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Rails World 2023 - Composite Primary Keys in Ra...

Rails World 2023 - Composite Primary Keys in Rails 7.1

Nikita Vasilevsky

October 11, 2023

Other Decks in Programming


  1. • Fundamentals of composite primary keys • Composite Primary Keys

    in Multi-Tenant Applications • Similarities with Tenant-Based Sharding • Active Record 7.1 Support for Composite Primary Keys Agenda
  2. • De f inition: Understand what composite primary keys are.

    • Examples: Real-world use cases of composite primary keys. • Considerations: When and why to use them in your application. Fundamentals of Composite Primary Keys
  3. De f inition of Composite Primary Keys student_courses student_id course_id

    semester status enrollment_date completion_date Composite primary key
  4. blog_posts id title body author_id tags id name blog_posts_tags tag_id

    blog_post_id PRIMARY KEY (`blog_post_id`, `tag_id`) PRIMARY KEY (`tag_id`, `blog_post_id`) OR
  5. • Join tables are the most common real-world use case

    for a composite primary key, e ff ectively representing many-to-many relationships. • Not all concepts are suitable for composite primary keys in a relational database. • Use of composite primary keys should be driven by database schema design, not just Rails' support. Recap
  6. • Shopify monolith as a multi tenant application • Impact

    on Performance: How altering the primary key of a table to a composite primary key can improve performance of certain operations. • Trade-o ff s involved in using composite primary keys. Composite Primary Keys in Multi-Tenant Applications
  7. 1 2 3 4 6 7 5 Shop 1 Shop

    2 Shop 3 Shop 4
  8. 1 3 2 4 6 7 5 Shop 1 Shop

    2 Shop 3 Shop 4
  9. 1 3 2 4 6 7 5 Shop 1 Shop

    2 Shop 3 Shop 4
  10. 3 2 4 6 1 7 5 Shop 1 Shop

    2 Shop 3 Shop 4
  11. 1 3 2 4 6 7 5 Shop 1 Shop

    2 Shop 3 Shop 4
  12. 3 2 4 6 1 7 5 Shop 1 Shop

    2 Shop 3 Shop 4
  13. 80% 60% Slow query logs e ff ects: Reduction in

    slow queries Reduction in the overall time taken by slow queries 500X 10X Improvement for some queries with low volume Improvement for remaining slow queries
  14. • Database tables in multi-tenant applications can often bene f

    it from the use of composite primary keys by including the tenant key in the primary key • Impact on Performance: Altering the primary key of a table to a composite primary key can enhance the speed of bulk reads and updates. However, this comes at the cost of a slower insertion rate. • Consideration for Insertion Speed: For applications where the speed of data insertion is essential, using composite primary keys might not be the best option. Recap
  15. Tenant based sharding architecture Application Shard 1 Shard 2 Sharding

    solution Application Shard 1 Shard 2 Sharding solution
  16. Tenant based sharding architecture Application Shard 1 Shard 2 Sharding

    solution select … where tenant_key=“A” and id=1
  17. Tenant based sharding architecture Application Shard 1 Shard 2 Sharding

    solution select … where tenant_key=“A” and id=1
  18. Tenant based sharding architecture Application Shard 1 Shard 2 Vitess

    select … where tenant_key=“A” and id=1
  19. • Shared SQL Expectation: Models using composite primary keys and

    tenant-sharded models both typically include multiple columns in queries. • Implementing composite primary keys can be a foundational, but not necessary, step towards a full sharding strategy. Recap
  20. • How to de f ine composite primary keys in

    Rails models. • How to work with a composite primary key model. • How to de f ine a virtual primary key. • Limitations: What not to do when de f ining composite primary keys. Active Record Support for Composite Primary Keys
  21. A composite primary key model create_table :travel_routes, primary_key: [:origin, :destination]

    do |t| t.string :origin, null: false t.string :destination, null: false t.text :description t.timestamps end class TravelRoute < ApplicationRecord end
  22. TravelRoute.primary_key # => ["origin", "destination"] route = TravelRoute.create(origin: "A", destination:

    "B") route.id # => ["A", "B"] TravelRoute.find(["A", "B"]) route.reload # => SELECT "travel_routes".* FROM "travel_routes" WHERE "travel_routes"."origin" = ‘A' AND "travel_routes"."destination" = 'B' LIMIT 1
  23. route.update(description: "from A to B") # => UPDATE "travel_routes" SET

