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The Kukui Cup and Open Power Quality: Creating ...

The Kukui Cup and Open Power Quality: Creating Smart Consumers for the Smart Grid

Philip Johnson

August 17, 2014

More Decks by Philip Johnson

Other Decks in Research


  1. (1) The Kukui Cup and Open Power Quality: Creating Smart

    Consumers for the Smart Grid Philip Johnson Collaborative Software Development Laboratory Information and Computer Sciences University of Hawaii Honolulu, HI USA
  2. (2)

  3. (3)

  4. (4)

  5. (5) Who Am I?  I am a small island chain...

     ... with a small, isolated electrical grid...  ... importing oil/coal for over 80% of my energy...  ... an economic outflow equal to 10% of my GDP...  ... despite significant local renewable resources...
  6. (6)

  7. (8)

  8. (9)

  9. (13) Hawaii 2014 = Iceland 1965  A small island chain...

     .. with a small, isolated electrical grid...  ... importing oil/coal for over 80% of its energy...  ... an expense equivalent to 10% of its GDP...  ... despite significant renewable resources...
  10. (20) Six Kukui Cups (2011-present) Univ. of Hawaii Manoa Smart

    meters 2011-12 3 week challenge 2012-13 9 month challenge 2013-14 2 week challenge Hawaii Pacific Univ. Smart meters 2012-13 3 week challenge 2013-14 3 week challenge East-West Center No smart meters 2012-13 2 week challenge Approximately 4,000 students invited; over 1500 active players
  11. (22) Example: 2011 Kukui Cup 3 weeks, 3 rounds, 24

    events 418 players, 850 hours (4,094 unique visits, 170,000 hits)
  12. (41) The Goal: Creating a virtuous circle Game mechanics connect

    real world to online world Education Behavior Feedback
  13. (42) So how did it work? Did the students learn?

    Did they reduce energy consumption?
  14. (43) Kukui Cup can have positive impact on energy knowledge

    0" 1" 2" 3" 4" 5" 6" 7" 8" 9" 10" 11" 12" 13" 14" 15" 16" 17" 18" 19" Pre/compe44on" Post/compe44on" Number'of'correct'answers' Non/par4cipant" Par4cipant"
  15. (45) Unanticipated behavioral changes  Participation in sustainability groups  Interest in

    sustainability & STEM courses  Change in major to STEM discipline!
  16. (46) Kukui Cup appears to generate "diffusion"  You don't have

    to play the game to be influenced by it.
  17. (47) So how did it work? Did the game mechanics

    incentivize the right behaviors?
  18. (49) What it means  Each arc is one roommate  A

    circle of circles is a floor  Green fill: played today  Energy Goals achieved  Total points achieved  Grey lines are in-game social interactions  Color indicates participation level
  19. (60) “Hawaii is a globally important case study. The kinds

    of governance, system planning, and technical quagmires Hawaii finds itself in as it negotiates the transition to clean energy are the same challenges the mainland will face on a larger scale.” -Mackay Miller, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
  20. (63) Centralized Grid A fundamental architectural change in the grid

    may require a fundamental change to power quality Why are renewables difficult? Distributed Grid
  21. (65) Our Special Sauce Reduce price of power quality monitors

    by 5x (from $250 to $50) Crowd source power quality data collection Open source hardware, software, and data
  22. (68) OPQBox (Generation 1)  TI MSP430 IC: 4 KSPS 16Bit

    ADC (not enough!)  Raspberry PI: WiFi + signal processing (not enough!)  120->12V wall wart transformer: (not enough!)  NTP synchronization (maybe enough!)
  23. (70) OPQHub (Generation 1)  Two tier web application (not enough!)

     Play framework  MySQL repository (not enough!)  Web sockets for “heartbeat” communication and to avoid proxy/firewall issues.
  24. (75) Generation 1 Pilot Study  3 OPQBoxes produced, distributed to

    three locations on Oahu  1 OPQHub installed to collect OPQBox data  4 weeks of data collection  8,000 Voltage, 16 Frequency events detected  2 events outside the ITIC “acceptable” range
  25. (80) Generation 2  OPQBox improvements: •  Resister divider for direct

    sensing (no wall wart) •  50 KSPS 16Bit ADC (allows IEEE standards of 256 samples per waveform and locking to 60 cycles) •  Event recording on power outage via FRAM  OPQHub improvements: •  Scalability •  UI/UX improvements
  26. (81) Next Step: Pilot Study 2  Starting in Q1, 2015

     Goals: •  10 second generation OPQBoxes •  Comparison to commercial PQ monitor •  IEEE compliant power measurements •  Assess NTP synchronization  Looking for project partners!
  27. (83) In summary  We need smart consumers for the smart

    grid.  We must be smart about our consumption.  We must be smart about the state of the grid and our impact on it.  Both forms of "smart" inevitably lead to social (if not political) action!