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Waking up in the Post Social Media Era

Nick Decrock
January 23, 2012

Waking up in the Post Social Media Era

Social Media has put the marketing world upside down. It changed the way consumers think, act and buy. Now it’s time to get social outside social media, because people expect us to. Be aware of the social consumer ...

Speaker Deck summary of my presentation at the Click Asia Summit 2012 in Mumbai, India.

Nick Decrock

January 23, 2012



    them us @ ndecrock First reason Basic human behaviour drove Social Media Succes 1
  2. The only social medium is the human being. All the

    rest is technology. “ ” (Stefan Harzevoort)
  3. Second reason Social Media are ... social. Connecting the social

    world. ©2010 - The Conversation Prism by Brian Solis 2
  4. Third reason Mobile phone penetration drove Social Media success. And

    vice versa. Now, you’re always connected. 3
  5. Obvious because Social & Mobile Media brought computing finally to

    a personal level. So it’s time to make marketing personal again.
  6. Did you know that more people will access the MOBILE

    WEB Source: Gartner Source: Morgan Stanley than the DESKTOP WEB by 2013 -> 2015
  7. It ‘s time to find out how to be social

    ... outside social media.
  8. 1. Always contextual 2. Everything for free, right? 3. Consumer

    wants control 4. It’s their brand 5. Sharevertising Five key social effects to learn from.
  9. Being contextual social effect n°1 How people now expect you

    to be contextual & relevant. All the time.
  10. You’d better be as smart as Facebook & Google. People

    expect us to be contextual and relevant. Always.
  11. The Free Economy social effect n°2 Haven’t you noticed that

    the most complex and expensive software are now for free? Like Google, Facebook, YouTube, ... When will your product become free?
  12. In return for honest rewards and full transparency. Free, because

    people are willing to trade their privacy.
  13. Privacy is not a big issue. Privacy is just a

    modern invention. Nurtured by the rise of anonymous cities. In the old villages people shared as much as now on social networks.
  14. Think free, think sharing. What can you do to make

    (part of) your products or service for free? And make even more money.
  15. Always in Control social effect n°3 The consumer wants to

    be in control. From Push to Pull communication.
  16. ✓ permission based (Facebook connect) ✓ transparant profile data ✓

    communication control ✓ privacy settings ✓ like / comment / share ✓ opt-in & -out What people expect from Facebook, they now expect from your brand too.
  17. If Facebook can do this for 800 million people, why

    can’t you do it for your customers?
  18. E-mail is the preferred channel (over social media) to give

    feedback or ask questions. DID YOU KNOW?
  19. It ’s their brand social effect n°4 Yes, it’s their

    brand. Not yours. An engagement works both ways.
  20. 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 5% 6% 18% 33% 37%

    Promotions & offers CURRENT CUSTOMER Infotainment Friends are fans Service & support Why people follow brands on Facebook Source: ©2011 - Get Satistaction blog
  21. How monitoring helped Hippo Snacks in India to solve out-of-stock

    issues. People are more than media, they can be coworkers too.
  22. Getting your consumers to be the peers of your prospects.

  23. “If they won’t share it, we won’t air it.” (Sebastian

    Micozzi, Pepsico) New advertising ROI = engagement value
  24. We’re still stuck in the old thinking. Different medium =

    different behaviour. Source: ©2011 - Baekdal.com PASSIVE ADVERTISING
  25. We’re still stuck in the old thinking. Different medium =

    different behaviour. Source: ©2011 - Baekdal.com ACTIVE ADVERTISING
  26. In the past we focused on passive advertising, which was

    based on exposure and dominated by marketing. In the digital world, we focus on active advertising, based on direct conversions and mostly dominated by sale. In the social world, we focus on post-conversion advertising, based on experience we have and is the result of your ... product USP’s. Next step logical step is Post-Conversion advertising Source: ©2011 - Baekdal.com
  27. There is more to social than social media. Consumer expectations

    have changed a lot. People expect your marketing efforts to evolve along. CONCLUSION
  28. Beware of the Social Consumer 1. CONTEXTUAL: Remember they expect

    you to know him 2. FREEBIES: All good things in life are free 3. ÜBERCONTROL: Let them pull the strings 4. SOCIAL BRAND: It’s their brand, so invite them in 5. SHAREVERTISING: Your product is your best ad