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PHP.TO.START 2013 - Scalabilità ed alta disponi...

PHP.TO.START 2013 - Scalabilità ed alta disponibilità con PHP e sistemi cloud

Durante il corso della presentazione sarà mostrato come realizzare un'infrastruttura scalabile che ruoti intorno a PHP come strumento centrale di business col fine di realizzare un'infrastruttura distribuita geograficamente che permetta scalabilità ed alta disponibilità grazie alle nuove tecnologie di Cloud Computing. La presentazione prevede di far capire l'intero processo di deploy e come il PHP è fondamentale per restare agili nonostante un'infrastruttura complessa.


March 29, 2013

More Decks by PHP.TO.START

Other Decks in Programming


  1. Whoami • Walter Dal Mut • Startupper • Corley S.r.l.

    • http://www.corley.it/ • UpCloo Ltd. • http://www.upcloo.com/ • Electronic Engineer • Polytechnic of Turin • Social • @walterdalmut - @corleycloud - @upcloo • Websites • walterdalmut.com – corley.it – upcloo.com Walter Dal Mut walter.dalmut@gmail.com @walterdalmut @corleycloud @upcloo • Corley S.r.l. • Scalable CMS • www.xitecms.it • Load and Stress tests • www.corley.it • Consultancy • PHP • AWS • Distributed Systems • Scalable Systems
  2. Scalability effects on your business • Scale capacity on demand

    • Turn fixed costs into variable costs • Always available • Rock-solid reliability • Cost-effective • Reduce time to market • Focus on product and core competencies Walter Dal Mut walter.dalmut@gmail.com @walterdalmut @corleycloud @upcloo
  3. Scalable PHP environments – Initial Step Web Instance MySQL

    Walter Dal Mut walter.dalmut@gmail.com @walterdalmut @corleycloud @upcloo
  4. Scalable PHP environments – autoscaling Walter Dal Mut walter.dalmut@gmail.com @walterdalmut

    @corleycloud @upcloo Elastic Load Balancer Web Instance MySQL
  5. Scalable PHP environments – autoscaling Walter Dal Mut walter.dalmut@gmail.com @walterdalmut

    @corleycloud @upcloo Elastic Load Balancer Web Instance MySQL Web Instance
  6. Scalable PHP environments – autoscaling Elastic Load Balancer Web Instance

    MySQL Web Instance Web Instance MySQL Read Replica Walter Dal Mut walter.dalmut@gmail.com @walterdalmut @corleycloud @upcloo
  7. AWS (Elastic) Load Balancer • You can distribute incoming traffic

    across your web instances • When it detects unhealthy load-balanced web instances, it no longer routes traffic to those web instances and spreads the load across the remaining healthy web instances. • Elastic? • automatically scales its request handling capacity in response to incoming application traffic. Walter Dal Mut walter.dalmut@gmail.com @walterdalmut @corleycloud @upcloo
  8. Autoscaling • Scale out web instances seamlessly and automatically when

    demand increases • Replace unhealthy or unreachable instances to maintain higher availability of your applications. • Scale dynamically based on your Cloud Watch metrics, or predictably according to a schedule that you define.. • Run on-demand or spot instances Walter Dal Mut walter.dalmut@gmail.com @walterdalmut @corleycloud @upcloo
  9. Metrics and Autoscaling EC2 Instance CloudWatch Autoscaling Scaling rules Elastic

    Load Balancer Walter Dal Mut walter.dalmut@gmail.com @walterdalmut @corleycloud @upcloo
  10. Metrics and Autoscaling Walter Dal Mut walter.dalmut@gmail.com @walterdalmut @corleycloud @upcloo

    EC2 Instance CloudWatch Autoscaling Scaling rules Alarms Elastic Load Balancer EC2 Instance
  11. Metrics and Autoscaling Walter Dal Mut walter.dalmut@gmail.com @walterdalmut @corleycloud @upcloo

    EC2 Instance CloudWatch Autoscaling Scaling rules Elastic Load Balancer EC2 Instance
  12. Metrics and Autoscaling Walter Dal Mut walter.dalmut@gmail.com @walterdalmut @corleycloud @upcloo

    EC2 Instance CloudWatch Autoscaling Scaling rules Alarms Elastic Load Balancer EC2 Instance
  13. Metrics and Autoscaling Walter Dal Mut walter.dalmut@gmail.com @walterdalmut @corleycloud @upcloo

    EC2 Instance CloudWatch Autoscaling Scaling rules Elastic Load Balancer
  14. Scale with metrics, scheduled or both? • How to scale?

