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Automate All The Things - Øredev 2019

Nate Ebel
November 06, 2019

Automate All The Things - Øredev 2019

Key takeaways:
- You will learn how to develop a more efficient and enjoyable development pipeline for your team
- You will understand how you can enforce code formatting, styling conventions, and best practices for your team
- You will see how automation can improve the code review process and overall code quality
- You will discover how to improve product quality through automated testing, releases, and issue tracking

Mobile moves fast, and so do you. To meet your deadlines, you want to build the right thing, at the right time; every time. Your continuous integration pipeline allows you to do this, but can it do more? - How can you enforce coding formatting, styling conventions, and best practices? - Do you build everything on every commit? Do you have a daily build or customize your build per branch? - What do you record and analyze? Are your tests passing? Do your screens look correct? Is your apk getting too large? - How do you distribute your apk for testing and release? - How do you track, record, and notify quickly when issues arise? In this talk, you'll what tools are available at every step of the continuous integration pipeline; allowing you to automate as much as possible and dedicate your time to what matters most.

Nate Ebel

November 06, 2019

More Decks by Nate Ebel

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  1. @n8ebel #oredev Building With GitHub Actions • Add “workflow” .yml

    file(s) • Define when to run • Define build/script steps • Push to default branch • Start building
  2. @n8ebel #oredev Building With GitHub Actions ... on: [pull_request, issues]

    jobs: greeting: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/first-interaction@v1 with: repo-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} issue-message: 'Thank you for helping us make this project better ' pr-message: 'Thank you for submitting your first PR ' .github/workflows/greet_contributor.yml
  3. @n8ebel #oredev Building With GitHub Actions ... steps: - uses:

    actions/checkout@v1 - name: set up JDK 1.8 uses: actions/setup-java@v1 with: java-version: 1.8 - name: Build & Test Project run: ./gradlew assemble .github/workflows/build_project.yml
  4. @n8ebel #oredev Building With CircleCI Workows run in response to

    triggers • Push, Pull_request, New Issue, Schedule, etc...
  5. @n8ebel #oredev Enforcing Build Status Checks - Settings -> Branches

    - Click ‘Add Rule’ - Require Status Checks To Pass Before Merging
  6. @n8ebel #oredev Validating Code Formatting With ktlint ... - name:

    Check Kotlin Formatting run: ./gradlew ktlintCheck --continue Update build workflow to incorporate new build task .github/workflows/build_project.yml
  7. @n8ebel #oredev Locally Validating Code Quality • Reformat/Lint code using

    IDE • Run ktlint, Android Lint, etc locally • Avoid pushing code which fails the build
  8. @n8ebel #oredev Reformatting Code Using IDE • Set project code

    style from pre-defined style • Customize as desired • Update .gitignore • Ensure code styles included in repo • Optimize imports on the fly
  9. @n8ebel #oredev Reformatting Code Using IDE # IDEA/Android Studio ignores

    *.iml /.idea/* # IDEA/Android Studio Ignore exceptions !/.idea/codeStyles/ !/.idea/fileTemplates/ !/.idea/inspectionProfiles/ !/.idea/scopes/ !/.idea/copyright/ ... .gitignore
  10. @n8ebel #oredev Reformatting Code Using IDE - Add project code

    styles to git - Configure as desired to pass formatting checks
  11. @n8ebel #oredev Reformatting Code Using IDE Bonus tip for enforcing

    ktlint rules within Android Studio & IntelliJ
  12. @n8ebel #oredev Running ktlint Locally • Have to remember to

    run local checks before pushing code • Can use git-hooks to automatically run these checks
  13. @n8ebel #oredev Git hooks are scripts that Git executes before

    or after events such as: commit, push, and receive.
  14. @n8ebel #oredev Enforcing Code Quality With Git Hooks #!/bin/sh #

