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aigame & webllm

February 24, 2025

aigame & webllm


February 24, 2025

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  2. WEB LLM CHAT WEB LLM CHAT 新鮮なココナッツミルクを使ったカレーのレシピを紹介しよう: 材料 ココナッツオイル 大さじ2ニンニクのみじん切り

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  3. import {ChatCompletionMessageParam, CreateMLCEngine, MLCEngine} from '@mlc-ai/web-llm'; const model = 'Llama-3.2-3B-Instruct-q4f32_1-MLC';

    this.engine = await CreateMLCEngine(model, { initProgressCallback: ({progress}) => this.progress.set(progress) }); this.ready.set(true); await this.engine!.resetChat(); const systemPrompt = ` The user will ask questions about their todo list. Here's the user's todo list: ${this.todos().map(todo => `* ${todo.text} (${todo.done ? 'done' : 'not done'})`).join('\n')}`; const messages: ChatCompletionMessageParam[] = [ {role: "system", content: systemPrompt}, {role: "user", content: userPrompt} ]; const chunks = await this.engine!.chat.completions.create({messages, stream: true}); let reply = ''; for await (const chunk of chunks) { reply += chunk.choices[0]?.delta.content ?? ''; this.reply.set(reply);