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Teachers As Advisors: Providing All Students Wi...

Teachers As Advisors: Providing All Students With Adult Mentors

This is a school-wide mentoring and advising program designed by the guidance staff and conducted by faculty members. The goal is to provide 100% of students an adult mentor that works with them throughout high school to ensure students stay on track to graduate, receive college/career planning services, and have an adult to which they may turn should they need assistance with anything.

Salina Patton

July 11, 2018

Other Decks in Education


  1. Teachers As Advisors (TAA) A State Wide Initiative that seeks

    to:  erase student anonymity,  provide students with increased opportunities for career exploration,  lead students to make more informed choices,  increase student graduation rates,  and increase postsecondary enrollment rates in your district. Georgia Department of Education 2015
  2. What this really means to our students: The goal is

    to provide 100% of students an adult mentor that works with them throughout high school to ensure students stay on track to graduate, receive college/career planning services, and have an adult to which they may turn should they need assistance with anything.
  3. What does TAA look like in our school?  Students

    are assigned grade level home rooms which create group sizes of 20-25.  Students have monthly home room advisement sessions.  These sessions are created by the guidance department and facilitated by each home room teacher.  Session activities are determined by the guidance department and address topics relevant to grade level needs.
  4. Obstacles to Implementation  Administration roles and responsibilities  Guidance

    roles and responsibilities  Teacher buy-in  Student buy-in
  5. Example from our school:  August – graduation requirements 

    September – grade level topics  October – bullying prevention  November – college and career readiness by grade level  December – goal setting  January – registration 9-11; graduation topics  February – grade level topics  March – grade level topics
  6. Here is the framework from the GADOE: https://www.georgiastandards.org/Programs/Doc uments/Teachers-As-Advisors_Framework- R_FINAL_3-5-08.pdf

    Here's an overview of the program: https://www.georgiastandards.org/Resources/Pa ges/Tools/Teachers-As-Advisors.aspx Salina Patton [email protected] Nelson Patton [email protected]