those things which seame incredible, as to digge upp deade corpes outt of graves and to eate them. And some have Licked upp the Bloode which hathe fallen from their weake fellowes.”
those things which seem incredible, as to dig up dead corpses out of graves and to eat them. And some have Licked up the Blood which had fallen from their weak fellows.”
those things which seem incredible, as to dig up dead corpses out of graves and to eat them. And some have Licked up the Blood which had fallen from their weak fellows.”
those things which seem incredible, as to dig up dead corpses out of graves and to eat them. And some have Licked up the Blood which had fallen from their weak fellows.”
“WHEREAS some dispute have arisen whither Indians taken in warr by any other nation, and by that nation that taketh them sold to the English, are sevants for life or terme of yeares,
“WHEREAS some disputes have arisen whether Indians taken in war by any other nation, and by that nation that took them sold to the English, are servants for life or term of years,
christians imported into this colony by shipping shall be slaves for their lives; but what shall come by land shall serve, if boyes or girles, untill thirty yeares of age, if men or women twelve yeares and no longer.”
Christians imported into this colony by shipping shall be slaves for their lives; but [who] shall come by land shall serve, if boys or girls, until thirty years of age, if men or women twelve years and no longer.”