    It depends by your application • Scheduled scale operations are useful when you have predictable spikes • Metrics when you have heavy spike application and you need to adjust your infrastructure automatically • Mix previous in mixed scenarios • Which metric use in order to scale? • It depends by your application design • CPU heavy scale on CPU load metric • Network heavy scale on network load metric • Etc. • Remember that applications don’t consume only CPU but also other resources Walter Dal Mut walter.dalmut@gmail.com @walterdalmut @corleycloud @upcloo
  15. We have to discuss about: • Session Management • If

    we open and close servers runtime we have to maintain PHP sessions in order to handle user logins and other application features related to the end user session. • Database connections • All MySQL connectors (PDO, MySQLi, [mysql_*]) handle just one connection… No “x” RDB connection at the same time • Software maintenance • How we can ran the same application version on all our infrastructure? • What about logs? How we can collect VM logs in order to centralize the log management? Walter Dal Mut walter.dalmut@gmail.com @walterdalmut @corleycloud @upcloo
  16. Session Management • Fortunately with PHP you can use different

    strategies to centralize sessions • Memcache/Memcached (AWS ElastiCache) • Redis • DynamoDB (AWS) • Etc. • We can modify the session_handler in order to use a different storage (php.ini, your application bootstrap, etc.) session.save_handler = memcache session.save_path = “tcp://1.cache.group.domain.tld:11211” Walter Dal Mut walter.dalmut@gmail.com @walterdalmut @corleycloud @upcloo
  17. MySQL – Master/Slave? • Master/Slave is a model of communication

    where one device or process has unidirectional control over one or more other devices • MySQL can scales out all your read (SELECT) operations on different slave servers. • AWS RDS (Relational Database Service) helps you to create read replicas directly in AWS web console with a couple of clicks! Walter Dal Mut walter.dalmut@gmail.com @walterdalmut @corleycloud @upcloo
  18. PHP Application MySQL READ Replicas MASTER SLAVE 1 SLAVE 2

    Application SELECT ONLY SELECT ONLY INSERT/UPDATE/ DELETE/SELECT Walter Dal Mut walter.dalmut@gmail.com @walterdalmut @corleycloud @upcloo
  19. MySQL Native Driver • MySQL native driver? • Available from

    PHP >= 5.3 • You have to compile your PHP with “mysqlnd” support • --with-mysqli=mysqlnd --with-pdo=mysqlnd --with-mysql=mysqlnd • Delegate to “mysqlnd_ms” the master/slave management • http://php.net/manual/en/book.mysqlnd.php Walter Dal Mut walter.dalmut@gmail.com @walterdalmut @corleycloud @upcloo
  20. Create the mysqlnd_ms configuration file { "myapp": { "master": {

    "master_0": { "host": "localhost", "port": "3306" } }, "slave": { "slave_0": { "host": "", "port": "3306" } } } } The simple JSON configuration is divided in two main section • Master • Slaves “myapp” is the hostname that we use instead the real mysql host address. Eg. • mysql_connect(“myapp”, “user”, “passwd”); • new Mysqli(“myapp”, “user”, “passwd”); • new PDO(“mysql:dbname=testdb;host=my app”); Walter Dal Mut walter.dalmut@gmail.com @walterdalmut @corleycloud @upcloo
  21. Maintain softwares Elastic Load Balancer Web Instance Walter Dal Mut

    walter.dalmut@gmail.com @walterdalmut @corleycloud @upcloo
  22. Maintain softwares Elastic Load Balancer Web Instance Web Instance Walter

