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  1. 6-4 Activity_ Weekly + Monthly Responsibilities Sort - TMM M...

    Mon, 3/21 9:10PM 5:26 SUMMARY KEYWORDS grouping, tasks, brain, sweeping, cleaning, talk, kitchen, sense, rough draft, computer, knock, mop, counters, activity, clump, filling, less frequent, roomba, phone calls, spotless SPEAKERS Patricia Sung Patricia Sung 00:00 Hey, they're successful or not welcome back for module six. Now we're talking about our less frequent responsibilities. And we need to sort them and put them in groups that make sense together. But you're not going to know how to sort these until we talk about it in the next video. So I want you to like, make a note that like, there's an activity to sort of this, but you're going to need the next information to figure out how to sort them. What do I mean by that? When we're sorting tasks together, you're going to have these different buckets. Patricia Sung 00:33 So like, say we look at the bucket of like cleaning all the things that you need to do to clean in your house. Some of these tasks are daily things that you've already accounted for, like say like, washing the dishes from, you know, the meals, right? When we talk about like, the bigger cleaning projects, or things that we're doing either weekly or monthly, or whenever we get to them. It's hard to to know at first, what makes sense to go with each other. Patricia Sung 01:01 So this is part of the testing process was when I think of cleaning, say your kitchen, some people when they clean, they like to attack like the whole room and their kitchen is spotless. So they did the whole shebang from top to bottom. They wipe the counters, they you know, They dusted, they swept they mop, they did the whole thing, and the kitchens done, check write it off. Other people prefer to clean in similar like types of tasks. For example, I would rather go around and sweep all the floors and vacuum all the floors and mop all the floors today and like today's just a floor day, or maybe you just only did one of those, like I'm just sweeping today, or I'm just hitting power on the Roomba like whatever that looks like for you.
  2. Patricia Sung 01:45 When you're grouping these tasks together, they

    should match your personality, your personality should shine through on how you're grouping these things together, because we're all going to approach things differently. And we want to use that momentum to go forward. Our brain struggles with task initiation and flexibility in switching tasks. But your brain might come test together in a different way than my brain does. Patricia Sung 02:13 So if I think about like cleaning the kitchen for you switching from counters to then getting out the room might feel like a different task. So those wouldn't go together. Whereas, you know, going around with a broom in the whole house feels like it makes sense to you. And you want to use that momentum and figure out how do we eliminate as many transitions as possible. So that we're just cruising along and doing all the things that are like tasks, according to our brain. Patricia Sung 02:45 So for me like one group, I use his computer tests that's missing relating to step videoing soon, okay? Example computer tasks, it might make sense to you to sit down at the computer, and I'm going to knock out all of these computer things. Because I'm at the computer and I need like help myself like brain, we are sitting on the computer to do computer things. I'm not turning on Facebook, or whatever social media, and I'm just knocking out like filling out that form for school, filling out that paper for the doctor's office set it like signing up for that appointment that I can sign up for online because they're all computer tasks. And that makes sense to my brain of like, I'm in computer mode, I'm knocking out computer things. Patricia Sung 03:28 Other people might say like, if it's the group of like doing phone calls, I tend to put my phone calls together, I don't like doing phone calls. But if I'm just in that mode of like, call the people call the people call the people, I can knock it out way faster, whereas other people are gonna say, doing all those phone calls at one time is like way too much mental energy. And I cannot, I cannot talk to all these people at one time. And that's okay. Patricia Sung 03:49 So I want you to start grouping things together that make sense for your brain. That means that you're going to need the info in the next thing to make sense of like how we're grouping them, because that will give you information. So just just trust me, you need to do this activity, but you may need more information from to complete it. So we're grouping them together by type, or by location, or whatever it is, it's going to make it flow to you. Patricia Sung 04:16 And again, this is a rough draft, you might think you are like cleaner of kitchens all in one time
  3. And again, this is a rough draft, you might think

    you are like cleaner of kitchens all in one time because that's how you were taught and then you realize like, you know what, I really don't, that doesn't that that's not how my brain works. I'd rather just do all the dusting, or all the sweeping or all the mopping, and that's just easier for your brain. Okay, so we're gonna change this later. Patricia Sung 04:38 So this activity right here is starting to sort those things out. And knowing that like this is this is a rough draft, not all the things are going to fit in a perfect group, but we want to try to group as many as we can together and if you feel up for it, post them into the the community board so others can see kind of how you're clumping together because that will help other people clump theirs together in a way that makes sense for their brain because chances are the way that works for several of us is going to work for more mamas as more and more moms are taking this class and make sense because we're like, oh, I never thought to try it that way. Patricia Sung 05:16 Let me give that a whirl. So go ahead and post that if you're up for it, and I will talk to you soon. See you in the next video.