collection of Offline States: http://offlinestat.es/
Calibre for performance analytics: https://calibreapp.com/
Codelabs for the PWA Roadshow https://codelabs.developers.google.com/pwa-roadshow
Server-rendered React apps: https://github.com/zeit/next.js/issues/861
Offline First Javascript Backend: http://hood.ie/
JS Database that Syncs: https://pouchdb.com/
Package manager for datasets: https://docs.datproject.org/
Fully-managed NoSQL database-as-a-service: https://cloudant.com/

Further Reading about Offline First:
* Nolan Lawson, Microsoft Edge, “Progressive Enhancement isn’t dead but it smells funny” https://nolanlawson.com/2016/10/13/progressive-enhancement-isnt-dead-but-it-smells-funny/
* Prosper Otemuyiwa, Google, “Introduction to Progressive Web Apps (Offline First) - Part 1” https://auth0.com/blog/introduction-to-progressive-apps-part-one/
* Pedro Teixeira, YLD, “Building realtime collaborative offline-first apps with React, Redux, PouchDB and WebSockets” https://blog.yld.io/2015/11/30/building-realtime-collaborative-offline-first-apps-with-react-redux-pouchdb-and-web-sockets/#.WPe4Tj9926k
* Jesse Beach, Facebook, on Conceptualizing and Expressing Offline to the End User https://medium.com/@jessebeach/my-biggest-takeaway-from-the-second-offline-camp-in-santa-margarita-ca-d0dd930cd02b#.epml3r1tx
* Calvin Metcalf, AppGeo, “Security in Offline First Apps” https://medium.com/offline-camp/offline-first-security-59bf4800e82a
* Lara Hogan, Etsy, “Designing for Performance” http://larahogan.me/design/
* Ben Schwarz, “Real World Connectivity: Beyond the Bubble” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwyZc1keSew&t=2s&index=9&list=PL37ZVnwpeshFmAPr65sU2O5WMs7_CGjs_

Maureen McElaney

August 30, 2017

More Decks by Maureen McElaney

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  1. The number of internet users in India grew by 108

    million in 2016. Stats credited to Ben Schwarz, CEO of Calibre
  2. Airtel, India’s largest mobile phone carrier has almost 255 million

    customers, but only 24.7% market share. Stats credited to Ben Schwarz, CEO of Calibre
  3. 65% of the 1.2 billion population, do not yet have

    access to the internet. Stats credited to Ben Schwarz, CEO of Calibre
  4. Number of hours worked for 500mb of data India 17

    hr Brazil 13 hr Indonesia 6 hr United States 1 hr Stats credited to Ben Schwarz, CEO of Calibre
  5. 1hr of work for: • 8 songs on Spotify •

    6 minutes of Youtube • Less than 1 hour playing online games Stats credited to Ben Schwarz, CEO of Calibre
  6. “A 4G user isn’t a 4G user most of the

    time.” Ilya Grigorik, Google Web performance; co-chair of W3C Webperf WG Chrome Dev Summit 2016
  7. A plethora of nifty tools! ◉ A community-driven list of

    PWA stats: https://www.pwastats.com/ ◉ Progressive Web App Examples: https://pwa.rocks/ ◉ Test a website's performance: https://www.webpagetest.org/ ◉ A Collection of Offline States: http://offlinestat.es/ ◉ Calibre for performance analytics: https://calibreapp.com/ ◉ Codelabs for the PWA Roadshow https://codelabs.developers.google.com/pwa-roadshow ◉ Server-rendered React apps: https://github.com/zeit/next.js/issues/861 ◉ Offline First Javascript Backend: http://hood.ie/ ◉ JS Database that Syncs: https://pouchdb.com/ ◉ Package manager for datasets: https://docs.datproject.org/ ◉ Fully-managed NoSQL database-as-a-service: https://cloudant.com/
  8. Further Reading: ◉ Nolan Lawson, Microsoft Edge, “Progressive Enhancement isn’t

    dead but it smells funny” https://nolanlawson.com/2016/10/13/progressive-enhancement-isnt-dead-but-it-smells-funny/ ◉ Prosper Otemuyiwa, Google, “Introduction to Progressive Web Apps (Offline First) - Part 1” https://auth0.com/blog/introduction-to-progressive-apps-part-one/ ◉ Pedro Teixeira, YLD, “Building realtime collaborative offline-first apps with React, Redux, PouchDB and WebSockets” https://blog.yld.io/2015/11/30/building-realtime-collaborative-offline-first-apps-with-react-redux-pouchdb-and-web -sockets/#.WPe4Tj9926k ◉ Jesse Beach, Facebook, on Conceptualizing and Expressing Offline to the End User https://medium.com/@jessebeach/my-biggest-takeaway-from-the-second-offline-camp-in-santa-margarita-ca-d0dd9 30cd02b#.epml3r1tx ◉ Calvin Metcalf, AppGeo, “Security in Offline First Apps” https://medium.com/offline-camp/offline-first-security-59bf4800e82a ◉ Lara Hogan, Etsy, “Designing for Performance” http://larahogan.me/design/