    Dal Mut walter.dalmut@gmail.com @walterdalmut @corleycloud @upcloo
  23. Maintain softwares Elastic Load Balancer Web Instance Web Instance Web

    Instance Walter Dal Mut walter.dalmut@gmail.com @walterdalmut @corleycloud @upcloo
  24. Maintain softwares Elastic Load Balancer Web Instance Web Instance Walter

    Dal Mut walter.dalmut@gmail.com @walterdalmut @corleycloud @upcloo
  25. Maintain softwares Elastic Load Balancer Web Instance Walter Dal Mut

    walter.dalmut@gmail.com @walterdalmut @corleycloud @upcloo
  26. How we can stay fresh? • If servers starts and

    stops continuously we have to find solutions to stay updated also on software • When a server starts, it has to create a valid environment in order to provides web pages. Strategies? • Compile and bundle all softwares in one instance image • It is very simple but all software becomes old very quickly and when you have to release an update you have to compile a new image and update all load balancers configurations. It is a long and complex operation • Use EC2_USER_DATA feature provided by AWS • You can run a shell script when your instances bootstraps. It is more flexible because you can create a skeleton (PHP + libraries) and download all software runtime during the boot operation • Typically you will use both in conjunction Walter Dal Mut walter.dalmut@gmail.com @walterdalmut @corleycloud @upcloo
  27. Run commands on multiple servers • If you ran many

    servers execute commands could be hard. You can use tools to run commands on a server list • Capistrano (Ruby) • https://github.com/capistrano/capistrano • Fabric (Python) • https://github.com/fabric/fabric • Use CLOTH for AWS EC2 instances • https://github.com/garethr/cloth • Chef • Puppet • Etc… Walter Dal Mut walter.dalmut@gmail.com @walterdalmut @corleycloud @upcloo
  28. Fabric is very simple #! /usr/bin/env python from __future__ import

    with_statement from fabric.api import * from fabric.contrib.console import confirm from cloth.tasks import * env.user = "root" env.directory = '/mnt/wordpress' env.key_filename = ['/home/walter/Amazon/wp- cms.pem'] @task def reload(): "Reload Apache configuration" run('/etc/init.d/apache2 reload') @task def tail(): "Tail Apache logs" run('tail /var/log/syslog') EC2 instances are dynamic with don’t know addresses, for that reason we can use tagging system to execute commands on a group of instances fab nodes:"^production.*" tail Execute the “tail” command on all instances with a name that starts with “production.” Eg. • production.web-1 • production.log • production.mongodb Walter Dal Mut walter.dalmut@gmail.com @walterdalmut @corleycloud @upcloo
  29. Centralize all logs • We create and destroy instances thanks

    to alarms but when we close an instance we lose immediately all instance/application logs • How we can manage logs? • The simplest way is to use Rsyslog clusters • Rsyslog is an opensource software that forwarding log messages in an IP network • Rsyslog implement the basic syslog protol • That means that we can configure apache logs to “syslog” instead using normal text files. • In this way we can collect all logs in one group of VM and work on these files later thanks to other technologies Walter Dal Mut walter.dalmut@gmail.com @walterdalmut @corleycloud @upcloo
  30. Log management • Collecting logs is not the latest operation

    because you have to analyse and reduce information • Move logs to S3 bucket – Time based • Analyze logs with Hadoop • Map Reduce on the cloud with Elastic Map Reduce service (EMR) • Use script languages on top of Hadoop in order to simply the log analysis • HIVE – Data Warehouse infrastructure (data summarization) • Pig – High level platform for creating MapReduce program Walter Dal Mut walter.dalmut@gmail.com @walterdalmut @corleycloud @upcloo
  31. Cloud Conference 2013 – 18 April • www.cloudconf.it • @_CloudConf_

    • https://www.facebook.com/pages/Cloud-Conf-Italia/140265592804313?ref=hl • Data analysis • Hadoop – MapReduce Framework • Apache Pig – MapReduce Scripting Language for Hadoop • Apache Hive – Data Warehouse System for Hadoop PUG User Coupon Code: pug-user Walter Dal Mut walter.dalmut@gmail.com @walterdalmut @corleycloud @upcloo