and statistical models ¡ My dissertation examined the performance of two methods across a number of conditions for estimating latent interaction effects ¡ Compared Power & Type I error to see how violation of assumptions affected performance n Fortunate enough to work on a number of different research projects in a variety of fields requiring an array of analyses
from Allegheny County Department of Human Services Office of Children, Youth, and Families n Evaluated the impact of the various health services the county provides and the impact on youth involved in the Justice System n A number of different papers and presentations ¡ Cluster Analysis ¡ Exploratory Factor Analysis ¡ SEM (Path Analysis testing mediation) ¡ General Estimating Equation (repeated measures logistic regression) ¡ ANOVA & ANCOVA ¡ Propensity Scores Analysis [on going]
patients & their quality of life ¡ Sequential Regression n IL-6, TNF-alpha significantly positively related to quality of life n IL-8, significantly negatively related to quality of life n IL-10, not significantly related to quality of life
programs ¡ General Linear Mixed Model (GLMM) with a Time-Varying Covariate ¡ Complex Contrasts n Found the two experimental methods (Multi- Media Presentation, and Real-Time feedback) were significantly better than the standard training (informational materials)
a joint supplement for rheumatoid arthritis ¡ GLMM n No significant difference between Placebo, Experimental Supplement, Loading Dose Supplement, Glucosamine-Chondroitin
young adults & in the lean ¡ Secondary analyses of a national database using Complex Survey Design (NHANES data) ¡ IFG found in 28.2% ¡ 16% had MetS, not with IFG ¡ 12% of lean had pre- diabetes
Created a test for treatment of Lower Back Pain ¡ Rehabilitation Science n Assess efficacy of tele-rehabilitation for wheelchair seating n Evaluated the psychometric properties of the wheelchair seating tool ¡ Bioengineering n Evaluated a model that simulates car-crashes while factoring in BMI ¡ Higher Education n Examining the impact of federal standards in online degree programs’ organizational culture
a Kinesiology and Sport Sciences student at The University of Miami n “Bicycle shoe insoles and their effect on EMG-indicated leg muscle activation balance in cyclists” ¡ Examining the impact of the shoes/cleats on bikers’ (pedal-cleat-foot) joints and their pedaling motion for injuries ¡ Design and analysis are not finalized
¡ Mediation vs Moderation ¡ Alternative quasi-experimental designs for causality n Propensity scores n Regression discontinuity n Measurement and Psychometrics ¡ Creating a survey ¡ Finding appropriate survey ¡ Evaluating psychometric properties n Statistical Analysis ¡ Appropriate methods given variables in play ¡ Alternative Strategies for addressing issues
R ¡ Mplus ¡ EQS ¡ MS office (Excel) n Learn new ones for convenience of the researcher ¡ Currently learning Stata for the propensity score analysis
will answer the Research Question n Find and use the most appropriate analysis n Researcher should be able to explain their research and communicate their results ¡ Conceptually understand what the method and model do ¡ Interpret the results
and while carrying out the research project n Ethical treatment of data ¡ Check assumptions ¡ Document and disclose all manipulations ¡ Proper adjustment (Post-hoc, use of covariates) and interpretation of statistics ¡ Changing of Research Questions
boards, time ¡ Accommodate reviewers’ opinions n Opportunities for learning experiences ¡ Learn to work with individuals ¡ Iterative: learn from experiences and apply that going forward n Novel Research ¡ Unique research might call for unique solutions ¡ Might have to learn a new method ¡ Or might have to instruct the researcher on a method new to them
Integrity ¡ Respect for others ¡ Focus on the long term n Balance immediate needs with long term n Solicit ideas from experts and have multi- discipline interaction ¡ Often times perspectives from a related or a foreign field can bring insight
weaknesses n Methodical ¡ Prefer to think about and research answers before asserting ideas n Work-Flow ¡ Actively manage time on the various projects ¡ Immediacy: prioritize based on need ¡ Forecasting upcoming and potential projects
or hypothesis, structuring the experimental design, organizing and conducting the statistical analysis, interpreting the results, or writing a major portion of the paper" ¡ Authorship earned in a project by contributing directly to the work or in the writing process ¡ I do not require authorship to help with your research
number of people who I had previously worked with and in the Health Sciences, what they would want in a Biostatistician (n = 11) n Results were fairly consistent centering around four areas
methods that I don't use/consider because I'm not familiar with them.” ¡ “Important knowing how to ‘frame’ the methods in a way that is appropriate for the research subject matter.”
the analysis every time you meet with her and is very frustrating.” ¡ “I met with a person, and then 2 hours later they emailed me telling that the analyses were all wrong.”
“[W]ork with the same statistician throughout so they become familiar with the plans we are trying to propose.” ¡ “Helpful to have a statistician's help in the proposal writing phase... Being able to see the big picture and forecast any issues” ¡ “It would be really helpful for grant submissions since we rarely have access to a statistician for proposals and then we get hammered with that methodology or propose things we can't actually do.”
chat, Conference calls ¡ Availability during non-traditional hours including weekends and nights n Either in person on the phone, or via email n “It's amazing that you're nearly instantly reachable. I can't say the same of many professors.”
who I would be working with, and find out what they envision the position’s function would be n Going to adapt to working with different researchers and keep their expectations in mind n Evaluation and Feedback
and methodology ¡ Write analysis plans for grants ¡ Review documents for publications ¡ Power and sample size calculations ¡ Selecting and evaluating instruments and surveys ¡ Data management and cleaning ¡ Statistical analysis ¡ Result reporting ¡ Tables and figure creation
when needed n Hold open “office hours” on a day ¡ Allow faculty and students to come by n Discuss methodology n Ask statistical advice n Aid data management n Help with analysis or results interpretation
methods ¡ Find commonalities in the research and present on those methods and analyses ¡ Software usage n Lectures and seminars in Biostatistics, Psychometrics, Research Methodology and Ethics ¡ Reach out to other departments that offer similar courses or training
Help facilitate research and funding n Institutional Review Board n Research Advisory Boards and Councils ¡ Broaden the base of co-researchers n Promote Multidiscipline research n Businesses n Active in Scholarly Committees ¡ Dissertation and Thesis Committees
Outside resources ¡ I have no problem getting help from others ¡ Tapping resources for ideas and their knowledge n I am willing to help find answers for people n Even if it is not for the statistics n Can call on experts in ¡ Statistics ¡ Measurement (Psychometrics) ¡ Econometrics ¡ Biomechanics ¡ Sports Medicine ¡ Rehabilitation Science & Technology ¡ Education ¡ Social Work & Mental Health ¡ Online assessments/Surveys