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What is git?

What is git?

WordCamp Torino 2018 - GIT è forse lo strumento di versioning più utilizzato al mondo ed assieme a Github ha dato slancio e vitalità a tutto il mondo open source.
Ma cos’è? Come funziona? Perché è così utile? Dov’è il bagno? A queste, e ad altre, domande proveremo a rispondere durante il talk.

Filippo Gangi Dino

April 07, 2018

More Decks by Filippo Gangi Dino

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  1. Distributed VCS @mukkoo Git, Mercurial, Bazaar Hub Repository Server Server

    Server Server Repository Repository Repository Repository
  2. versioning - recap @mukkoo we need versioning copy & paste

    VCS is too trivial centralized and distributed VCS
  3. focus @mukkoo 1. Make the opposite of CVS (SVN) 2.

    Distributed workflow 3. Safe against file corruption 4. High performance
  4. Snapshot not DIFF @mukkoo 0 +2 +4 -3/2 DIFF: Every

    commit record differences 0 2 6 1,5 SNAPSHOT: Every commit record all file tree
  5. GIT theory - recap @mukkoo snapshot not diff every file

    can be in three states branches help us to easily switch context and collaborate
  6. GIT Commands - recap @mukkoo You must be confident with

    CLI A few commands to start Theory is important
  7. ignoring files (.gitignore) gitk and git gui (gui tools) shortcut

    and configs (.gitconfig) @mukkoo Settings and tools