- list directory contents SYNOPSIS ls [-h] [-l] [-r] [-t] [-a ] [-1] [ -D | --debug ] [{ -w | --wallet } <wallet-location> ] filename DESCRIPTION If the filename is a directory, list the contents of that directory sorted alphabetically. If the filename is a simple file, list the file. Wildcard '%' is supported, it can be applied either on the vault name or the filename, but not both. NOTES If no filename is specified, list all known vaults. If a specific vault name is specified, list all files of that vault. If a specific file name in a vault is specified, list specifically that file. OPTIONS -h Human readable form (e.g. 10M, 22K, 300G, etc...) Used with -l. -l A longer listing including file size and creation date. -r Reverse the sort order. -t Sort by creation time instead of alphabetically. -a Do not ignore hidden/special entries. -1 List one file/vault per line. -s Include vault statistics. -d, --detail Include all info. -w, --wallet Path to the wallet directory. -D, --debug Turn on debug mode. [grid@kixxssec2-berll ~]$ Exascale Vault 内の Exascale File の確認 Copyright © 2025, Oracle and/or its affiliates 52