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Contract testing with Java

October 18, 2024

Contract testing with Java


October 18, 2024

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  1. Do it PERFECT. 2 Agenda 1. Why do we need

    testing? 2. What is contract testing? 3. How can we use contract tests? 4. When do we reach the limits of contract tests?
  2. Do it PERFECT. 4 Hi • Damjan Gjurovski • Software

    Engineer • Java • Kotlin • Typescript • React
  3. Do it PERFECT. 5 Hi • Damjan Gjurovski • Software

    Engineer • Java • Kotlin • Typescript • React • DevOps
  4. Do it PERFECT. 6 Hi • Damjan Gjurovski • Software

    Engineer • Java • Kotlin • Typescript • React • DevOps • Platform Engineer
  5. Do it PERFECT. 7 Hi • Damjan Gjurovski • Software

    Engineer • Java • Kotlin • Typescript • React • DevOps • Platform Engineer • CTO @ Posedio
  6. Do it PERFECT. 8 Done things, many that require tests

    • Damjan Gjurovski • Software Engineer • Java • Kotlin • Typescript • React • DevOps • Platform Engineer • CTO @ Posedio
  7. Do it PERFECT. 9 Seen things, many that shouldn‘t be

    seen • Damjan Gjurovski • Software Engineer • Java • Kotlin • Typescript • React • DevOps • Platform Engineer • CTO @ Posedio
  8. Do it PERFECT. 11 # • Tell the machine what

    to do • After having been told what the machine should do • Machine always does what it’s told, so: Software development
  9. Do it PERFECT. 12 # • Tell the machine what

    to do • After having been told what the machine should do • Machine always does what it’s told, so: • Did we understand what needs to be done? • Did we correctly translate it? • Does the user know what to tell the machine to get it to cooperate? Software development
  10. Do it PERFECT. 13 # • Put ourselves in the

    position of a user • Ask the machine what it would do if we were to do something • Given input A (and state S), what happens? • Given input A (and state S) I expect that output B (and state M) • The earlier we find a problem, the easier it is to fix (common sense, but also scientific evidence) Testing
  11. Do it PERFECT. 14 # • We can do unit

    tests without help • We test the code we wrote • It’s fast • We might need help from colleagues for integration tests, or we might need mocks, or we might need a test environment • We test other people's code • It’s slow(er) • We need a full environment • We test the system • It’s not even worth talking about speed The pyramid https://martinfowler.com/bliki/TestPyramid.html
  12. Do it PERFECT. 16 # • Tell the machine what

    to do • After having been told what the machine should do • After another developer told the machine what it should do • Expecting that everyone is on the same page • We can no longer rely on our understanding of the requirements, but must ensure we have a shared understanding with another team Distributed systems
  13. Do it PERFECT. 17 # • Consumer defines the API

    • Consumer can test against a mock that implements the API • Provider can verify the implementation of the API Contract test https://microsoft.github.io/code-with-engineering-playbook/automated-testing/cdc-testing/
  14. Do it PERFECT. 18 # • Decouple consumers and producers

    • Provide a schema for every message • What happens if the consumer doesn’t know what to do with the schema? • Coordinated deployments What about event driven systems?
  15. Do it PERFECT. 19 # • Decouple consumers and producers

    • Provide a schema for every message • What happens if the consumer doesn’t know what to do with the schema? • Coordinated deployments What about event driven systems?
  16. Do it PERFECT. 20 # • A schema defines what

    the data should look like and potentially what interactions are allowed • Syntax • Abstract • A contract defines how two systems can communicate • Semantics • Concrete • Contract = schema + examples + other nice things Contract test vs. Schema https://pactflow.io/blog/schemas-are-not-contracts/
  17. Do it PERFECT. 22 # • Provide a mock (Test

    Double) • Have that mock respond the same as the remote service • Check if the response is the same from time to time • Should we check when we make a change to the consumer or the producer? Test double https://martinfowler.com/bliki/ContractTest.html
  18. Do it PERFECT. 23 # • Consumer creates contract •

