• A bounding box can be represented by (x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 ) • It can be also represented by the center point (cx , cy ), width w, and height h. • cx , cy , w, h are calculated from (x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 ) as: w = x2 – x1 cx = x1 + 0.5*w h = y2 – y1 cy = y1 + 0.5*h • (x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 ) are also reversely calculated from cx , cy , w, h as: x1 = cx – 0.5 * w x2 = x1 + w y1 = cy – 0.5 * h y2 = y1 + h Anchor or predicted bounding box P Ground truth box G • Px , Py , Pw , Ph: center x, center y, width and height of predicted box P • Gx , Gy , Gw , Gh: center x, center y, width and height of the ground truth box G • Define • dx = (Gx – Px )/Pw dy = (Gy – Py )/Ph • dw = log(Gw /Pw ) dh = log(Gh /Ph ) • dx , dy specify a scale-invariant translation of the center of P • dw , dh specify log-space translations of the width & height of P • Box-regression branches predict 4 regression values (dx , dy, dw , dh ) for each box. • In inference step, after predicted a bounding box P as positive box, along with its regression, then the adjusted bounding box is identified as: h w (cx , cy ) Representation of a bounding box Bounding box regression Ph Pw (Px , Py ) (Gx , Gy ) Gw Gh