    "description" = 'from A to B’ WHERE "travel_routes"."origin" = 'A' AND "travel_routes"."destination" = 'B' route.delete # => DELETE FROM "travel_routes" WHERE "travel_routes"."origin" = 'A' AND “travel_routes"."destination" = ‘B'
  24. A special composite primary key case comments id NOT NULL

    blog_id NOT NULL author body Composite primary key
  25. A special composite primary key case comment = Comment.create( blog_id:

    123, author: "Nikita", body: "I really enjoyed this post!" ) #=> #<Comment:0x00007f41fb44fdd8 id: 1, blog_id: 123> comment.id # => [123, 1] blog_id, id = comment.id
  26. Rails treats id concept as an identi f ier and

    not as an id column accessor.
  27. A special composite primary key case comment = Comment.create( blog_id:

    123, author: "Nikita", body: "I really enjoyed this post!" ) #=> #<Comment:0x00007f41fb44fdd8 id: 1, blog_id: 123> comment.id # => [123, 1] blog_id, id = comment.id comment.id_value # => 1
  28. clause = { [:origin, :destination] => [["A", "C"],["B", "C"],["B", "D"]]

    } TravelRoute.where(clause).to_a [ #<TravelRoute:0x00007f8b274bfa00, origin: "A", destination: "C">, #<TravelRoute:0x00007f8b274bfa00, origin: "B", destination: "C">, #<TravelRoute:0x00007f8b274bfa00, origin: "B", destination: "D"> ]
  29. class TravelRouteReview < ApplicationRecord belongs_to :travel_route, query_constraints: [:route_origin, :route_destination] end

    create_table :travel_route_reviews do |t| t.string :route_origin, null: false t.string :route_destination, null: false t.text :body t.timestamps end
  30. route = TravelRoute.create(origin: "A", destination: "B") review = TravelRouteReview.create( travel_route:

    route, body: "This is my favorite route!” ) review.travel_route # => SELECT "travel_routes".* FROM "travel_routes" WHERE "travel_routes"."origin" = ‘A' AND "travel_routes"."destination" = 'B' LIMIT 1
  31. A tenant key shared model create_table :orders do |t| t.bigint

    :shop_id, null: false t.decimal :total_price t.string :status t.text :note t.timestamps end class Order < ApplicationRecord has_many :line_items end create_table :line_items do |t| t.bigint :shop_id, null: false t.bigint :order_id, null: false t.bigint :variant_id t.decimal :price t.text :properties t.timestamps end class LineItem < ApplicationRecord belongs_to :order end
  32. A tenant key shared model class Order < ApplicationRecord query_constraints

    :shop_id, :id has_many :line_items end class LineItem < ApplicationRecord query_constraints :shop_id, :id belongs_to :order end
  33. A tenant key sharded model order = Order.create(shop_id: 123) order.line_items.create(

    [ { product_name: "Green Pants", price: 10 }, { product_name: "Green T-Shirt", price: 5 } ] ) order.line_items.to_a # => SELECT "line_items".* FROM "line_items" WHERE "line_items"."shop_id" = 123 AND "line_items"."order_id" = 1 LineItem.first.order # => SELECT "orders".* FROM "orders" WHERE "orders"."shop_id" = 123 AND "orders"."id" = 1
  34. A tenant key shared model class Order < ApplicationRecord query_constraints

    :shop_id, :id has_many :line_items end Primary Key Tenant (sharding) key
  35. • Active Record 7.1 Support: Active Record 7.1 provides native

    support for composite primary keys. • Usage of 'id' Column: Preferably, the column named id should be used only for single-column primary keys. • Virtual Primary Key: The query_constraints option can be used as a "virtual primary key" to mimic primary key behavior without altering the database schema. This can be particularly useful in certain tenant-based sharding implementations. Recap
  36. Use composite primary keys based on your database needs. Ensure

    it's suitable, and Rails will support it.
  37. • When having a separate single-column identi f ier is

    unnecessary and excessive. Example: Join tables • Multi tenant applications with a lot of bulk reads scoped per single tenant. When to consider using composite primary keys
  38. • Multi tenant applications to include the tenant_key column in

    SQL queries • To use columns other than the primary_key in record.update, record.reload, record.delete When to consider using query_constraints