    Adapted from https://proandroiddev.com/ooga-chaka-git-hooks-to-enforce-code-quality-11ce8d0d23cb echo "Checking code formatting" ./gradlew app:ktlintCheck --daemon status=$? if [ "$status" = 0 ] ; then echo "No formatting issues were found" exit 0 else echo 1>&2 "* There are code formatting issues that must be addressed" exit 1 fi .git/hooks/pre-push
  15. @n8ebel #oredev Automating Git Hook Installation #!/bin/sh # Adapted from

    https://proandroiddev.com/ooga-chaka-git-hooks-to-enforce-code-quality-11ce8d0d23cb echo "Checking code formatting" ./gradlew app:ktlintCheck --daemon status=$? if [ "$status" = 0 ] ; then echo "No formatting issues were found" exit 0 else echo 1>&2 "* There are code formatting issues that must be addressed" exit 1 fi /scripts/git-hooks/pre-push.sh
  16. @n8ebel #oredev Enforcing Code Quality With Git Hooks task copyGitHooks(type:

    Copy) { description 'Copies the git hooks from scripts/git-hooks to the .git folder.' ... } task installGitHooks(type: Exec) { description 'Installs the git hooks from scripts/git-hooks.' ... } afterEvaluate { tasks['clean'].dependsOn installGitHooks // We install the hook at the first occasion } git-hooks.gradle
  17. @n8ebel #oredev Creating PR Templates ### Related To-Do ** link

    ** ### Proposed Changes * change 1 * change 2 ### Additional Info ** any additional useful context or info ** ### Checklist - [ ] Tests - [ ] Translations ### Screenshots Original | Updated :-------------------------:|:-------------------------: ** original screenshot ** | ** updated screenshot ** .github/pull_request_template.md • Link to issue • Describe changes • Additional context • Checklists • Screenshots
  18. @n8ebel #oredev Creating PR Templates • PR Sections Pre-Populated Based

    On Template • Encourage Contributors To Provide Ample Detail
  19. @n8ebel #oredev Creating Issue Templates --- name: Bug report about:

    Create a report to help us improve title: '' labels: bug assignees: '' --- **Description** A clear and concise description of what the bug is. **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1. Go to '...' 2. Click on '....' 3. See error **Expected behavior** ... .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.md
  20. @n8ebel #oredev Creating Issue Templates --- name: Feature request about:

    Suggest an idea for this project title: '' labels: enhancement assignees: '' --- **What problem are you trying to solve?** A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...] **Describe the solution you'd like** A clear and concise description of what you want to happen. **Describe alternatives you've considered** A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered. **Additional context** Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here. .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.md
  21. @n8ebel #oredev Using Issue Templates • Issue Will Pre-Populate Based

    On Template • Encourage Contributors To Provide Enough Information
  22. @n8ebel #oredev Referencing GitHub Issues Close issues via keyword in

    PR descriptions or commits • ‘Closes’ • ‘Fixes’ • ‘Resolves’ • etc...
  23. @n8ebel #oredev Danger runs during your CI process, and gives

    teams the chance to automate common code review chores.
  24. @n8ebel #oredev What Is Danger? DANGER CHECK APK SIZE DEPENDENCY

  25. @n8ebel #oredev Adding Danger To Your Project source "https://rubygems.org" git_source(:github)

    {|repo_name| "https://github.com/#{repo_name}" } gem 'danger' Gemfile • Add/update project Gemfile • Run `bundle install` • Run `bundle exec danger init` • Follow the CLI setup process
  26. @n8ebel #oredev Adding Danger To Your Project ... - name:

    Install Ruby uses: actions/setup-ruby@v1 with: ruby-version: '2.6' - name: Install Bundler run: | gem install bundler bundle install --jobs 4 --retry 3 - name: Run Danger run: bundle exec danger env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} .github/workflows/build_project.yml
  27. @n8ebel #oredev Adding PR Comments With Danger # thank PR

    author message "Thanks @#{github.pr_author} " Dangerfile
  28. @n8ebel #oredev Warning For WIP PRs With Danger # Make

    it more obvious that a PR is a work in progress and shouldn't be merged yet warn("PR is a Work in Progress and not ready to merge") if github.pr_title.include? "[WIP]" Dangerfile
  29. @n8ebel #oredev Reporting APK Size With Danger # Notify of

    the release APK size. apk_size = (File.size('app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release-unsigned.apk').to_f / 2**20).round(2) message "Release APK size: #{apk_size} MB" Dangerfile
  30. @n8ebel #oredev Enforcing Useful PR Descriptions With Danger # Encourage

    contributors to write useful descriptions warn("Please provide a Pull Request description ...") if github.pr_body.length < 20 Dangerfile
  31. @n8ebel #oredev Reporting Dependency Updates With Danger ... - name:

