(Multi-factor challenge-set self-sovereign identity authentication) is a protocol that uses blockchain technology to establish trust between systems, devices, organizations, and humans for secure data exchange in the emerging machine-to-everything (M2X) economy. Norta A, Kormiltsyn A, Udokwu C, Dwivedi V, Aroh S, Nikolajev I. A Blockchain Implementation for Configurable Multi-Factor Challenge-Set Self- Sovereign Identity Authentication. In2022 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain (Blockchain) 2022 Aug 22 (pp. 455-461). IEEE.
objectives and goals of our project: ◦ provide a flexible and configurable challenge-set for self-sovereign identity authentication (IA) that is not limited to fixed challenge sets of limited degree. ◦ create a marketplace for challenge-set creation and challenge/response-lifecycle management. ◦ use decentralized knowledge graphs (DKG) and oracles for response evaluations. • Key problem addressed: ◦ in an untrusted M2X collaboration environment to establish self- sovereign identity authentication (SSIA) ◦ use-context tailored challenge-set configuration
employs design-science research (DSR). ◦ running case of cross-blockchain connection establishment ◦ requirements derived from running case ◦ integration of other ONTOCHAIN projects [decentralized knowledge graph (DKG), oracles, PerunX gateways] •DKG for unified-view creation of distributed data •Oracles for fetching off-chain data for response evaluations.
techniques utilized. ◦ flexibly scaling challenge/response lifecycle management ◦ involves DKG, oracles, smart contracts • Specific tools or technologies leveraged during development: ◦ Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) ◦ SpringBoot with Docker supports the DKG REST client implementation ◦ RPC interfaces for off-chain communication by smart contracts ◦ JSON structures that the ontologies are mapped into ◦ Node.js as an asynchronous event-driven JavaScript runtime ◦ Ethereum and Polygon as smart-contract systems that must be connected ◦ Java Spring Framework for stand-alone enterprise applications ◦ Angular (Google) for typescript-based web applications ◦ React (Facebook) for creating interactive UIs.
have also a recorded video available: https://tinyurl.com/2ap46em8 •All demo-relevant information is available on this website: https://www.dymaxion- mfssia.com/mfssia/ •Installing the software ◦ First, you need to clone the project with this command : ◦ “git clone ”https://github.com/ONTOCHAIN/MFSSIA.git”” ◦ As there is only one repository provided by Ontochain it contains several projects located in the subfolders. The structure of the repository is: ▪mfssia-authcoin ▪mfssia-challenge-set-marketplace ▪mfssia-dkg-authcoin • Set up the decentralized knowledge graph (DKG) Version 6. •The documentation for the DKG v5 setup testnet can be found here: https://docs.origintrail.io/developers/node-setup/testnet-installation •Mainnet v5 docker installation can be found here: https://docs.origintrail.io/developers/node-setup/docker •For the purpose of demonstration we have used the testnet