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  1. 1-6 Patricia's walkthrough of What's important to you_ - TMM...

    Mon, 2/28 4:47PM 3:33 SUMMARY KEYWORDS smart goals, ust, dinnertime, starting point, mama, laundry, craziness, talk, specific, include, good luck, working, totally, big picture, hobby, bed, day, life, week, opinions SPEAKERS Patricia Sung Patricia Sung 00:00 Hey there, Successful Mama, let's look at our activity of what's important to you. Patricia Sung 00:04 I'm going to run through my examples. And again, if you can go ahead and try this on your own, so that you're not influenced by my decisions and my opinions. But if you're feeling stuck, and you're not quite sure what this looks like, here is how it works for me so that you have sort of like a starting point. Patricia Sung 00:21 So when you think about, what do you want your day to include, and I want to think about your top three, remember, this is just for right now. So for me, the things that I am trying to include more of is, I'm trying to spend at least a few minutes in quiet time every day. You know, in prayer, in the Bible, just even if it's like my goal is literally like five to 10 minutes, it's nothing crazy. J Patricia Sung 00:46 ust a little bit of time to center myself for my day, it might look like I want to be able to do some kind of physical activity. It might look like I want to do something that's just for me, it could be like a hobby that you're working on. I want to be able to do that at least twice a week. It could be I want to spend more one on one time with my kids. Patricia Sung 01:10
  2. Patricia Sung 01:10 One of the things I'm working on

    right now is trying to go to bed at a reasonable hour. So not staying up too late and getting more rest. So they can be specific things like I want to go to bed at 10pm. Or it could just be I'm moving it earlier. And you don't have to necessarily know how that's going to happen. Patricia Sung 01:33 We always hear this talk about like smart goals and have to be specific and blah, blah, yeah, okay, we will get there. Right now, I just want you to think about the priority of like, where are we headed. It's hard to set up a schedule and like create a plan for the day if we don't even know like where we're going. So having some very generalized goals is great. You can you know, you have your, the value card sort here, where if you want to like more like big picture of your life, if you're like totally los, it's a great place to start. You can also just pick two three things, go for it. And adjust as you go. Patricia Sung 02:12 Now we talked about things that you want to stop or minimize these would be things like maybe you want the whole laundry conundrum to be not this big overwhelming mess. You don't want to have like mountenous laundry is piling up. Maybe it's that you want to stop Netflix spin every night. Maybe you want to have like meals decided ahead of time so that dinnertime is not big stres. Maybe is that you want that time to be more peaceful and more connecting time with your kids instead of, craziness. These can be like people you don't want to be around so much. They could be less time with you know negative people in your life. It could be whatever it is that you want. And so that your day starts to feel more like your day for your family. Patricia Sung 03:09 Good luck, Mama. There is no right or wrong answer here. And again, these can change literally tomorrow if you need them to you can change and choose something different. That's totally fine. And this is just a starting point for where we're going to go next week. It's not set in stone and you can change at any time. Patricia Sung 03:29 All right, good luck Successful Mama. You're doing great!