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Improve Kubernetes with k8sGPT

Nilesh Gule
September 08, 2024

Improve Kubernetes with k8sGPT

The slide decks were used during the k8sUG meetup in Melbourne on 5 Sept 2024.

Nilesh Gule

September 08, 2024

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  1. $whoami { “name” : “Nilesh Gule”, “website” : “https://www.HandsOnArchitect.com", “github”

    : “https://GitHub.com/NileshGule" “twitter” : “@nileshgule”, “linkedin” : “https://www.linkedin.com/in/nileshgule”, “YouTube” : “https://www.YouTube.com/@nilesh-gule” “likes” : “Technical Evangelism, Cricket”, }
  2. @nileshgule k8sGPT filters • ReplicaSet • Node • Pod •

    CronJob • Service • Ingress • Deployment • StatefulSet • MutatingWebhookConfiguration • ValidatingWebhookConfiguration • PersistentVolumeClaim • Gateway • HTTPRoute • HorizontalPodAutoScaler • PodDisruptionBudget • NetworkPolicy • Log • GatewayClass Active filters Unused filters
  3. Summary • k8sGPT improves debugging experience with Kubernetes by scanning

    and finding issues, also provides possible solutions in simple language • Supports multiple backends • Integrations allows extensions to external tools and services • Remote Caching helps to store and retrieve frequently accessed data • Automate k8sGPT related activities using Kubernetes operator
  4. Nilesh Gule ARCHITECT | MICROSOFT MVP “Code with Passion and

    Strive for Excellence” nileshgule @nileshgule Nilesh Gule NileshGule www.handsonarchitect.com https://www.youtube.com/@nilesh-gule