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ReCheck Green Box

ReCheck Green Box

Slides presented at the second ONTOCHAIN Summit for Trustworthy Internet by Emil Stoyanov, CTO at ReCheck BV


June 23, 2023

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    Location Date ONTOCHAIN SUMMIT 2023 ONTOCHAIN Projects Demonstration “ReCheck Green Box - digital logbook ” 22/06/2023
  2. ReCheck Green Box is a digital logbook for trusted and

    transparent data belonging to buildings 2 | ONTOCHAIN.NGI.EU PROJECT OVERVIEW
  3. ReCheck provides a solution that: Aggregates and stores sustainability and

    well-being data from multiple sources Structures, certifies and visualizes data in dashboards to optimise costs and boost occupancy Supports multi-stakeholder and multi-purpose real estate processes by access management system Provides a single source of truth for ESG decision- making, reporting and investing 3 | ONTOCHAIN.NGI.EU PROJECT OVERVIEW