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20240425 Play and Discuss the game “K8S LAN Party”

20240425 Play and Discuss the game “K8S LAN Party”

Phil Huang

April 25, 2024

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  1. Play and Discuss the game “K8S LAN Party” Cloud Native

    Taiwan User Group 2024/04 Phil Huang <pichuang@cloudnative.tw> CNCF Ambassador / Senior Cloud Solution Architect, Microsoft 2024/04/25
  2. 2 KCD TAIPEI 2024 CALL FOR PAPER 1. Push Yourself

    2. Both Mandarin and English are acceptable 3. Linux Foundation will give you a credly badge for recognize https://pretalx.coscup.org/coscup-2024/ 1. Push Yourself 2. Both Mandarin and English are acceptable 3. Linux Foundation will give you a credly badge for recognize 1. Push Yourself 2. Both Mandarin and English are acceptable 3. Linux Foundation will give you a credly badge for recognize 1. Push Yourself 2. Both Mandarin and English are acceptable 3. Linux Foundation will give you a credly badge for recognize 1. Push Yourself 2. Both Mandarin and English are acceptable 3. Linux Foundation will give you a credly badge for recognize CFP DEADLINE: 2024/05/09
  3. 4 Cloud Native Taiwan User Group Meetup CFP 1. Build

    your digital profile 2. Both Mandarin or English are acceptable 3. Both online or offline are acceptable https://sessionize.com/cntug-meetup CFP DEADLINE: Anytime
  4. 10 0. Deploy Debug-Container into Kubernetes pichuang/debug-container $ kubectl run

    -n default debug-container --restart=Never --rm -i --tty --image ghcr.io/pichuang/debug-container:master -- /bin/bash You Are Here
  5. 11 1. Possible Range of Service IPs Kubernetes Internal Service

    Discovery 20230615 Kubernetes Scalable Workloads $ env | grep KUBERNETES • Because KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST = • And, k8s service ip netmask are mostly /16 or /18 • The possible service ip subnet should be
  6. 12 [TIPS] Allocate Cluster IP to Service How can you

    avoid Service ClusterIP conflicts?
  7. 13 2. Reverse DNS Scanning to identify live Kubernetes Kubernetes

    Internal Service Discovery $ nmap -oG dns_scan_svc_2 -sn -Pn -R
  8. 14 3. Get Result…? Not exactly 為什麼我佈署的 Kubernetes 服務不會動!? 個人除錯思路分享

    - 魂系架構 Phil's Workspace (pichuang.com.tw) $ curl svc-ipconfig-io.ns-ipconfig • Most service are running port 80 or 443, so it’s pretty easy to guess the port
  9. 15 4. Port Scanning to each Kubernetes Service $ nmap

    -p- svc-ipconfig-io.ns-ipconfig.svc -p- = scan ports from 1 ~ 65535
  10. 16 5. Deep Port Scanning $ nmap -p80 -sC -sV

    svc-ipconfig-io.ns-ipconfig.svc -sC= Use script “default” -sV= Version Detection
  11. 17 6. Get Result! 為什麼我佈署的 Kubernetes 服務不會動!? 個人除錯思路分享 - 魂系架構

    Phil's Workspace (pichuang.com.tw) $ curl svc-ipconfig-io.ns-ipconfig:80
  12. 24 Debugging with an ephemeral debug container $ kubectl debug

    -n kube-system -it coredns-c499c8d7d-xx52r --image=ghcr.io/pichuang/debug-container:master --target=coredns Yes. it can share the same net namespace using kubectl debug --target Debugging with an ephemeral debug container 當遇到 Distroless Container 除錯要什麼沒什麼該怎麼辦 ? 你的好朋友 kubectl debug
  13. 26 Debugging using a copy of the Pod $ kubectl

    debug -n kube-system -it coredns-c499c8d7d-xx52r --image=ghcr.io/pichuang/debug-container:master --copy-to=new-coredns --share-processes Not applicable, as this is adding a new Pod, not utilizing an existing one Debugging using a copy of the Pod 當遇到 Distroless Container 除錯要什麼沒什麼該怎麼辦 ? 你的好朋友 kubectl debug
  14. 28 0. Deploy Debug-Container into Kubernetes Node pichuang/debug-container $ kubectl

    debug node/aks-nodepool1-20385824-vmss000000 -it --image ghcr.io/pichuang/debug-container:master -- /bin/bash $ chroot /host /bin/bash You Are Here
  15. 29 1. Get Container Pid pichuang/debug-container $ crictl ps --name

    httpbin $ crictl inspect --output go-template --template ‘{{.info.pid}}’
  16. 31 3. Inspect the namespace with nsenter pichuang/debug-container $ nsenter

    -a -t 32327 -n ip a Operation not permitted, but do not know why
  17. Thank you Body copy here is left aligned and set

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