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Pycon CZ 2017 - Planet Friendly Web Development...

Pycon CZ 2017 - Planet Friendly Web Development with Python

My talk from for PyCon CZ about Planet friendly Web development with Python.

Chris Adams

June 09, 2017

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  1. Planet friendly Web Development with Python What we can do

    as developers Chris Adams - Pycon CZ 2017
  2. A.M.E.E. (Avoid Mass Extinction Engine) - CO2 calculation APIs Loco2

    - Low CO2 travel in Europe by train TeaLight - Low CO2 cups of tea Thermondo - lower CO2 heating in houses My Background: Chris Adams: @mrchrisadams Environmentally focussed web generalist
  3. Pycon CZ 2017 - Planet Friendly Web Development @mrchrisadams @mrchrisadams

    What can a technologist do about climate change: worrydream.com/climatechange
  4. Pycon CZ 2017 - Planet Friendly Web Development @mrchrisadams http://www.iea.org/media/news/2017/GlobalCarbonEmissions2.png

    http://www.iea.org/newsroom/news/2017/march/iea-finds-co2-emissions-flat-for-third-straight-year-even-as-global- economy-grew.html
  5. Pycon CZ 2017 - Planet Friendly Web Development @mrchrisadams @mrchrisadams

    World GHG Emissions in 2010 - Analysis by ECOFYS Source* Greenhouse gas Coal 25% Natural Gas 19% Oil 21% Waste 0.4% Sector Direct emissions 34.6% * Greenhouse gases can arise from two sources N20 7% CH4 15% CO2 76% HFCs & PFCs 2% Transport 15% Residential Buildings 11% Commercial/Public Buildings & Services 7% Land Use Change 15% Industry 29% 7% 6.0% 4.8% 4.3% 1.4% 1.1% 1.0% 10.5% 1.5% 2.6% 10.5% 5.5% 1.4% 1.8% 3.1% 4.4% 10.3% Other industries Paper, pulp and printing Food and tobacco Non-ferrous metals Chemical and petrochemical Iron and steel Non-metallic minerals Aviation Others Road Livestock and manure Agricultural Energy Use Coal Mining Oil and gas extraction, refining and processing Deforestation/Afforestation and Land Use CO2 Agricultural soils 1.3% 1.6% Landfills Waste water & others Waste 3% Agriculture Energy Supply 13% 8.3% Energy industry own use & losses
  6. Pycon CZ 2017 - Planet Friendly Web Development @mrchrisadams ©

    2011-2012 GreenTouch Consortium 2020 ICT Carbon Footprint 820m tons CO2 360m tons CO2 260m tons CO2 2007 Worldwide ICT
 carbon footprint:
 2% = 830 m tons CO2 Comparable to the
 global aviation 
 industry Expected to grow 
 to 4% by 2020 The Climate Group, GeSI Report “Smart 2020”, 2008 Full report - https://www.slideshare.net/greentouch-org/intro-to-green-touch
  7. “many workloads are spiky or drop to zero for extended

    periods… applications used in the workplace may only be active for 40 of the 168 hours in a week.” Adrian Cockroft @adrianco: AWS, ex Netflix @mrchrisadams https://medium.com/@adrianco/evolution-of-business-logic-from-monoliths-through-microservices-to-functions- ff464b95a44d#.4ap421dwr
  8. FaaS / Serverless: Even higher unit cost, to not think

    about scaling* * You still need to obviously, but differently
  9. “the technical capabilities of serverless might not be that exciting,

    but the financial side sure is… Strong financial incentives for good design practices, and clear financial penalties for bad design” Gojko Adzic @mrchrisadamshttps://gojko.net/2016/08/27/serverless.html
  10. When your second biggest cost after staff is data centres,

    you have a very good incentive to care about saving energy. @mrchrisadams https://deepmind.com/blog/deepmind-ai-reduces-google-data-centre-cooling-bill-40
  11. Platform as a Service (PaaS) Functions as a Service Cloudfoundry:

    App Autoscaler chalice Heroku: Autoscaling & LightSwitch, Hirefire zappa In the Python toolbox
  12. “Wireless access network technologies account for 90% of total wireless

    cloud energy consumption. Data centres account for only about 9%. The energy consumption of wireless user devices is negligible.” The power of wireless cloud 2013 (CEET - http://www.ceet.unimelb.edu.au/publications)
  13. Power quote The power of wireless cloud 2013 (CEET -

  14. Dynamic Static Media compression Django middleware, Flask-Compress, etc. Whitenoise, CDNs,

    Nginx CDNs, Nginx caching Django middleware & decorators, Flask-Cache Whitenoise, CDNs CDNs, Nginx JS optimisation Webpack 2, Google Closure Compiler (JS) nginx mod_pagespeed Image Optimisation ImageOptim, Trimage easy- thumbnails.optimise, nginx mod_pagespeed Relevant in the Python toolbox