Professional/dp/0321604814 . This is a good book to learn more about how to evaluate third party Ruby code. When all else is equal, take the gem that is tested over the gem that isn’t. Take the gem that is either more active or has a maintainer grooming issues/pull requests Take the gem that has been around longest.
As a product developer my Ruby libs / Rails apps stay in Production for a long ass time and I’ve got to manage the team that maintains the applications. How much training will be required to migrate from one gem to another? How easily can I replace the old gem? Can I essentially drop in. Is this going to be revolutionary for my team or are we spinning our wheels Is the problem space well enough defined that migrating my gem is likely to stick or are we in a transitionary period?
Opinionated xUnit compatible* I would say with some level of confidence that at least 6 out of 10 professional ruby shops use RSpec. It’s opinion that automated tests are a form of code documentation has improved the lives of many developers. RSpec is considered in the xUnit family of testing frameworks ( XUnit#xUnit_frameworks). It isn’t the most direct descendant of j-unit though.
write automated unit tests; the particular library is less important than than grasping BDD. Like I said earlier: The first evaluation criteria is going to be whether or not your code is tested. Learning how to write automated tests is a critical skill for Ruby development.
called the four-phase unit test. You should read xUnit test patterns and sleep with it under your pillow. It is fantastic. The book is digitally available here:
own provider* Industry Standard Plays nicely with others* It’s easy to create your own OAuth provider gem based upon the framework provided with OmniAuth. So even if you have no intention of letting your users log in via Twitter this provides a great amount of value. Single Sign on via OAuth 2.0 is crazy powerful. It provides a spec to allow things like Rich client apps keep authentication/authorization tokens in a non-secure enviornment and also allows iOS/Android devices to log in too. Really consider OAuth as your authentication strategy. is a fantastic example of an OAuth provider done right.
is monitored. Having a client call you up and tell you that the sign-up form doesn’t work just isn’t going to cut it. Newrelic takes so little configuration and gives you a lot of monitoring/instrumentation. Do it.