    Check Dependency Versions run: ./gradlew dependencyUpdates .github/workflows/build_project.yml plugins { id "org.jlleitschuh.gradle.ktlint" version "7.1.0" id "com.github.ben-manes.versions" version "0.20.0" } build.gradle Gradle Versions Plugin
  32. @n8ebel #oredev Reporting Dependency Updates With Danger # Notify of

    outdated dependencies update_count = File.readlines("build/dependencyUpdates/report.txt").select { |line| line =~ /->/ }.count if update_count > 10 # More than 10 libraries to update is cumbersome in a comment, so summarize warn "There are #{update_count} dependencies with new milestone versions." elsif update_count > 0 file = File.open("build/dependencyUpdates/report.txt", "rb").read heading = "The following dependencies have later milestone versions:" warn file.slice(file.index(heading)..-1) end Dangerfile
  33. @n8ebel #oredev Reporting Dependency Updates With Danger name: Check Dependency

    Versions on: schedule: - cron: '0 8 * * *' ... steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@v1 - name: Check Dependency Versions run: ./gradlew dependencyUpdates .github/workflows/check_dependencies.yml
  34. @n8ebel #oredev Reporting ktlint Errors With Danger gem 'danger' gem

    'danger-checkstyle_format' Gemfile # Report inline ktlint issues checkstyle_format.base_path = Dir.pwd checkstyle_format.report 'app/build/reports/ktlint/ktlintMainSourceSetCheck.xml' Dangerfile
  35. @n8ebel #oredev Reporting ktlint Errors With Danger # ignore inline

    messages that are outside of the current diff github.dismiss_out_of_range_messages Dangerfile
  36. @n8ebel #oredev Reporting With Danger And More… • Android Lint

    • Test Coverage • String Translations • Change In APK Size • etc...
  37. @n8ebel #oredev Deploying Test Builds On Merge name: Deploy to

    Crashlytics on: push: branches: develop - name: Build project run: ./gradlew :app:assembleDebug --build-cache --stacktrace ... - name: Deploy to Crashlytics run: ./gradlew :app:crashlyticsUploadDistributionDebug --build-cache --stacktrace if: success() .github/workflows/deploy_debug.yml
  38. @n8ebel #oredev Deploying Test Builds On Merge Automating Release Notes

    For Test Builds Generate internal release notes from git history
  39. @n8ebel #oredev Deploying Release Builds On Merge name: Deploy to

    Play on: push: branches: master - name: Build project run: ./gradlew :app:assembleRelease --build-cache --stacktrace ... - name: Deploy to Play run: ./gradlew :app:publishReleaseApk --build-cache --stacktrace if: success() .github/workflows/deploy_release.yml
  40. @n8ebel #oredev Deploying Release Builds On Merge • Deploy Release

    Builds With Gradle Play Publisher • Store Release Info In Repo • Track Changes Over Time • Full Internal Release By Merging To Master
  41. @n8ebel #oredev Resources • https://proandroiddev.com/ooga-chaka-git-hooks-to-enforce-code-quality-11ce8d0d23cb • https://help.github.com/en/articles/creating-a-pull-request-template-for-your-repository • https://help.github.com/en/articles/closing-issues-using-keywords •

    https://danger.systems/ruby/ • https://danger.systems/guides/getting_started.html#including-danger • https://blog.bitrise.io/automating-code-review-tasks-for-multi-module-android-projects • https://github.com/Triple-T/gradle-play-publisher • https://try.crashlytics.com/beta/ • https://github.com/noboru-i/danger-checkstyle_format