    Pull request to the contract repository • Review by the producer • Consumer generates a stub based on the contract • Tests execute against the stub • Producer generates a stub against the contract • Tests execute against the stub • Changes to the producer break the build (before breaking the consumer) Contract testing workflow https://softwaremill.com/testing-microservices-contract-tests/
  19. Do it PERFECT. 24 # Pact for Java - REST

  20. Do it PERFECT. 25 # Pact for Java - REST

    https://www.baeldung.com/pact-junit-consumer-driven-contracts • Extend the “Integration tests” with a mechanism to ensure the two systems are in sync, by • Autogenerating a mock based on specification • Testing both sides for compatibility • Decoupling business logic tests (functional tests) from communication tests (contract tests) • We can still test the business logic on our end!
  21. Do it PERFECT. 26 # Pact for Java - Consumer

  22. Do it PERFECT. 27 # Pact for Java - Consumer

  23. Do it PERFECT. 28 # Pact for Java - Producer

  24. Do it PERFECT. 29 # • Setup is similar •

    Consumer defines what message is expected • Contract is published • Consumer uses autogenerated mock to “consume” a message • Producer uses autogenerated mock to check if a published message conforms to the contract • Kafka schema is not (!) checked • But usage of a schema is checked Pact for Java - Kafka https://docs.pact.io/recipes/kafka
  25. Do it PERFECT. 30 # Pact for Java – Kafka

    consumer https://docs.pact.io/recipes/kafka
  26. Do it PERFECT. 31 # Pact for Java – Kafka

    consumer https://docs.pact.io/recipes/kafka
  27. Do it PERFECT. 32 # Pact for Java – Kafka

    producer https://docs.pact.io/recipes/kafka
  28. Do it PERFECT. 33 # Pact for Java – Kafka

    producer https://docs.pact.io/recipes/kafka
  29. Do it PERFECT. 34 # • On the consumer side:

    • We want to mock a service so we can test things quickly • Mocking means we ensure that given an input it will return an output • We are actually interested in testing the consuming system, not the mocked/producing system • But to do that we need to be sure that what we have mocked is correct (the real system will indeed return a given output for a given input) What do we actually want to verify https://docs.pact.io/recipes/kafka • On the producer side: • We want to make sure if we make changes, we do not break the expectations of our consumers • We want to be sure we share the same understanding of the system as our consumers • We are not actually testing our code or our logic, just ensuring that changes are properly communicated (breaking the build would force us to communicate)
  30. Do it PERFECT. 35 # • Very similar, but: •

    A bit more verbose • No broker for contracts • Means you need to ensure contracts are trusted • Binds you into Spring • Although probably integrates better if you are already using Spring Spring Cloud Contract https://docs.spring.io/spring-cloud-contract/reference/getting-started/introducing-spring-cloud-contract.html
  31. Do it PERFECT. 37 # Don’t take it too far

    https://pactflow.io/blog/five-reasons-why-your-contract-testing-initiative-could-fail-and-how-to-avoid-them/ • Contract tests are meant to check the communication part between consumer and provider, not the full business logic • Use functional tests for this • For example, you can have one positive contract tests and one negative contract test for fraud detection, even if there are 100 cases when fraud detection reports a failure
  32. Do it PERFECT. 38 # Communication is key • Contract

    tests help in catching miscommunication • They won't fix the problem, only make it visible • Without the producing team running the test, nothing will work • Producing team has little incentive to run the tests
  33. Do it PERFECT. 39 # It’s still a test https://medium.com/contract-testing/contract-testing-navigating-through-common-pitfalls-e2a78c44a1da

    • Be wary of false positives and false negatives • Maybe the test does not check all fields in the contract • Maybe the test checks more fields than specified in the contract
  34. Do it PERFECT. 40 # Versioning + Dependencies • Contract

    tests show us when a contract changes • We need to figure out how to version changes and manage dependencies • No easy answer, but maybe a subject of another talk J