AS Action, waf_logs.rulegrouplist AS RulegroupList, rulegroups AS rulegroups, waf_logs.httprequest.clientip AS ClientIP, AS Country, waf_logs.httprequest.httpmethod AS HttpMethod, waf_logs.httprequest.uri AS URI, waf_logs.terminatingruleid, waf_logs.responsecodesent AS Response, waf_logs.nonterminatingmatchingrules, waf_logs.httprequest FROM waf_logs, UNNEST(rulegrouplist) t(rulegroups) WHERE rulegroups.excludedrules is NOT null AND = 'JP' AND from_unixtime(timestamp/1000) > now() - interval '3' day ) SELECT count(*) * 100.0 / (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM waf_logs WHERE from_unixtime(timestamp/1000) > now() - interval '3' day ) AS rate , excludedrules.ruleid AS ruleid FROM dataset, UNNEST(rulegroups.excludedrules) t(excludedrules) WHERE excludedrules.exclusiontype = 'EXCLUDED_AS_COUNT' GROUP BY excludedrules.ruleid ORDER BY rate DESC ;