A N I N D I A N O C E A N P A C I F I C O C E A N A T L A N T I C O C E A N A R C T I C O C E A N MEDITERRANEAN SEA BLACK SEA CASPIAN SEA Mandu Mandu Creek rock shelter with shell-bead necklace Apollo 11 Cave painted plaquettes Border Cave engraved pieces of wood and bone Nswatugi Cave Zimbabwe palette Patne engraved ostrich eggshell Aq Kupruq carved stone head Mal‘ta Mezin Dolní Vestonice ˇ Dolní Vestonice Pavlov Willendorf Galgenberg Vogelherd ohlenstein-Stadel Le Trou Magrite Geissenklösterle Sungir Kostienki Tolbaga bone figurine Brno ˇ Predmostí Avdeevo Blombos Cave incised rocks Pedra Furada rock shelter; fallen fragments of painted wall Arnhem Land shelters with abundant ochre Tanzania shelters with ochre pencils and palettes Sandy Creek 2 / Walkunder Arch rock shelter with paintings Olary/Wharton Hill Koonalda Cave finger markings on ceilings and walls Carpenter‘s Gap rock shelter with fallen fragments of painted wall N O R T H A M E R I C A S O U T H A M E R I C A MESOAMERICA B E R I N G I A NEW GUINEA JAVA BOR NEO SUMATRA PHILIPPINES mammoth ibex horse reindeer ed deer bison giant sloth kangaroo eland antelope cape buffalo JAPAN GREENLAND C H I N A AUSTRALIA A F R I C A A S I A S I B E R I A E U R O P E N 0 0 2400 miles 3600 kms 1 Palaeolithic Art coastline at height of last Ice Age, c. 20,000 years ago greatest extent of ice cover tundra steppe forest tropical forest desert main routes of colonization using land bridges parietal art find site portable art find site dominant animal, source of food and materials 6\Y$ SIY$ 6SY$ \SY$ SIY$ \IY$ 8IY$ !"#$X)?'&.><$>F$X>M#'<$T;G&<*$